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  1. Nudgeqt

    MoP Premade Rules Discussion

    I dont see many of the guild leaders going along with a game with 1 of each class. BUT! I would be all for this type of game. seems fun!
  2. Nudgeqt


    So after reading the title of this thread, i came to bash you about complaining about hunters because they arent pewpew anymore! Nice to see someone taking this patch for how its suppose to be! I think the only chance ive noticed hunters making is a few going to foremans gloves gear wise...
  3. Nudgeqt

    WTB/WTT for a transfer

    Would you happen to have a TSS?
  4. Nudgeqt

    wtb buy a pair of Mindthrust Bracers on Akama (H)or(A)

    Talk with Mocha, He usually has some quick access to items like these! Goodluck.
  5. Nudgeqt

    Cross Realm Zones

    I believe theres people getting them within a days time now. lol.. some getting 3-4 or more in 1 hour.
  6. Nudgeqt

    what's the best healer in MOP ATM?

    What he said! (Off topic) Ko, where have you been?
  7. Nudgeqt

    Druid/warlock looking for active 19s

    Armory or it didnt happen! Stay Small.
  8. Nudgeqt

    MoP Premade Rules Discussion

    The point Cinder was trying to get out of this thread was a very good one, in my opinion but it seems the response is coming from a very small number of people. I think the bulk of the community currently are players still on their own realms and without large guilds. So until some of the chaos...
  9. Nudgeqt

    Druid Race

  10. Nudgeqt

    Cross Realm Zones

    Eeek, True.. we shall find out soon with the xpac coming out. Im sure details of these zones rules and things will be posted at some point by a blue on wow forums.
  11. Nudgeqt

    Cross Realm Zones

    If this was implemented the right way i dont see why they wouldnt allow wargames. It doesnt phase anyone except those in the party of the groups trying to wargame. Anyways, Keeping common knowledge on how crossrealms work and what can and cannot be done with them is going to be crucial to the...
  12. Nudgeqt

    Cross Realm Zones

    Is there any verified information on what can and cannot be done in these zones among different servers? Sunday LS FTW and MP tried to meet in gurubashi with exp on and tried to que a wargame and it said something along the lines of "Player Cannot be Found" If this was to work the way it...
  13. Nudgeqt

    Time for me to try Multiboxing 19s

    Balance Druids would be intense.. They can hang with the best (or are possibly the best) straight dmg from spells. They also have 2 dots to add in. With multiboxing it would be intense dmg with all of their dots on one person. Goodluck! interested to see how this turns out.
  14. Nudgeqt

    cloak of the bandit drop?

    Ive gotten it on a druid before on the first run.. Ive done 109 runs on a hunter to get it. Just luck of the draw.. But i have had guildies get it since patch! Goodluck!
  15. Nudgeqt

    Dcm's 19 Feral Druid Guide

    As the expansion comes out and slight things change im very interested to see what you add to this guide! Very nice start!
  16. Nudgeqt

    Meat Puppet Now LF Practice/Premade

    Great games all! Had a lot of fun! Nice to see some new guild tags popping up around the bracket aswell! (I know meat puppet isnt new, just greeting the new guilds who read this thread)
  17. Nudgeqt

    US <Laughing Skull FTW> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    I want in! (Cough) Bump (cough)
  18. Nudgeqt

    Druid Race

    So for different reasons i like different races for the different specs of a druid. (Im mainly referencing horde because ive never played much alliance.) For balance i prefer the haste racial of a troll over the stun of a tauren. Since the patch i havent been in any situations where i need a...
  19. Nudgeqt

    Shagosarus aka Eklypse LFG

    Laughing Skull FTW is picking up aswell. Lots of activity going on day to day and working together and theorycrafting premade plans/ideas/thoughts. Its a nice place to be if youre looking for the horde side of things. Good luck choosing where to go! C U N Da Gultch!
  20. Nudgeqt

    nerf ferals

    My guess is he had 5 stacks on you. let himself regain full energy.. also had savage roar up. used tigers fury.. and if he hit you for 2k he had zerker.. as long as you hop out of bear form for a sec to heal and he gets to hit you out of bear form.. its GG hes usually gonna hit you somewhere in...