

So right now I feel like my hunter is better than ever :) just went from a swis army knife to a latherman haha so much more utility than cata as bm haven't tried mm yet as my account is "locked due to suspissious activity" and I CBA to fix it this week but will later how are you liking the changes and what talent are you using and gear changes
Well, since the hit-cap was lowered, I'm using Foreman's Gloves/Gloves of the Fang instead of Gloves of Unmitigated Badassery. I'm using Bow of Ire instead of the handgun which I used before. Playstyle, I find myself running up to people and disengaging for the Narrow Escape effect, it's really awesome :)
Loving the changes, it really brings more utility to the class instead of just a powerhouse damage-dealer. Shame they changed intimidation to be a level 20 ability though.
So after reading the title of this thread, i came to bash you about complaining about hunters because they arent pewpew anymore!

Nice to see someone taking this patch for how its suppose to be! I think the only chance ive noticed hunters making is a few going to foremans gloves gear wise!

And well, most arent using the deadmines axe anymore ;D
i honestly like posthaste/narrow for my talents, i switch on and off. but i love posthaste for the sprint since its nice to catch fc's with and is GREAT for fcing to get some distance. but on the other hand Narrow is nice because of the root for D kiting aswell. and yes BM is the superior spec to me. i cant stand sitting there for 3sec to cast 1 shot :/ - alexandriya
im not going to lie big numbers were fun like 3 sec cast one shot lololol but it got old fast i played bm in cata I'm surprised everyone is soo cookie cutter these days while i couldn't beat other hunters 1v1 i could lock down paladins and it was way more fun
im not going to lie big numbers were fun like 3 sec cast one shot lololol but it got old fast i played bm in cata I'm surprised everyone is soo cookie cutter these days while i couldn't beat other hunters 1v1 i could lock down paladins and it was way more fun

BM could totally shit on a survival in Cata if you knew how to play, though =0

Totally out of topic, but just wanted to throw it out there.
If only wsg was about hunter duels.

You die in offence. Running back to offence to down the efc which would not die if you weren't there. You find a surv hunter in mid which wasn't very unusual in cata. What are you gonna do but go full out on him and proceed to return to offence? Run around the map, eventually get concshotted + blown a full focus bar on and return to GY?

Sometimes 1v1 is unavoidable in wsg. Or, at least, very practical compared to other options. Are you going to let someone DPS you to death freely, if there's a choice of turning back and killing him to get back to what you were doing?

Still totally off-topic, sorry for that.
You die in offence. Running back to offence to down the efc which would not die if you weren't there. You find a surv hunter in mid which wasn't very unusual in cata. What are you gonna do but go full out on him and proceed to return to offence? Run around the map, eventually get concshotted + blown a full focus bar on and return to GY?

Sometimes 1v1 is unavoidable in wsg. Or, at least, very practical compared to other options. Are you going to let someone DPS you to death freely, if there's a choice of turning back and killing him to get back to what you were doing?

Still totally off-topic, sorry for that.

What are you even talking about?
What are you even talking about?

In case you belong in some kind of a minority of mentally disabled people, I can particularise that the post you quoted was my reply to your post about hunters, 1v1s and wsg or something like that. Please feel free and go read it again if you already forgot what you have written :)
In case you belong in some kind of a minority of mentally disabled people, I can particularise that the post you quoted was my reply to your post about hunters, 1v1s and wsg or something like that. Please feel free and go read it again if you already forgot what you have written :)

BM hunters were shit. Your overly detailed theoretical 1v1 situation does not change that.
BM hunters were shit. Your overly detailed theoretical 1v1 situation does not change that.

Seeing as BM had bigger damage with white hits, huge burst with KC hitting 800s on clothies, and a 3-sec stun, with the ability to kill healers a lot easier than it's push-exploshot-receive-bacon counterpart, I would hardly call it shit. Because a class isn't cookie cutter and actually requires two more braincells to play effectively doesn't mean it's shit.

And you, sir, are really tunnelvisioned. I guess that how you turn out to be when you play through an expansion only to GY contain for titles.
While bm may have been highly situational and impractical I liked it. Felt that survival was more suited to mid derping and gy farming.
Seeing as BM had bigger damage with white hits, huge burst with KC hitting 800s on clothies, and a 3-sec stun, with the ability to kill healers a lot easier than it's push-exploshot-receive-bacon counterpart, I would hardly call it shit. Because a class isn't cookie cutter and actually requires two more braincells to play effectively doesn't mean it's shit.

And you, sir, are really tunnelvisioned. I guess that how you turn out to be when you play through an expansion only to GY contain for titles.

If you're going to base your argument on 600hp pets and white hits, then I can see why you resorted to throwing misinformed insults my way. BM hunters were shit.
BM hunters were bad in WSG due to their lack of explosive shot in mid and lower hp, but they were superior in arena and duels (even against survival hunters provided adequate LoS) with good pet control (and perhaps a healer that heals pets) - so while survival was better in most situations idk if i'd go as far as to call BM shit.

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