<masta ballerz> Now ''exclusively' recruiting

bankbeauty said:
I hardly doubt anyone ANYONE ever said he wasn't.

You must not have browsed Cyclone forums during the early days of <Pizza Hut> then ;p
Athylle said:
You must not have browsed Cyclone forums during the early days of <Pizza Hut> then ;p

I miss bolts :(

But sorry to take too long to those who've posted in the last bit, I currently have a hangover and am in no position to currently be making rational decisions and I'll get around to replying to the other apps/requests tonight. I have no intention of dodging pizza, it's just a matter of keeping people interested, which is a challenge in and of itself.
self-righteous bump
Id join but I don't think dakoduh is a type of pokemon....

I trashed you guys earlier sorry:)
dakoduh77 said:
Id join but I don't think dakoduh is a type of pokemon....

I trashed you guys earlier sorry:)

Full on judgemental druids.

Thanks for the apology though.
dakoduh77 said:
Id join but I don't think dakoduh is a type of pokemon....

I trashed you guys earlier sorry:)

Pretty sure we don't care what some little kid says. =)
allahkazam said:
at least masta ballerz didn't try to terrain exploit to turtle a flag for 18 minutes for a win. they are respectable.

You can't always expect maturity from one so young!
allahkazam said:
at least masta ballerz didn't try to terrain exploit to turtle a flag for 18 minutes for a win. they are respectable.

Haterz gonna hate. I mean did you guys lose? No? so don't QQ.
dakoduh77 said:
Haterz gonna hate. I mean did you guys lose? No? so don't QQ.

l0l hatrz g0nn4 h4te! I men common guis think about it, if u think abt it logicly, since it didnt wrk, it dosnt matter!

just liek if I attmpt murder, and I cnt kill them, its unpunishableby law cuz it didnt wrk! lol c the logic now?
It didn't work because I screamed into skype for the rest of the people in my guild to stack on me and look up to see where the FC was. Good thing we had a rogue that could shadowstep up there. Pioneer pokemon will remember that the next time we see you in a game though.

Back to the topic at hand.

Saw a few from masta ballerz in a game yesterday. I believe they had 3 and pioneer pokemon had 4. Was a good effort all around. Looking forward to more battles in the gulch! Good luck in recruiting as well!
Swagasaur said:
laughing out loud haters will always hate! I mean come on guys think about it, if you think about it logically, since it didnt work, therefore, it doesn't matter!

just like if I attempted murder, and I couldn't kill them, its unpunishable by law because it didnt work! laughing out loud do you see the logic now?

i'm getting flamed for this, but i fixed it.
chíll said:
i'm getting flamed for this, but i fixed it.

If I could "thank" you I would. It's like a balm for my eyes.
Oh and back on topic - these guys have been active and making a strong showing in the gulch as of late.
we're doin our thing and you gotta respect that

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