Why do people make level 10 twinks?


Did these replace level 1 twinks or something because of cataclysm? The only level 10 twinks i remembered were the ones with super high dodge ratings and almost all of them named 'evadebugged' lol. What made them start being popular or whatever. Do they do pve raids like level 1 twink guilds used to do and do they have big guilds or something? I just don't see the point. You could do bg's but that seems like it would fail with 14s being in the group?
I think the reasons are:

1) no more healers for lvl1 twinks. This pretty much killed many lvl1 guilds. And we can't pve like we used to. You need to go lvl5+ to 'raid' again.

2) LFH + deadmines

As for 10s pvp I have no idea. I have 3 lvl1 twinks and used to have a lvl10, but the feel of it is much different as you feel more like a mini 19 and loose the epic feeling of being a lvl1. Just my 2 cents
what i can't understand is why people make lvl 19 twinks i mean come on all you can do is a little pve and only 2 BGs why not just lvl to 85 and do what the game is intended for which is end game stuff..... wait people twink lowwer lvl char's for fun??? what does fun have to do with WoW? how dare someone make something that is fun for them and makes their $15 a month actually go towards something. that's not what WoW is about its about doing what everyone else is doing and questioning why someone does something different. lets say you make a twink hmmm say lvl 19 XD i know funny joke lol a lvl 19 twink no one makes those anymore since cataclysm hit, but stay with me. ok lets say you make a lvl 19 and lets name him hmmm "Gibson" and im guessing he'd be a mail wearing class and probably a human with a beard. now you spend lots of time on him getting him a nice fish smelling hat and a tabard with a mushroom that looks like a penis. now you spend most of your playing time on this character and give him the best gear you can get and do all kinds of pve and pvp with him. now lets introduce a lvl 29 twink or even a lvl 85 and they ask you " Hey why did you twink out that char? don't you know twinks died with cata?" ..... what would you say to him/her?

people make lvl 10 twinks or any lvl twink because they find them fun, they want something different and it's how they want to spend their $15 bucks it might not make sense to every but you know what? FUCK them your the one whos paying for your game time so do w/e you want. they make them because it gives them something to do and they have fun with it. it's as simple as that.
That ^
Lythe said:
what i can't understand is why people make lvl 19 twinks i mean come on all you can do is a little pve and only 2 BGs why not just lvl to 85 and do what the game is intended for which is end game stuff..... wait people twink lowwer lvl char's for fun??? what does fun have to do with WoW? how dare someone make something that is fun for them and makes their $15 a month actually go towards something. that's not what WoW is about its about doing what everyone else is doing and questioning why someone does something different. lets say you make a twink hmmm say lvl 19 XD i know funny joke lol a lvl 19 twink no one makes those anymore since cataclysm hit, but stay with me. ok lets say you make a lvl 19 and lets name him hmmm "Gibson" and im guessing he'd be a mail wearing class and probably a human with a beard. now you spend lots of time on him getting him a nice fish smelling hat and a tabard with a mushroom that looks like a penis. now you spend most of your playing time on this character and give him the best gear you can get and do all kinds of pve and pvp with him. now lets introduce a lvl 29 twink or even a lvl 85 and they ask you " Hey why did you twink out that char? don't you know twinks died with cata?" ..... what would you say to him/her?

people make lvl 10 twinks or any lvl twink because they find them fun, they want something different and it's how they want to spend their $15 bucks it might not make sense to every but you know what? FUCK them your the one whos paying for your game time so do w/e you want. they make them because it gives them something to do and they have fun with it. it's as simple as that.

You sound mad.

Was wanting to know if thats where all the level 1's went but you can rage and post common sense like that. You totally have the wrong idea for this post but whatever. Hopefully i'll get another ragemode paragraph or two out of you.
:O maybe they moved to the 1-9 forums? lvl 1's are still around but alot of people left because of the lose of healing but peopel still play them to get achievements. and titles and we get one of these threads made like ever month or so and alot of lvl 19's come down here to "bitch" and question why people play lvl 10s so when a thread like this is made ^^ it isn't really welcomed with open arms. and level 10s have always been popular they just happen to be one of the flavors of the month at this time
well do you think it is? at the end of the day its all about what you think. lvl 10s are fun and bankbeauty does awesome things on his if you do make a lvl 10 start new on his server or transfer
Lythe said:
well do you think it is? at the end of the day its all about what you think. lvl 10s are fun and bankbeauty does awesome things on his if you do make a lvl 10 start new on his server or transfer

This was the only post I understood... after the other ones I was kinda speechless... the hell are you even talkign about???
it's funny because bankbeauty and Djaed both understood what i was trying to get across and even the OP got the gist of it. i think you only understood the last thing i said because i said "Bankbeauty" in it. IMO you didn't even full read the others you looked for the smallest amount of reading and happened to see the name of one of the twinks you fan boy over. so if you don't understand try re-reading it slowly and if you still don't get what i was trying to say please message bankbeauty as im sure he'll be nice enough to put it in a way you can understand.
I can't really speak for anyone else, but, I made my original level 10 twink about 3 months after battlegrounds were first introduced. Level 60 pvp had gotten stale and I was leveling a new character. I came across some 19 twinks wanting to duel me. They were scrubs but eventually they put me in touch with a good twink who had a guild and I started doing that. About a month into twinking at 19, I came across a level 10 rogue and was having a tough time taking him down. It was all still pretty new at that point and many people thought it was hacking. I eventually figured out how to beat him with my warrior, but, it lead to me making a level 10 warrior to see if I could make something like that.

With the 19 bracket being overrun with rogues at that time, I had several level 10 warriors that were pretty amazing all the way through bc. I kept opposing premades honest and unable to simply stack rogues and healing. If they stacked heavy on melee, I broke out the tanking gear, spamstring and moonwalk the flag back. If they were heavy on clothies, I went with the dps gear intorduced them to some haste stacking and crit rating.

Through the years the warrior went from varying degrees of protection specialist or dps juggernaut, but, it was always fun.

Cata really messed things up, but, if the bracket ever got active again, I know that's where I would be. It still has pretty good balance, just not enough people
fochixi said:
Cata really messed things up, but, if the bracket ever got active again, I know that's where I would be. It still has pretty good balance, just not enough people

That's what we're focusing on right now! Getting more people into it :D

I had someone PMing me about making a sort of requiem for level 10 video. Might work on that soon. We're working hard, might not seems like it, but we are, takes gold and times and patience, but I think, at the end, if we can get few people to get to play the fun level 10, I'll be more then happy.
jafizz said:
roses are red,

violets are blue,

bamfcow is ready,

hes waiting for you!

I'd totally roll up a toon or jedi mind trick my wife to let me pay for a character transfer, if I wasn't already dealing with real life bs.

I''m glad to see you guys getting things going. Hopefully it continues until I can get this sorted out and join you.
hah well i never said u had to xfer /cough. for wargames we have been talking a bit about restricting boa's in wargames... only when were wargaming with people who dont have them. so reallly, your only problem will be the grandfathered gear ;P

and no im not giving my grandfathered gear up!!!

/drools over bamfcow's grandfathered gearsss <3
I miss some of my grear from my original account, but, no big deal. When I get things sorted out, I'll be starting a DK on Medvih to help support my level 10 there

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