competitive arena shadow specs?

imo...and just imo

if you wanna try it go full shadow...its really the only way to make the shadow tree viable. Ive tried a lot of mixed shadow specs and there just isnt any real power there without going all the way into things. just going to mind flay or even going down to nab silence dont get the job done enough to warrent the other sub-par talent choices.

If we take a look at each spec ill say a few things I guess.

Spec 1: This picks up a great tool from disc, reduced stun is great. Renew is decent as well, although probably unwarented. The question with renew would be what else to spend the points on. The major issue is no imp devouring plague which is really the bread and butter of the new shadow priest movement and is the key to making shadow viable imo.

Spec 2: Its full shadow...not much to really comment on.

Spec 3: This is a spec ive tried a bunch. Picking up Mind Flay simply doesnt make up for the major losses in disc (as this is really a disc spec) such as bigger mana viability and youre losing fort and reflective shield and such, youre also going into shadow halfway but you simply cant get far enough to pick up Silence which might make the spec work. The increase in DPS is marginal at best, and while you do get a snare, I simply feel it is not enough.

point being

neither of those teammates (mage or rogue) really benefit more from a shadow priest than they would from a disc priest (well played disc/rogue is still best 2v2 comp imo, and I feel like both shammy and sl lock would make better mage partners than a shadow priest, or disc for that matter) so I see no real reason to be specced shadow for those teammates unless youre just bored of disc and wanna goof around. Both of your potential partners are there to provide control. Too many people wanna run in blasting and forget the vast amounts of CC already availible to the comp and the burst potential following a cc chain. You really dont need more DPS from going shadow, you just need calm focused play as disc ;p If by mage rogue priest youre talking about 3s, I think the same fundamental idea applies, you dont need the potential extra dps from shadow when your two dps are ccing. Disc still has pretty solid damage potential which a lot of priests tend to ignore.
Full Disc seems to be the popular thing to do these days

I know having some points in holy has always been thought the best survivability for strict arena

I havent been very active though
I'd play 28/2, but that's me. The 70% Interrupt-resist helps a heap.
I never understood gearing/speccing for twink arenas but...

Go full shadow. This is the last chance, bracket wise, you're going to have to play without having to shift in and out of shadow form to heal.

When I was specced 100% shadow for BG's I could pocket heal better DPS'ers and flag carrier heal without shadow spec being an issue. It was a bigger issue in the shadow/spell power/healing days but when they made everything spell power having a shadow set, healing set and glass cannon set went bye bye. Then healing as shadow spec really became pretty damn useful.

I dunno if I'd want to do arena PVP full shadow your DPS is very slow and very mana intensive. In an extended fight against a geared and specced healer... you won't win.
Eveill said:
full shadow your DPS is very slow.

o_O do you have experience on this or are you theory crafting?

@OP - go full shadow, plenty of mana and make heavy use of focus target silence + devouring plague spam when the target <50% health :) You will have fun if you don't die in 10 seconds to the rogue you face in every combination.

(disc is very popular in arena because they are rogue tanks, or as much as a healer can be with reflective shields and ++inner fire, - pretty handy as a large percentage of 2v2 queuers are either sub rogues themselves or their healbot support/teammate)

shadow is definitely a terrific spec for battlegrounds. Very fast killing and MB+improved devo plague is just nuts you will have a lot of fun
so tell me, why is mindflay terrible? or not enough to warrant 11 pts?

the only thing im losing from disc is what, reflective shields? i shouldnt be spammin shields in arena anyhow unless im in oh shit situations. its a waste of mana.
Shield is an effective way of migitating damage whilst you can heal your target up to full health. Calling them a waste of mana is hardly justifiable.
Tetrica said:
Shield is an effective way of migitating damage whilst you can heal your target up to full health. Calling them a waste of mana is hardly justifiable.

re : oh shit

no real point of shielding unless i cant have my heals going when i need them
You're never, under any circumstance(but the one that both your opponents suck), going to be able to keep your teammate topped 100% of the time.
ohnoes, 95% w/ a renew isnt enough

im not here to get taught how to play priest, im here for reasons against using mindflay

the only good argument so far is

1. not using mindflay enough for it to be of use

So you think you can keep your teammate at 95% with a Renew at all times vs. all teams? Nice.

Mind Flay will never reach the efficiency of Holy Fire + moving, or Smite + Holy Fire. Go 19/11/0 rather than 19/0/11 and pick up Desperate Prayer for a huge survivability-boost.
Tetrica said:
So you think you can keep your teammate at 95% with a Renew at all times vs. all teams? Nice.

Mind Flay will never reach the efficiency of Holy Fire + moving, or Smite + Holy Fire. Go 19/11/0 rather than 19/0/11 and pick up Desperate Prayer for a huge survivability-boost.

clearly i will use bubble, not every time weakened soul is off as you seem to be implying. its not that great of a talent, at all.

mindflay is a peel, an arcane missiles-like los fuckd your 2tick spell that will help put pressure out. my rotation will most likely be holyfire - mindflay - mindblast - etc etc etc for playing extremely offensively in arena.
When did I ever imply that?

Additionally, you seem to be looking for nothing else than an argument, you're so deep set in your 19/0/11-spec that I'm not even going to bother.
Desperate prayer shits on mind flay. You ARE going to get ff'd, and no imp bubble or desperate prayer isn't going to help as well as mind flay being useless in that situation. I am also wondering what kind of gear setup you are aiming for, without mental strength I would assume you would be gearing more for mana in which case the damage from mind flay would hardly be worth mentioning. If you gear for more spell power you will lose the mana race against other healers. You can play offensively just fine without mind flay, in fact it's probably better to pick up divine fury and desperate prayer for an offensive build.

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