You know you play 19s too much when. . .

. . . You pull into a gas station, see a pump for "Diesel" fuel and think to yourself "They misspelled that".

. . . You see someone take a few steps backwards and think "ssssssssssssss".
. . . You think you can compete with someone like me.
... When u suddenly go for a rampage and kill severeal norwegian youths. Yes , Anders breivik did play WoW.

when your 19 is your main
. . . you capitalize Awesome.

. . . you order from Pizza Hut and can't stop thinking about Waw Tawent.

. . . you doodle and every stick figure you draw has serpent's shoulders.

. . . you pause your porn because your WSG popped.

. . . you watch Man Tracker and think "stupid OP'd hunters".
harleybow said:
you spend (or thinking about it) $100 just so you have a mount.

qft .
when ur having sex w/ ur gf and u cant stop hearing the wsg pop in ur head

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