Meat Puppet Now LF Practice/Premade

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As you all now we have been actively practicing many different strats, and playing the gulch every night, Today we ran our first practice game against LSFTW and please to say we are now actively accepting premade/practice offers.

Rules - No Speed Pots
2 Class Limit
No Rallying Cry or Outside Buffs

We are not looking for very serious games as of right now but will accept any 10 man practice premade that is willing to do the same!

If you are interested in setting something up get ahold of any of the >Meat Puppet< Officers

Officers : Shiftkush, Plaque, Parasite, Xdashaman.

Thanks everybody!
GG everyone on LSFTW excluding Nudge
glad apex shards can be used

: )

edit: also stop trying to hide and say your not looking for serious gaumes. if you lose with 10 or 9 or w/e just deal with it ffs

its uR attitude that is the cause for lack of premades.

dubeddit: can ur trashrs stop rollin fotm classes n hop bandwggns when new patches come out geezeus
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glad apex shards can be used

: )

edit: also stop trying to hide and say your not looking for serious gaumes. if you lose with 10 or 9 or w/e just deal with it ffs

its uR attitude that is the cause for lack of premades.

dubeddit: can ur trashrs stop rollin fotm classes n hop bandwggns when new patches come out geezeus

can someone please tell me what fotm means?

it must be one of these it just has to be i looked up the acronym

Fire On The Mountain (Grateful Dead
Fact of the Matter
Fish Of The Month
Feature of the Month
Friends of Old Time Music (organization)
Forum of the Month
Fungus of the Month
First of the Month
Fire on the Move (gaming)
Friend of the Month
Field Operations Training Manual (US Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration)
Festival of the Masters (annual open-air art
festival; Downtown Disney; Lake Buena Vista, FL)
Flight Operation-Time Management
Functionally Oriented Technical Manual
Fall of the Machines (song)
Folk On The Moor
Fan of Traditional Music
Flavor of the Month (also seen as FOM)
glad apex shards can be used

: )

edit: also stop trying to hide and say your not looking for serious gaumes. if you lose with 10 or 9 or w/e just deal with it ffs

its uR attitude that is the cause for lack of premades.

dubeddit: can ur trashrs stop rollin fotm classes n hop bandwggns when new patches come out geezeus

Honestly im not sure what has happend to twinking ''fotm classes.'' This is interesting that you would bring this up seeing hunters were op for how long? Thinking back not so long ago right before the new patch came I remember some guilds running 6 or 7 hunters at a time but i dont recall Meat Puppet being one of these guilds. Meat puppet has been around since vanilla back when twinking was TWINKING [also in bc] for a guild to stay around for that long should say something. There are alot of GREAT guilds that are no longer around No mercy, We love pie, Gnomeland insecurity, odessa eternity, and many others that arnt around any more.
The fact of the matter is there is always gonna be a class that is more op than others no matter what. Also there are always gonna be glitchs and exploits lets look back at 19 twinks a little bit. Example: Nightmare seeds, apex shards, Enti's Quenched Sword, shoulder glyphs, leg armors, enchants on rings, shaman self weapon buffs like windfury on weapons, head glyphs, eng bombs, weathered fishing hat, back enchants or tailoring emb, fearing through the world, wall hacking, and last but not least MANY Spells that were nerfed. These are just a few from 19 twinking history there are many more im sure I am leaving out. The point is there will always be something overpowered for some one to Bi*** about plain and simple.
where did the days go when you play matchs for full and it was a REAL game. I personally miss the days when matchs had no time limits now games can end 1-1 and who ever capped last wins ???? [thought 1-1 = tie ''WTF Blizzard.''] The days when you couldnt one shot twinks due to op spells. The days when guilds would face each other 3 games in 1 night all 3 take at least 1 hr per but didnt care because they were fun and it didnt end Trolling and Bi***ing it was a a simple GG we almost had you.

I Guess what im trying to say is twinking just isnt the same it seems like its just one big troll fest and everyone acting like 10 year olds.

P.S. FOTM means flavor of the month
and karmaz interesting the first thing you would point out is apex shards exploit and then complain about us hopping on the bandwggn seems like you been riding that a long time now.
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im not quoting for obv reasons but here ill xplauin for u simpletine idrits

" blahblahblah ggs n shit blah blah

Rules stating what cannot be used without providing a full list and/or only listing what CAN be used (which is much more simplified btw)
2 class limit
ambiguous buff rules which is freely open to interpretation

making statement to try and limit the amount of flak received upon losing n trying 2 save they're twinkrep which is arguably LOL anyway (also trying to play off games as "practices" while it would still be a 10v10 aka premade aka put your fucking head on the line stop being trashx) "

ps the fotm was more directed at xdagarb cuz he played hunt then resto sham n i havent seen that chop on his hunt since nerf. makes me sick

im not quoting for obv reasons but here ill xplauin for u simpletine idrits

" blahblahblah ggs n shit blah blah

Rules stating what cannot be used without providing a full list and/or only listing what CAN be used (which is much more simplified btw)
2 class limit
ambiguous buff rules which is freely open to interpretation

making statement to try and limit the amount of flak received upon losing n trying 2 save they're twinkrep which is arguably LOL anyway (also trying to play off games as "practices" while it would still be a 10v10 aka premade aka put your fucking head on the line stop being trashx) "

ps the fotm was more directed at xdagarb cuz he played hunt then resto sham n i havent seen that chop on his hunt since nerf. makes me sick


Do you know proper English?
im not quoting for obv reasons but here ill xplauin for u simpletine idrits

" blahblahblah ggs n shit blah blah

Rules stating what cannot be used without providing a full list and/or only listing what CAN be used (which is much more simplified btw)
2 class limit
ambiguous buff rules which is freely open to interpretation

making statement to try and limit the amount of flak received upon losing n trying 2 save they're twinkrep which is arguably LOL anyway (also trying to play off games as "practices" while it would still be a 10v10 aka premade aka put your fucking head on the line stop being trashx) "

ps the fotm was more directed at xdagarb cuz he played hunt then resto sham n i havent seen that chop on his hunt since nerf. makes me sick


hhahahahahahahahah god i love you dave

EDIT: gg today, def more to come.
Great games all! Had a lot of fun!

Nice to see some new guild tags popping up around the bracket aswell! (I know meat puppet isnt new, just greeting the new guilds who read this thread)
Do you know proper English?

are you mentally retarded, how hard is it to interpt what was said, god use some critical thinking you seem to like 2 stack crit on uR twinks but apprently not in uR braine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

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