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  1. Thoughts on 39

    Hey Blaze. So, you're new to this community. Frankly, these jumps were not done until the past few years with xp off stuff. People may have done the WSG jump on top behind the flag cap area, but terrain exploits just were not done. I'm uninterested in joining 39s, because of these jumps. I know...
  2. Thoughts on 39

    I think that by establishing "these jumps work" but "these jumps are not ok," it creates this weird delineating grey area that people can try and establish arguments for more jumps in the future and such. By clearly stating NO jumps are allowed, I think it would be more enjoyable for the...
  3. Thoughts on 39

    it can, but you lack the speed and ability when being attacked by an entire team to properly execute it in the time a FC druid can to catch back up, therefore, it is gamebreaking.
  4. Thoughts on 39

    the jump from front of tunnel to the top is gamebreaking as well I would argue, and extremely easy for druids to do in travel form.
  5. Thoughts on 39

    So, I am currently debating joining this bracket to play again twinks. I have noticed some things that just make me not want to do this. 1) Terrain jumps, especially by Druids. They already have an insane speed and movement ability, and jumps just make it ridiculous. If these are continued, I...
  6. Looking to return Mage 39

    Hey folks, So, I am looking to return to 39 twinking with the recent revival. With this in mind, I have my original mage twink at 19 that was leveled accidentally to 20 and then I dumped off at 28 that i'll probably bring to 39, since we all know the 20-29 bracket is just "meh." Could I get...
  7. 29 Arms War Help

    29 twinking is srs bsns guyz!
  8. 19 bg pops

    are 19s getting bg pops are just skirmishes now?
  9. Best gear for twinks in pvp?

    OPs question is perfectly fine and I too would like to know some of this information as I have an 80 feral druid and warlock that I am unsure whether to leave at 80 or take to 85 for scaling purposes since these two brackets have been combined into the now 80-89 bracket.
  10. Thinking about the 29 bracket, questions!

    realize that all spell coefficients are now completely different for all characters. Because of this, as well as the attack power conversion into 1 DPS on a weapon, your primary stats are worth much more then they were. If you have the option between an item with 5 agility and 6 stamina vs 7...
  11. TI 20-29 bracket merge?

    I would assume that they will do that once the brackets get implemented again in the probably Wednesday at the earliest?
  12. 29 rogue weapon help

    Hey folks, looking to do a 29 twink. Currently I am looking at rogues, specifically weapons. Now, I have seen a lot of different dagger setups looking at 29 rogues, but cannot ascertain a Best in slot. Can anyone help shed some insight into best in slot daggers at 29, preferably daggers that are...
  13. In prep for WoD

    You both need to be quiet. 3 pages of crap nit picking "debate" pushes this discussion no where.
  14. 24 Fire Mage

    well it looks like in Warlords of Draenor scorch will be available again to 24 mages, atleast according to alpha notes atm.
  15. 80 vs 85?

    So for 85 does horde or alliance need more players? What is the win loss ratio at 85 between alliance and horde?
  16. Looking for 39s? Look no further!

    Ok thanks
  17. The Villain's of the 20-24's

    What is the point of this thread...?
  18. Looking for 39s? Look no further!

    I am tempted to sign up for this, but how does funding, enchanting, gearing, runs, etc. work? I mean is it blizzlike 1-39 or get 39 and pick your twink gear at a vendor?
  19. 80 vs 85?

    Looking at making an 80 or 85 twink US server. Would like a general overview of both brackets in terms of queue pops, balance, etc. if you participate in either Or both I would love your input!
  20. How are 70 warlocks?

    Ok I am heavily interested in affliction. How is affliction in bgs versus destro? Also, would you be able to point me to a BiS list for affliction?