<ExTENzE> will soon be recruiting on Medivh! (ALLY)


ok, so i plan on startin this tonight. what about the guild name? any comments?

*edit* prolly pick a diff guild name, so leave any thoughts :)
<Beats on other tens>

I wont be starting til this weekend.

So when people start joining can you pm me

what class we would need the most.
hmmm, well, 9 other guilds with that name, so wouldn't be "ours" so my ideas on guild name......


<Beats on Fourteens>

<Beats on BoN>



<Perfect TENs>


<Big Boy Pants>

<Xp Bad>


p.s. startin DK right now to save a guild name as we get our toons redy
I like



"is a One Zero Hero"


Level Ten Pimps (LTP)


You bleed like Mai Lei
wow, didnt realize i would get this kind of reaction, my bad. anyone got any better names? i just wanted it to play off <Beats on Nineteens>....i mean, it's better than <Beats off Nineteens>....omg, did i just say that? sorry, just joking. i would be glad to start another one, if the name is an issue :)
lol i say you just pick something normalish. :)

people tend to be iffy on guild names that are confusing (altcodes/hidden meanings/etc.) :p beats on nineteens is simple and straight forward.

hmm... do my guildies hate my guild name tooo?!?!
I vote for <Beats on BoN> =D Yes Jafizz I like the name =)
Please check out my other post on the other thread about this exact same topic, but I humbly request that we focus the Alliance guild on Bladefist, as there are already a few Alliance 10s there.

I'm starting a guild there - <Mariachi> - and I will be providing gear and enchants. Just gimme a bit.
Wait your making a 10 guild on Bladefist? Dats my home server hehe Used to ave a 10 guild there, still have my main 10... kud i join?

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