Search results

  1. 19s and the PTR when next available.

    MB will be present.
  2. First twink bg on mage.

    No /focus keybind and no focus keybinds in sight. Moving along.
  3. Should i make a 19 heal pally.

    Butterflies pretty colors and kittens
  4. You know you play 19s too much when. . .

    . . . You think you can compete with someone like me.
  5. Lack of old bg forums killing the bracket as well?

    If you think that's a girl we have bigger issues than you may think.
  6. Lack of old bg forums killing the bracket as well?

    The drama made the bracket juicy, interesting. I guarantee we get no less than 100 viewers on the MB vs WT premade stream when it happens. It gives the community common things to talk about. Unfortunately that pug wsg game just isn't interesting enough by itself. The sooner people take hold of...
  7. Rl picture thread for 19s

    Swagga of a champion
  8. 14 pages of nothing but trolls and flamers

    You change opinions post by post. Bipolar disorder? I don't need to wait to see your next post to know your response: Yeah how did u know :) lol look at me Im funny. Try to be more creative this time eh?
  9. Rl picture thread for 19s Happy now?
  10. Rl picture thread for 19s

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting Enjoy.
  11. 14 pages of nothing but trolls and flamers

    You all disgust me, grow some maturity
  12. Verb's UI

    Interupt bar for casters at end game bro, don't forget that.
  13. Verb's UI

    If I wasn't restricted of my UI by playing at MLG levels I would doodoo on that UI, they're called Curse UI packs friends!
  14. For rogues and warriors?

    If I remember correctly you cannot bandage during BOP, only bubble.
  15. Best/Quickest way to level Herbalism

    Buy a bot brah
  16. How much gold have you spend on your twink?

    All mine were funded. Sucks for you people that suck.
  17. Can Waw Tawent keep us?

    Yea just make sure u don't read dakoduh's posts, they may turn you clueless.
  18. <masta ballerz> Now ''exclusively' recruiting

    we're doin our thing and you gotta respect that
  19. Can Waw Tawent keep us?

    Hello my name is dakota and I suck at being passive aggressive.
  20. Can Waw Tawent keep us?

    keep dodging broski