Bankbeauty Arena Wargames Tournament.

I am geared and ready :)


. . . and feeling a bit naked :)
It's lieing to everyone to say my rules were aiming at that.

For example here's 2 Chardev,

My actual BiS one

Tournament Legit one

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm BiS survival Ret setup

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm This is a legit one, with Grandfathered 4.0.1 gear and still obtainable gear. No BoA weapon or Shoulder.

The difference?

With the BiS GF'd gear and BoA you get only

-6 more DPS overall on stats.

On Dummy it's 7,9 DPS lost. Is it such a game-breaking? Is it so shocking that you can no longer be worth it?

What is it to loose 7,9 DPS to get a perfect fair bracket?

And in before: Well since it's only 7,9Dps why not keep it. Well, simply because those behind, can't get the 7,9 dps, us, that have it, can go down to fit with everyone.
Dangerdoom said:
I always thought the point was to gear and skill better than the next guy in order to advantage yourself and win.



It's hard to attract new people to your bracket if you insist on lording an unbridgeable gear advantage over them. Just food for thought.
Chralz said:
I got a druid without any Grandfathered and i think its some bad rules to..... WTF what about thoose who do not have other gear than the Grandfathered and again Stungy dont even have any Grandfathered him self....

You get some. Anyway, if you're from Europe and bother being a douche like that, maybe you should just consider not posting in my thread?

My point was to get an arena tournament where everyone could compete at an equal level. Like Siwtz or Riv said, I'm trying to recruit some new players and I'm trying to focus on the idea that it is possible to get it done and have fun with you guys new toons. Also, after doing several wargames, I can tell you that, it is seriously frustrating whne you win a game, and all you get is, if only I had BoA.

You guys, you and all the other that went mad crazy about it, probably didn't understand a bit of what I meant. I wasn't aiming at getting everyone run naked, it seems a lot just didn't understand. If you have grandfathered gear, get new one. We been promoting the fact that gearing 10s is really easy, why don't you just regeard yourself a little? Not interested in doing it, then don't join the tournament.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything. I'm just bored of posting videos on Youtube and all I get in PM is, I wish I've got all the grandfathered, I would have roll a toon these day. Or things like that.

I'm also deeply bored to get, Lawl'10s comment. Clicker, keyboard turner, comment all the time. How am I, how are we supposed to promote our bracket if all we see in videos, is keyboard turner beating averagely good player simply because they rolled an op class during wotlk?

If you guys understood in the no grandfathered gear rules that you shouldn't reequip another piece of gear in that spot, then I'm deeply sorry, but god you failed.

I just proved ith Chardev and doing it myself that it wasn't such a big downer. Realized this morning that my durable mailshouulder were on, which is GF'd, but that didn't change it anyway. Stats are still the same.

If you guys only focus on, I have grandfathered, I worked for it, now let's reck some face, then fuck it, I'm not interested in talking to you about anything related to 10-14 bracket. If you only focus on shitting bricks, shit bricks, I won't do it.

I'm not trying to get a war if Grandfathered or BoA are legit in this bracket.

If you want to talk about rules just PM me anytime. I'm willing to change rules if I get interesting proposition.

Chralz said:
HAHA Minor channeling ring isnt legit its Grandfathered.....

I saved Chardev profile, in before changing the 1 ring.

I hope it's enough and now keep my damn thread about tournament. If you want to talk about rules, PM me. If not, just don't do it.

IF you talk about something again, not related, I'll have to contact mods to get my thread cleaned, Thanks.
Rivfader said:
It's hard to attract new people to your bracket if you insist on lording an unbridgeable gear advantage over them. Just food for thought.

For f***ing god sake. Finally someone understanding.
More food for thought. At 19 and above the 1 or 2 point stat differences on grandfathered gear (except [item]nail spitter[/item], [item]skullbreaker[/item], and wrath enchants for 49s) isn't a big deal. At 10 with stat scaling the way it is those 1 or 2 rating points represent a significant net gain.
Just me putting my 2 sense in.... I understand the restriction on the gear to make it more fair but i dont really agree with it. If people were active before 4.0.1 / 4.1 then they sould be able to use the gear they worked for. It just happens to be the 10 bracket was hit HORRIBLY hard by grandfathered gear. Again just posting my 2 sense.

Edit: Riv stop skillsurging me in wsg >.<
Well again, These are firm rules, that's it.
Currently looking for a partner, need a post-cata geared toon to team with a survival ret pally. Would like a resto shammy or any high bursty class, thanks.
What about runes of warding on formal dangai? Or did that get changed along with the rest of the enchants in 4.1?
fochixi said:
What about runes of warding on formal dangai? Or did that get changed along with the rest of the enchants in 4.1?

Formal Dangui Item level is now level 1, Greater rune of warding can no longer be applied to it

EDIT: Still looking for a Post-cata player PSt
bankbeauty said:
Currently looking for a partner, need a post-cata geared toon to team with a survival ret pally. Would like a resto shammy or any high bursty class, thanks.

Omg PiCk MEE!!
bankbeauty said:
Currently looking for a partner, need a post-cata geared toon to team with a survival ret pally. Would like a resto shammy or any high bursty class, thanks.

I wanna be your partner!, dunno if ill get my AGM fast enough to xfer over for it though, or my pvp trinket, but if i do, id like to be your partner =D?
Hugzlol said:
I wanna be your partner!, dunno if ill get my AGM fast enough to xfer over for it though, or my pvp trinket, but if i do, id like to be your partner =D?

PM me we'll take about it
bankbeauty said:
Formal Dangui Item level is now level 1, Greater rune of warding can no longer be applied to it

Good to know.

Looks like this bracket is finally getting the love it deserves. Keep it up.
2 Team registered, 8 More to start the tournament. Go on, register your teams!

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