wtf the bracer/glove gemming glitch still works?


seein people with gems on sockets and bracers (low levels) does this thing still freakin work...
gemmed gear is still activity giving stats.
I just checked and they still work. Blizz only fixed the way to do it. Not sure if there is still a work around but the old method doesn't work.

I don't use that gear nor the level 60 satchel stuff though but as twinker i just have to have these in my bank for nostalgia and also for realm reactions like "WTF a X-twink with X hp and X sp WTF" is quite funny :)
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There's still a way to do it and it still gives stats.
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seein people with gems on sockets and bracers (low levels) does this thing still freakin work...

what you may be seeing is:
- players that did the exploit long ago, quit for awhile, and now are back
- players who put them in their bank, unlearned BS and learned another profession to hide them when players where getting reported
- players using switch out macros and forgot about switching back to unsocketed gear

reporting them does get those items removed, even when they are showing normal twink gear, armorying them and seeing BS on a low level twink is a give away indication they have socketed gloves and bracers to sub in at will.
euhrm, why? I bet someone will make a topic when they don't work anymore. As for now you can still do it and giving stats.
Seen someone with gemmed gear in a bg, the gem stats were red, so not sure if they still gain an advantage or not.
Seen someone with gemmed gear in a bg, the gem stats were red, so not sure if they still gain an advantage or not.

The stats would appear red to you as you do not have the requirements for the stats to benefit you. I actually have a question about this, If you do a gem your gear then drop the profession and pick up something you still gain stats from it?
The stats would appear red to you as you do not have the requirements for the stats to benefit you. I actually have a question about this, If you do a gem your gear then drop the profession and pick up something you still gain stats from it?
I do apologize for the necro, but I've got relevant info.

No, you do not get the stats. Those "red" stats that others see should also say "Requires Blacksmithing (1)". That is the actual requirement to gain the stats, and you will no longer gain them if you drop BS completely.
The Gem exploit is still possible to do, just need to know the right people.
I don't support gemming.
How about this exploit: Check out Kindling's chest: Kindling @ Skywall - Community - World of Warcraft

Not an exploit. I can assure you that his chestpiece appears red as if it were broken. The item used to have a lower level req to wear until the cata patch. So if you were wearing it before the cata patch it remained on. Just the stats don't work and if you take it off you cannot put it back on unless you are the correct level. Much like Titan's grip 2Hs still being equipped after respeccing.
I believe this has been hotfixed. I did this a long time ago, and still had the gems socketed for +20 pvp power, and +20 agility on 24 hunter. However as of late I went into my character sheet while switching out gear, and nothing of pvp power or agility changed. Thus it finally gave me a reason to delete this toon, and open up a character slot for my new to be twink =]

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