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  1. Bankbeauty leaving the 10s community

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Well GL to you in whatever you decide to do. Much respect from me for helping get something going in this bracket. Wish I could have been around to enjoy it with you and now you're gone. :(
  2. Bankbeauty Arena Wargames Tournament.

    Good to know. Looks like this bracket is finally getting the love it deserves. Keep it up.
  3. Bankbeauty Arena Wargames Tournament.

    What about runes of warding on formal dangai? Or did that get changed along with the rest of the enchants in 4.1?
  4. Level 11 rogue?

    10 or 14. anything else is pointless
  5. Enchant Chest - Major Resilience

    Losing the Dodge is a bummer, but, in the long run it fixes a bigger problem and might entice people to start playing 10's more. 15-19 is still horrible, but, at least there is more class parity in the 10-14 bracket.
  6. Enchant Chest - Major Resilience

    Glad I've been stockpiling the Rogue's Decks chest peices.
  7. How did bankbeauty do this?

    Cadet's Shield of Blocking is what you're looking for. If you're a protection spec'd warrior, then you should have also have Belt (+3 dodge) and Cloak of Defense (+2 dodge), +5 dodge enchant to bracers, and +12 dodge or Stealth (+8 dodge/+8 agi) With that set up, you'll want a Felsteel...
  8. Bankbeauty Guide Making for Level 10 - Suggestion

    I'm sure it focuses more on proper gear selection based on the talent tree you choose.
  9. Race Change back is for free!

    I'm wondering how you sent your ticket in. Did you tell them you made a mistake on the faction transfer or something like you moved to be with friends and then they up and left you all alone? Nice find. I may have to try this when I get my stuff in order and return to the level 10's
  10. Possible way to Make 19s fun again?

    Bring level 10's back to the bracket and all the hunter hate goes away.............. Just sayin
  11. <ExTENzE> will soon be recruiting on Medivh! (ALLY)

    I like "exploiTEN" or "is a One Zero Hero" or Level Ten Pimps (LTP) or You bleed like Mai Lei
  12. 10 twink vs 14 twink

    at 14 you get disengage for huntard. Rogue is also pretty decent since doge rating still scales pretty well and you'll hit harder since you'll have a little bit better gear.
  13. Why do people make level 10 twinks?

    I miss some of my grear from my original account, but, no big deal. When I get things sorted out, I'll be starting a DK on Medvih to help support my level 10 there
  14. Why do people make level 10 twinks?

    I'd totally roll up a toon or jedi mind trick my wife to let me pay for a character transfer, if I wasn't already dealing with real life bs. I''m glad to see you guys getting things going. Hopefully it continues until I can get this sorted out and join you.
  15. Why do people make level 10 twinks?

    I can't really speak for anyone else, but, I made my original level 10 twink about 3 months after battlegrounds were first introduced. Level 60 pvp had gotten stale and I was leveling a new character. I came across some 19 twinks wanting to duel me. They were scrubs but eventually they put me...
  16. Low Level Problems + Solutions

    I think one of the best fixes would be to include more solid terrain obstacles in WSG. Replacing AB with BFG as the 2nd low level battleground would also impove things. It helps the non-ranged classes without actually touching any class directly.
  17. BiS Fury Warr

    Absolutely, but, you're not talking about 100's of points of damage in burst difference. You're talking about 20-40. And the span of one global cooldown, at most. And if a warrior actually gets someone close to being dead, they are spaming Execute which is always going to deal more if you...
  18. BiS Fury Warr

    Not sure I'm following this here. Rage is based on base weapon speed since Cata, is it not?
  19. BiS Fury Warr

    Except that warriors don't start with full rage bars. That simply isn't a realistic scenario for todays warrior. Warriors don't have the same utility or durability that they used do. You don't spend extended periods of time where you have built up rage. You generally don't have the luxury of...
  20. BiS Fury Warr

    But rage is not calulated on damage anymore. it's swing speed. Mass has highest 1h swing speed and with haste you're getting the best rage generating weapon as faster speeds. It generates quicker for you to unleash consecutive specials and have big execute crits.