BiS Fury Warr


Really interested in making a perfect Fury Warr. Chausses of Westfall are my only GFed item but if anyone could post a list or an armory of a perfect Fury Warr setup

Thanks :)
You also only need a Gutterblade to be perfectly BiS. But some dont even use it.
Kiwifruit said:

For all your 4.0.6 needs. In regards to the glove enchant I personally use +10 haste, even though its probably worse than +7 str.

It's not. Haste is very important for warriors. Dual Mass of Mcgown would be bis, IMO. raw stats will point to one of the 2.7 weapons main hand (shadowfang or pvp sword) then Gutterblade in the off hand. Or possibly Crescent Axe for the str and hit boost.

dps runs show me dual mass putting out more damage than any of those set ups. Better burst, more rage..........but I'm sure you'll get some other advice from the next person who reponds. GL
Even though dual BoA mace may provide more dps, I highly doubt it provides more burst simply because most (if not all) of a warriors burst is from specials. By sporting weapons without strength you get weaker specials therefore less burst.
Per hit you do slightly less damage yes, but, you have more rage to work with, so you're able to cast more specials............and still have enough to maintain PH spam. Shadowfang doesn't have str last time i checked and it's regarded as the BiS main hand weapon with Gutterblade in off hand. You also add crit.

You're not going to one shot anything, so "burst" can't really be measured accurately in single hits. You have to look at spans of time. Measure it in dps or predetermined amounts of time and you'll come out ahead stacking haste.

Well worth the 120 hp loss while AGM is on cooldown, IMO.
When you need burst you stack up rage to blow it all in a short period of time, coupled with Crusader. In my opinion there's no advantage in sacrificing damage just so you can generate more rage during a burst period because you should start it with full rage and it should be over by the time you don't have any more rage.

But hey, that's how I do it, I'm sure many others use different playstyles.

Sorry for any mistake I may have done, it's getting late here :)
But rage is not calulated on damage anymore. it's swing speed. Mass has highest 1h swing speed and with haste you're getting the best rage generating weapon as faster speeds. It generates quicker for you to unleash consecutive specials and have big execute crits.
fochixi said:
Well worth the 120 hp loss while AGM is on cooldown, IMO.

Eh, with warriors time on target. I have to disagree.
fochixi said:
But rage is not calulated on damage anymore. it's swing speed. Mass has highest 1h swing speed and with haste you're getting the best rage generating weapon as faster speeds. It generates quicker for you to unleash consecutive specials and have big execute crits.

I think you didn't get what I mean. In a burst period you don't need so much rage generation, as you should start it with a full rage bar. No point in giving up on damage just to generate even more rage, since your target should be dead or at least in pressure after you unleash your specials. Unless you want a burst period to be weaker but last longer?
Dutchman said:
Eh, with warriors time on target. I have to disagree.

This makes no sense.

If you have trouble with ToT surely you'd sacrifice other stats to make your burst larger for the times when you're actually ontop of said target.
Comedred said:
I think you didn't get what I mean. In a burst period you don't need so much rage generation, as you should start it with a full rage bar. No point in giving up on damage just to generate even more rage, since your target should be dead or at least in pressure after you unleash your specials. Unless you want a burst period to be weaker but last longer?

Except that warriors don't start with full rage bars. That simply isn't a realistic scenario for todays warrior. Warriors don't have the same utility or durability that they used do. You don't spend extended periods of time where you have built up rage. You generally don't have the luxury of just picking and choosing which targets to engage while your team rallies around you and you have a healer humping your leg.......because warriors are no longer a 2handed big damage burst class at level 19. They are rogues in mail, but worse. Good players put, and keep, warriors in combat. Rage bar is, more often than not, zeroed out at the beginning of each encounter and you only get rage generated off initial Charge, if you can get it, and/or rage potion.
Warrior rage generation does not scale with swing speed. As long as two weapons have the same dps their rage generation will be the same, regardless of the weapons swing speed. That said, haste will indeed increase rage generation.
Kore nametooshort said:
Warrior rage generation does not scale with swing speed. As long as two weapons have the same dps their rage generation will be the same, regardless of the weapons swing speed. That said, haste will indeed increase rage generation.

Not sure I'm following this here. Rage is based on base weapon speed since Cata, is it not?
Although both can do the same amount of TOTAL damage, damage over time is not as game changing as burst damage. If a healer or FC has 400hp left and you hit him with a 500critical strike that changes the game. If you put a couple DOT's on him that do a total of 500 damage, depending on the situation, it may or may not change anything. This of course is an extreme senario but you can see how gearing toward burst is better.
Absolutely, but, you're not talking about 100's of points of damage in burst difference. You're talking about 20-40. And the span of one global cooldown, at most. And if a warrior actually gets someone close to being dead, they are spaming Execute which is always going to deal more if you have more rage........which is exactly what haste gives you.

"burst" Set up of: Shadowfang/Gutterblade, Tumultuous Cloak of the Soldier, BoA Valor Helm, and +7 glove enchant.


Haste Set up of: Mass x2, BoA Gargoyle Cloak, BoA Berzerking Helm, and +10 haste

You lose 17 Strength, 2 crit rating, but gain 6 stam, 6 agi, and 20 haste

Stamina isn't really a big deal, but, it's a nice to offset the lose from AGM when it's on cooldown and you sport the BoA Haste trinket.

The lose of 2 crit rating and addition of 6 agi almost offset each other in terms of offensive impact. So you're only losing 17 strength. That's not going to drop your burst as much as people are leading on. But, whatever, I tried to help.


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