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  1. Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

    Hi, Are you still recruiting? (holy paladin) I've been trying to get in touch but can't seem to catch anyone online in the guild.
  2. Current state of Enhancement Shamans

    Not sure if mentioned already on the forums somewhere, but this has been datamined, possibly for 5.1: Brawler's Razor Claws - Item - World of Warcraft
  3. how to change realmlist from us to eu?

    You can just change a line in the file with notepad, which can be found in your WTF folder inside the WoW folder. All you have to do is change: SET locale "enUS" to whatever you want/need (which will be in most cases: SET locale "enGB"). If you're lazy, just make a spare
  4. Warsong

    *MY HAND IS A DOLPHIN* I contributed to the thread.
  5. f2ptwink password?

    i removed the password. People should keep an eye out for who's admin on the channel...
  6. f2ptwink password?

    i logged off at 11.40 and logged back on around 13.00 local time People who were online before i logged off and after i logged back on are: Mialu and Cleavington (as far as i can tell...), maybe they know who's been admin since i logged off (since i'm pretty sure i had admin before logging).
  7. f2ptwink password?

    Same problem for me, some funny-man must have been bored? This is stupid...
  8. Fury war boa?

    I didn't know if you meant exactly what you said, downside of forum discussions i guess... My apologies :) And as said before; i rarely have rage problems when dual wielding. Also, my white damage output is certainly on par, if not better then when equiping a 2h'er. If i can get my hands on...
  9. Fury war boa?

    Why would an ally not use the eyepatch. Don't go generalizing alliance warriors BiS 'cause of your personal decisions... Even with the "excessive" hit, the 8 agility is still better then the extra 4 stamina you would gain from LFH. Then if you think the BoA chest is more of an upgrade from...
  10. Fury war boa?

    First: Alliance has more hit from quest rewards, if you pick the useable BiS items. -> 18 hit rating, horde gets 15. Alliance: I know you didn't take the eye-patch, but that's no reason to say horde gets more hit from blues. A fury warrior needs around 7 hit rating to reach the pvp hit cap...
  11. Know Your F2P Twink

    Disneyland + broken unbalanced glasses... Couldn't find anything else :c
  12. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    Sorry to burst that bubble, but arena in this bracket is not close to being balanced around skill. Some comp's/classes will simply give the team an advantage 'cause it's that class/comp (assuming we're talking about matches where both teams know what game they're playing...). And gear also...
  13. Fury war boa?

    BoA in order of importance: PVE Shoulders (to get rid of excessive hit from the blue ones) PVE chest or Weapon(s) Trinket Also, I really think skullforge Reaver is the best mainhand for fury. There can and will be lots of discussion about the Offhand though. I personally like the extra...
  14. How important is crit for a warrior? Gearing advice

    Arguably BiS... I have, compared to your armory, 2 more raw AP and ~3.5% more crit at the cost of ~.40% hit. Even if you had the boa chest (6 AP and ~.6% crit extra) i'd still say i'm closer to a BiS simply 'cause of stats..
  15. The [Un]Official Rage Against Hunter Forum

    Hunter with ressurection sickness? lol'ed.
  16. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    Fury warriors have a slow... It's the lack of 'real' cc/interrupts that makes warriors kind-of-useless in 1v1 situations...
  17. An Epic battle of OP Classes vs NonOp Classes

    You be trollin' mon?
  18. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    Warriors are like the worst class to duel with; no interrupt, no cc, any class able to kite pretty much insta-wins, no way to get health back... And mirror matches (with equally geared warriors) are about who gets the crits/parries/dodges. SKILL! I honestly believe every other class is...
  19. Warrior macro help

    i use 4 macro's: /cast Battle Stance /equipslot 16 weapon 1 /equipslot 17 weapon 2 /cast Defensive Stance /equipslot 16 weapon /equipslot 17 shield /cast Bloodthirst /cast Attack /cast Battle Stance /cast Charge and besides my stance macro's i use keybinds just to change...
  20. Warrior macro help

    Simply put: you can't make a macro that will do that with only 1 keypress. You can however use this one and change to defstance with another button (this is what i use as my charge button, regardless of what stance i'm in): #showtooltip Charge /cast Battle Stance /cast Charge or...