Level 11 rogue?


I was wondering if a level 11 rogue twink would work?

You get 1 extra talent point

You can get Talon of Vultros (11.2 DPS 2.0 speed dagger 3 agi 1 hit, very slow indeed) High ambush crits

You can get Stendel's Wedding Band x2 (6.19% crit 12.38% if you get 2)

It seems like the crit chance would be about the same because you get the 5 crit rings, the only difference is the 1 extra talent point and higher DPS

I didn't look that deep into the matter but there are probably level 11 quests in there which would also benefit from this

And 1 last thing, does the 10-14 bracket accept 11 12 13 or 14 twinks or is it 10 only?

Tell me your thoughts on this matter

Was just wondering :p
10 or 14. anything else is pointless
We accept anything. If you can get it to work, Do it!
I wouldnt even think about level 11 because of all the grandfathered gear and stat scaling is lesser; level 11 doesnt bring alot new stuff either; level 14 is a good option these days unless you want to benefit the most from stats, wich is level 10 all about but rogues cant be bis anymore at level 10 or 11 without the grandfathered (pre Cata and Cata) gear in the first place; i would go make a 14 if i would reroll.

Its all about what you prefer ofc and every level is welcome not just 10s and 14s :)
Like I said, if you think it worth it, do it

i would say 10 or 14. if u go 11, ok, but u lose the scaling of 10 and do not get all the talents and gear of 14, so just doesn't make snese to me. BUT i would support it if thats what u want to do :)

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