Search results

  1. Simmeon

    EU What happens after the level squish?

    Will we even be able to bg queue? Will our lvl 20s be level 8 max level? If its been posted please link
  2. Simmeon

    WOD Healers

    How are they performing in bgs. Especially monks.
  3. Simmeon

    Rhae's F2P TCG Loot Giveaway!

    Count me in!
  4. Simmeon

    Anyone thinking about rolling a Prot Warrior?

    Give me a PM, you will be happy you did.
  5. Simmeon

    Questions & Answers

    It makes us feel good.
  6. Simmeon

    How much is this worth ? serious bids

    It's worth what someone is willing to pay. How much is the time you invested worth?
  7. Simmeon

    New years resolutions!

    Roll a warlock.
  8. Simmeon

    The Best Healer Class?

    I like priest healers. Nothing better than bubble, instant root and fear.
  9. Simmeon

    Are You Ready For Warlords of Draenor?

    Yes, though It took about a week from start to finish.
  10. Simmeon

    Are You Ready For Warlords of Draenor?

    I sent a ticket to blizzard, requesting they add my F2P account to my P2P account, thus merging them.
  11. Simmeon

    Are You Ready For Warlords of Draenor?

    How many have linked a P2P to F2P account in preparation of Warlords of Draenor? - I managed to get mine merged a month ago.
  12. Simmeon

    Most populated server

    Well every time I try and play on Twisting Nether. It's always locked or has a massive queue of around 136-200 people.
  13. Simmeon

    Vent Your Frustrations II

    I makes me smile in the 10-14 bracket when that happens.
  14. Simmeon

    Oliks' Arena Grand Master Boosting Service

    Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master I purchased two Arena Grand Master Trinkets from Oliks. Delivery Time: A Communication: A Would I Use The Service Again?: HELL YEAH! If you are serious about getting your character an AGM, then you really need to order from this Oliks. Stop wasting...
  15. Simmeon

    "Useful Hunter Pets for CC."

    I currently use the wasp, it's great for interrupting healers, but also peeling melee. The 45 sec cooldown is WIN. Tried the others but prefer WASP still.
  16. Simmeon

    wtf the bracer/glove gemming glitch still works?

    Seen someone with gemmed gear in a bg, the gem stats were red, so not sure if they still gain an advantage or not.
  17. Simmeon

    Bye WoW

    Over the years I've quit wow many times infact, but in the end I keep coming back. Since I have become F2P the issue of quitting has never crossed my mind, I liked the PVP on P2P so I'm happy.
  18. Simmeon

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!

    Labrinth - Let The Sun Shine
  19. Simmeon

    Asian Pic Thread

    Expected to see more pictures in this thread. One image in the OP, post more..
  20. Simmeon

    [Video] Ownaque 19 + f2p flag carrying

    A good FC is worth their weight in gold. Enjoyed the video.