Race Change back is for free!



I dont know if this has been posted before. Today I asked GM that I did big mistake by changing my troll into undead and if there is any possibility of changing him back to troll without paying. And by my big happines he said it is possible but you wont get your money back for it.

Im pretty sure this works with faction change too so if you want something from opposite faction and want to go afterwards back to yours, dont spend your money twice!
Interesting, post a screenshot will ya?
Løgsovs said:
Please post screenshot :p

first: this name is allmost as awsome as chuck norris kicking babies.

all the other things: SS wuld be verry verry nice allso some info about the change -stuff like how long time after the change did you open the ticket and did you (if posible ?) obtain any undead specific item in your undead period- gennerally info about stuff that a GM wuld use as a reason for NOT changing you bck..
I did this on my 10lvl twink, i faction changed to human but few days aftrer i asked if he can change me to nelf, and he did it.
I didnt do that, I ssed the conversation (will post SSs later) and I said I will maybe use this in near future so Im still undead.
For the love of god, post a SS. That's an awesome find :D
I'm wondering how you sent your ticket in. Did you tell them you made a mistake on the faction transfer or something like you moved to be with friends and then they up and left you all alone?

Nice find. I may have to try this when I get my stuff in order and return to the level 10's
fochixi said:
I'm wondering how you sent your ticket in. Did you tell them you made a mistake on the faction transfer or something like you moved to be with friends and then they up and left you all alone?


Can you let us know how you worded your ticket?
Epic find. A bit hesitant to try this and end up being stuck on the wrong side of the fence. This proof brings great news though. Any other success stories?
Opinion said:
Epic find. A bit hesitant to try this and end up being stuck on the wrong side of the fence. This proof brings great news though. Any other success stories?

Yeah ofc its not always 100% sure if u get back to ur own faction but im a good example of it, just make sure ur polite (common sense) and do ur best. Nah man dont have any other successess to post but hopefully find some more later.

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