The Best Healer Class?

Ofc they aren't, who dafuq can possibly think any healing class is op atm ?

Paladin and druid are the most efficient in bg ONLY BECAUSE they can survive by themself, in a premade all heal are welcome.
How are RShaman compared with RDruid for team healing and FCing?

If they removed CD on Riptide it could be used more but druid is ahead at this point, rsham is more fun for FCing than Rdruid imo but lacks powershifting.
I recently started playing disc priest. You may ask: Why would you play a priest? Well I enjoy my fears and my snares. + with the whole team shielded they can take a lot more damage. Sure I can't keep myself up for long if I don't have any cd's but neither can paladins or druids if a hunter brings a moth along.

Edit: Also when entering a bg you see tons and tons of druids and paladins. I guess I like to be more unique.

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Holy Pally. They have no weakness. R-druids get squished when ever there is a shaman on the other team, they basically become ineffective.
For BGs, Rdruid would be the best imo. Simply because they can top the whole team faster than any other class, and they are great for re-picking flags. Rdruids can also stack hots, unlike priest bubbles.
Rshamas have rather weak heals with no CC(except shear against casters obv). Hpalas can't powershift like druids, but still have great healing abilities. Same with priest, but no movement speed despite of great CC, they are still easily kited and will likely fall behind when the team moves around.
I like priest healers.
Nothing better than bubble, instant root and fear.
Holy Pally. They have no weakness. R-druids get squished when ever there is a shaman on the other team, they basically become ineffective.

And a pala which draws all (!) his spells from one tree that is easily lockable cause he has to cast 24/7 isnt ;)?
holy pala, even if played bad
Yeah, no.

yeah, yeah. Hpals>Dpriests>Rdruids>Rshams offensively wise.

Not surprised by how many people are saying Rdruid since they all seem the same skillwise (unless you see that one that actually knows how to FC well) but if anyone has seen some of the better Hpals in this bracket can tell clearly that hpals are the best overall healer by far if not one of the best classes/specs in the whole bracket
Wat... resto kitteh op

While resto kitty is quite strong and can apply some pressure, you're putting yourself in a bad position and anyone with a brain is going to make you pay for that decision.

Not to mention it takes time to ramp up any pressure applying burst a resto has to offer.
While resto kitty is quite strong and can apply some pressure, you're putting yourself in a bad position and anyone with a brain is going to make you pay for that decision.

Not to mention it takes time to ramp up any pressure applying burst a resto has to offer.

you can't cast wrath then?
yeah, yeah. Hpals>Dpriests>Rdruids>Rshams offensively wise.

Not surprised by how many people are saying Rdruid since they all seem the same skillwise (unless you see that one that actually knows how to FC well) but if anyone has seen some of the better Hpals in this bracket can tell clearly that hpals are the best overall healer by far if not one of the best classes/specs in the whole bracket
I doubt your bracket has a single resto druid who knows how to play the class at its full potential then. And disc priest for that matter, looking at your ranking.

Other than that, you missed the point entirely. I quoted a post where someone stated that druids have zero offensive capability. The next time you try to start an argument with me, read what I wrote and quoted more carefully.
resto drood>hpally
Faster movement,stealth,spammable HoT,root,aoe heal,dots,powershift..
No offensive capability for resto druids anymore? Weird, last time I played they were great for getting flags. This bracket sure goes through some wild changes. o_O

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