Horde Sporeggar rep raid starts today, reroll AP if you haven't already


Starting today i'm gonna run Sporeggar rep raid, if interested, just whisper "inv" to Sporeggar lvl 70 Goblin DK. Gonna try to do it every day at least while hallowed UC buff rep gain is active. First mass summon to the ledge in the cave where you can chill and not follow me in ghost form goes out around 9 pm server (6 am my time), and then every 2 hours, planning to do at least 4 hours a day, depending on my sanity. If you miss mass summon, you can still fly to Shatt and corpse run to cave.

Since there's gonna be probably more than 5 people, and raid requires minimum lvl 10, please be at least that level. And have some bag space for greens, running loot filter, so gonna loot only those, need/greed whatever you like.

Also if you haven't reroll on Aerie Peak, this is the time to do so, even if you planning for future, roll your toon, lvl to 10 and when you're ready, you can sport your new shroom tabard and sporebat pet. I abandoned full BOA priest on Queldorei and never looked back, community on AP is just that good. So see you folks tommorrow.

9PM server is too late for me ><

If it changes to between 2PM and 7PM server I'll be joining.
I guess i can do 2pm server, just let me know which day suits you best and i'll run earlier that day. I was assuming most will have time only after work and daily chores.
This guy is a relentless killing machine! Well into honored tonight, Amazed. Thanks to Bow and the other p2p that helped too. See you all tomorrow
Do you still get same amount of rep with 6 people or more?

After some trying out and dividing raid as we got Bow p2p to help, here's the conclusion: You get 15 rep per kill when in 5 man party, every other character will deduct around 20 percent, meaning that 5 man party plus another 5 man party equals 0 rep. I've got 16-17 rep gain because of rep bonus from guild.

5 man party 16 rep

5+1 party 16 - 3 (20 % of original 15) = 13

5+2 party 16 - 6 (40 % of original 15) = 10

5+3 party 16 - 9 (60 % of original 15) = 7

5+4 party 16 -12 (80 % of original 15) = 4

2 groups 100 % less reputation = 0

We did our first 6 hour streak, which got my DK to revered, still not clear if this rep gain is based upon number of ppl in party or based upon number of ppl gaining the rep, i'll figure it out tommorrow and that should clarify things. For those that were guilty for joining and causing others to earn less rep - don't be, every little bit counts and i dont mind grinding shit as long as i get at least 3 rep per kill.

Now because WSG weekend is ahead of us, we should prioritize to run some premades and get us BOA's, at least weapons for casters/healers, that spell power gain is just too massive to pass on it. And with rumors of BOA vendors being moved out of reach of f2p's, better be safe than sorry, so Sporeggar faction raid will stop for duration of wsg weekend. See you guys in game and thanks to all that participated today.
This starting @ 9pm server i killer for me. I feel asleep at like 1:15 and I imagine my char logged at around 1:30 my time 10:30 server. If you could do it at 2 server that would be awesome, after the weekend ofc. I want my shoulders and sexy mace
This starting @ 9pm server i killer for me. I feel asleep at like 1:15 and I imagine my char logged at around 1:30 my time 10:30 server. If you could do it at 2 server that would be awesome, after the weekend ofc. I want my shoulders and sexy mace

Raid will resume on monday 2pm server. You're welcome to chill on a top of mushroom. Keep in mind that it will get you to revered only, so you should be done fairly quick.

I will continue to run every day till 5 my characters are revered, then those that are revered are welcome to join for cave ride to exalted, probably next thursday. I will post update on that. I will then invite 3 characters per day, as there's limited number of mobs there and respawn isnt that quick, so need to make sure every day we get the job done (getting exalted status). In the case that we will not have full party (2x me + 3 revered ppl) we can invite ppl with less rep.

Then we will resume revered grind for other toons etc.

Regarding rep gain, i thought once i get my dk to the point where he's not gaining any more rep, it would allow me to invite one more person to the raid, which is sadly NOT the case, so we're sticking to max 7 more ppl per revered run (excluding my twink and dk) and 3 ppl per exalted run. See you in Zangarmarsh monday 2 pm :)

PS.For those asking - i'm just killing time till my company will have jobs lined up, so I will continue to run raids till my sub runs out (around Nov. 20), although i can't guarantee 6 hour streaks after my toons are exalted, but 2-3 hour shifts are fine with me. In the case i get called back to US sooner (possibility around Nov. 10) i might disappear for few weeks, till i get settled. In that case i will resume sub for few months anyway so those close to exalted will make it there later this year.

THanks for showing the spirit of the f2p bracket and doing something like this. Good stuff, makes me want to roll one
Is Monday the last run? I'd really like to be Exalted :<

Are you guys doing it 9PM tonight?
^ No not tonight. As far as I know, it isn't resuming until after the WSG weekend, and then he will be grinding rep for us and his toons until his sub runs out, which is a while yet. So i'd say you have plenty of time to join in on the action.

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