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  1. competitive arena shadow specs?

    Full Disc seems to be the popular thing to do these days I know having some points in holy has always been thought the best survivability for strict arena I havent been very active though
  2. 39 warriors, talents plox? T.T

    Booming Voice ><?
  3. /cry

    I have to make my own activity! I <3 Twinkinfo to much to give up on it and go conform to pwndepot =P
  4. What I posted on PTR

    I agree with MOST of what you guys have said, but my only thing is burst damage outside of 19 bracket. 19 twinks dont hit very hard but have lots of HP. When playing 39s and 49s at the moment though, ret pallys can already take you down to about 30% of your HP in a single stun. It seems...
  5. @ 39 druids (iso help)

    From what ive seen druids are kind of hard to master at 39 The bad ones get weeded out within a month and the good ones shine. Just take your time learning the massive amounts of utility they have and you should be fine. As far as that guide goes (from what I glanced at) it looks...
  6. /cry

    This thread reminds me of the video of Gen deleting his original PoD warrior and the ridiculous amounts of feedback from it lol. /memories
  7. /cry

    Well I can tell someone pointed it out to him when he made yet another thread calling me out over at the Cyclone forums /sigh
  8. >(O_O)> WRATH!!! ===O <(*_*)> Noo! Jimmy nooo!

    Use colaking shadowz bro
  9. Wait a damned second!

    WTB Invite to said private server =P
  10. which to roll

    Aye I think everything will even out after some time. Not meaning to toot my own horn of course, but ive been twinking for a good little while now. Multiple brackets I play in have experienced changes that everyone thought would end twinking, but I think it will be alright...
  11. The UI thread.

    I dont think that many macros even exist Brumble is trying to pull a fast one !
  12. which to roll

    Honestly I see 49 as maybe being the most affected. I havent played 49 that much but from what ive seen its all burst damage. I know people say 19 is all about placement and movement skills but 49 may rival that. I mean at 49 if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, its game...
  13. 69 Hybrid CC Shaman?

    What server were you planning on rolling your shaman Thirk? The idea of making a 69 rogue is fresh in my mind and if I can find someone to play with, I probably will end up doing it
  14. Rogue

    I was also thinking about doing this However there isnt much of a community for it yet and I think I may lose interest half way through the project if I didnt have someone to play with Is there any good 69 guild activity yet?
  15. >(O_O)> WRATH!!! ===O <(*_*)> Noo! Jimmy nooo!

    What are you fighting a resto druid as? I dont play 39s actively too much anymore but resto druids are pretty much the easiest class to beat 1v1...
  16. is there a guide for lvl 39 retridins?

    All you need to worry about is finding good armories. Once you properly gear a 39 ret, you've basicly already won
  17. calling it.

    As a horde 39? ^_^
  18. calling it.

    Because it fails CYLCONEEEZ
  19. /cry

  20. /cry

    But yes, I admit my post was a little QQish However, Fatapult had a PoD first!