Druid Race

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So for different reasons i like different races for the different specs of a druid. (Im mainly referencing horde because ive never played much alliance.)

For balance i prefer the haste racial of a troll over the stun of a tauren. Since the patch i havent been in any situations where i need a quick stun to make or break the situation i was in. Where as im in open field or in open area of the map to use my haste racial at least once every game. usually 3-4 maybe more times throughout a game. Ive also been in situations where i was with my FC and blown my haste racial to keep him healed as much as i could.. Rejuv isnt the best for that scenerio but the initial amount it heals for helps a little. Especially with haste CDs popped spamming rejuv that cant be kicked or wind sheared.

For feral i prefer Tauren over troll Due to having an additional stun. Having that stun to stop a quick heal or even stop a dps from CCing or killing you also helps from my personal experience. Where as the haste racial isnt much of a benefit at all other than i believe some energy regain faster.

With both of these as troll i also get herb for another haste CD. and when im tauren i try to get engineering for a 2nd stun to throw in..

What reasons do you choose your specific druid race? What are the Up and downs in your opinion of the different druid races.. Some alliance input is welcome. Maybe ill make an ally druid soon!
Alliance for all specs IMO
Worgen > Night Elf

Horde completely depends on play style and spec.
You should have made this a poll, but anywho.

Berserking (troll racial) does not increase energy regeneration -- haste does. Berserking merely increases spell or melee attack speed by 20%. I would go troll for Balance and tauren for any other spec.

As far as Alliance goes, probably NE. Shadowmeld is an extra trinket and can be a very good defensive CD. Worgen sprint is very nice but with all the mobility druids have it's a bit of an overkill. It would be more of a crutch to a player with bad positioning. However, if your positioning is good, then Shadowmeld would prove to be better (unless you're an FC in which case Darkflight > Shadowmeld all day).
For an FC: Worgen/Tauren, depending on your faction obviously.

For Balance/Resto (healing): Troll/worgen

For Feral: Tauren/worgen/troll (warstomp is a very effective interrupt when downing healers, but I haven't tried troll so I couldn't say which one is better. I'd say tauren over troll, but if you are considering about playing balance a lot, too, then obv go troll.

Guardian: Tauren/worgen

For looks: Nelf over every other race :p
As Feral I chose Night Elf. Generally, I've been nelf for a while, but I personally favor it more than worgen. The reason is because Shadowmeld makes Displacer Beast somewhat more irrelevent (although I don't see anyone using it otherwise) and the movement speed in stealth.

However, Darkflight and 1% extra passive crit is nice. I see nelf as a more defensive race if anything, and that's how I usually like to play. But if there's ever a point in time where I create my full crit set, I would probably be going worgen for max crit.
The Tauren Warstomp totally takes a dump all over the troll racial in most situations. That is all.
warstomp is great for playing balance as well, just shift into bearform, charge in and warstomp gg
Nelf for feral. Increased stealth speed, and a vanish. With the tons of mobility that ferals come with (i.e. 25% runs speed and wild charge), ToT should not be a problem.
Mehh it depends. The Darkflight can be equally as good as feral in this bracket.
Shadowmeld for feral is kinda lackluster ability, seeing as half of the classes have a dot in this bracket. If you need to get away from the battle in fear of dying, darkflight is more useful in 90% cases. Just pop it, run the fuck off, wait for dots to wear off and get back into action. Rejuv spam will keep you alive those few seconds it takes you to LoS the enemy.

Yes, you get instant prowl with meld, but as I said, there are even more dots in the bracket now than in cata, and quite a few of them last around 20sec. You will almost always have a dot on you, which makes meld useless in the first tick.

Also to mention, darkflight is also incredibly useful for repicks and charging through the mid with the flag, untouched. +96% movement speed is srs business.
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