Best/Quickest way to level Herbalism

So has the title says whats the best/quickest way to level herbalism and where should i level after 75 skill?
Buy a bot brah
after 75 go south east of ratchet in the barrens, skin some tigas and end up with the girafe and raptors and then go to STV

Swagasaur your avatar scare me
Nakedplumber said:
after 75 go south east of ratchet in the barrens, skin some tigas and end up with the girafe and raptors and then go to STV

What exactly do "tigas" and "girafe" and raptors have to do with herbalism?

I believe herb/skinning was fixed, so the best way would be to throw some gold at a high level and follow a guide, having the aforementioned high level protect you along the way.
I always found myself a buddy he'd gather when I couldn't and I'd help make it worth it to him.
alliance after you hit 75+:

- westfall......redridge.....duskwood.....upper STV

- loch modan.....wetlands.....arathi highlands

- bloodmyst isle....darkshore....ashenvale....stonetalon


- northern barrens.....ashenvale.....stonetalon

- silverpine forest.....hillsbrad......arathi highlands

- ghostalnds.....then onto choice of above

85 level is needed for stranglekelp, you can swin around from top of westfall all the way to booty bay and farm herbing to 150
YouGottaDoor said:
What exactly do "tigas" and "girafe" and raptors have to do with herbalism?

I believe herb/skinning was fixed, so the best way would be to throw some gold at a high level and follow a guide, having the aforementioned high level protect you along the way.

Some people confirmed it still works but I don't believe them.

collect bruiseweed until you can collect briarthorn, then wild steelbloom/briarthorn at duskwood or ashenvale.

STV once you can pick kingsblood, and at 150 collect liferoot along the water, STV, too.

Don't know whereto afterwards cuz I'm still lvling mine.
Liferoot up and down the river at Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad.
Sosaye said:
Liferoot up and down the river at Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad.

pre-cata's gone after cata. no liferoot
150-225 (240 if tauren) go run around the lake in western plaguelands, there is a bunch of liferoot and no mobs that attack you (except a rare spawn if he's out)...

best spot imo....
The worst part of my method is 125-150 can be really slow. On the plus side you get a ton of briarthorn/mageroyal which can be used to create consumables. 210-225 was also a little slower since nodes were green, but I was so close to being done with herbalism I really didn't mind too much. There is also stranglekelp further into the lake as well. You could probably go there at 125 and just pick that until 150.

Also the rare was up when I was doing this but as a mage I could just blink past him. Other classes I have no idea =/
allahkazam said:
The worst part of my method is 125-150 can be really slow. On the plus side you get a ton of briarthorn/mageroyal which can be used to create consumables. 210-225 was also a little slower since nodes were green, but I was so close to being done with herbalism I really didn't mind too much. There is also stranglekelp further into the lake as well. You could probably go there at 125 and just pick that until 150.

Also the rare was up when I was doing this but as a mage I could just blink past him. Other classes I have no idea =/

He doesn't hit very hard, on my hunter i killed him on my rogue i just backstrafed and gouged.

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