
Wendyyy said:
Difficult (Phauren) has ripped multiple people off on PoDs and other rare twink items

He has like 10 twinks with them, even ones that dont use them (like the hunter)

He can do it because he pays next to nothing for the PoDs thanks to taking advantage of people that trust him

Not only is most of your post a wild exaggeration, it also wreaks of QQ. Take your complaining to Phauren, not twinkinfo.
Situation said:
Not only is most of your post a wild exaggeration, it also wreaks of QQ. Take your complaining to Phauren, not twinkinfo.

I like you

But unfortunately my post is not a wild exaggeration, and from the looks of it you really have no idea what you're talking about.

I could be wrong? I dont know any of your other twinks and have only seen you play that one. But if this is the case, you may not know Phauren aswell as I do.

Maybe I am QQ'ing, but I was just posting in this thread to shed a little light since most of the people think its pretty extreme to equip a Sunfired PoD to a hunter.

And I seem to have to say this every post I make, but my post wasnt direct. Did I cry to call out Phauren in any way? As far as I know he doesnt even post on this site. But yes, I will leave the thread since I see I am unwanted =)
Wendyyy said:
I like you

But unfortunately my post is not a wild exaggeration, and from the looks of it you really have no idea what you're talking about.

I could be wrong? I dont know any of your other twinks and have only seen you play that one. But if this is the case, you may not know Phauren aswell as I do.

Maybe I am QQ'ing, but I was just posting in this thread to shed a little light since most of the people think its pretty extreme to equip a Sunfired PoD to a hunter.

And I seem to have to say this every post I make, but my post wasnt direct. Did I cry to call out Phauren in any way? As far as I know he doesnt even post on this site. But yes, I will leave the thread since I see I am unwanted =)

I think this is a dumb thread altogether to be honest. I probably know Phauren better than anyone in game other than maybe Brumble. It's not that your wrong (Phauren certainly has his faults) but this is the sort of thing that is especially un-productive when it comes to him. My post was a little harsh what I meant to say was something like this..

This is the wrong place to express legit problems you have with Phauren. The thread has gone from a e-rage joke thread to a attack on him personally. Let's just drop it and hopefully you can resolve any problems on game or over vent.

Sounds like a plan =)

New Topic:


Phauren doesnt post here, but he reads it when I point out something funny like this thread.
Well I can tell someone pointed it out to him when he made yet another thread calling me out over at the Cyclone forums

This thread reminds me of the video of Gen deleting his original PoD warrior and the ridiculous amounts of feedback from it lol.

<3 this wendyy person for spamming this thread. GG double posts.
I have to make my own activity!

I <3 Twinkinfo to much to give up on it and go conform to pwndepot =P

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