What I posted on PTR

This is what I posted :

"Now I know you might just feel like deleting this right away. But don't. Listen to what I have to say.

I know blizzard has made certain enchants have level restrictions, and now lower level can't use leg patches.

All the enchants that can't be used anymore for the 19 bracket are stamina, health enchants, leaving the agility ones still available for use. Also, hunter are automatically getting 15% Haste Rating which tops off the normal 10% in a normal 10-19 Battleground.

Now let's think of this theoretically. Right now, on average, hunter 19 twinks hit usually 60-120 no critical strikes and around 150-250 critical strikes. This is a normal 19 hunter twink before the patch. Now with the +15% haste boost, well, that just means hunter's get more chances to hit hard.

Now with Blizzard taking out Leg Patches (-400 ~ 300 HP) everyone is now more easily killed by hunters, since they can still kite, and hit hard. Then they take out the Bind on Account Item+enchants which is another 300 hp gone. Then they take away 9 stamina to bracers and 100 hp to chest. all that gone. Blizzard is also making it so that librams have no affect, well say bye to 100HP, or 8 Stamina.

May not seem like much, but in total that's about 990HP. Well after all that you'd think that everything is balanced. But hunters are still out there hitting 60-250. So by nerfing all these your just making it more unfair.

All due respect,

Twinkytoes - 19 - Perenolde."
As a caster I'm not at all worried about 3.1 and hunters, and I'd say that I was glad about the patch if it wasn't for the OOFSR mana regen nerf. Also +9 Stam to Bracers was not nerfed.
Did you get any sort of response?

Hunters are simply overpowered in the 19-29 categories.

I was in a BG last night where there were 7 twink hunters, 1 rogue, 1 pally and 1 priest (healing), and they all stayed together. It was really stupid. It was like a wall of arrows and if one hunter went down, another popped right back up and started firing.

I see where hunters will be doing their normal damage minus about 20AP (head and legs), but I see this from all classes. Nobody is really losing their damage advantages. The good thing is that the hunters will also be easier to kill.

I don't think they should remove the head enchants or the chest enchants. BTW, I heard yesterday they are going to give back the 100 health to chest. Don't know how valid this is though.

I am currently all for removing the leg enchants, shoulder enchants, and gathering buffs, as these were obviously never intended for lvl 19's. It should help level the playing field. In addition, this will help alleviate any exploits and grandfathered in blizz screw-ups, which is unfair for ppl that can no longer do the same.

I see where it is also going to suck on 39's without the extra 700-1200 health because of warlocks with their nasty dots
Twinkytoes said:
This is what I posted :

"Now I know you might just feel like deleting this right away. But don't. Listen to what I have to say.

I know blizzard has made certain enchants have level restrictions, and now lower level can't use leg patches.

All the enchants that can't be used anymore for the 19 bracket are stamina, health enchants, leaving the agility ones still available for use. Also, hunter are automatically getting 15% Haste Rating which tops off the normal 10% in a normal 10-19 Battleground.

Now let's think of this theoretically. Right now, on average, hunter 19 twinks hit usually 60-120 no critical strikes and around 150-250 critical strikes. This is a normal 19 hunter twink before the patch. Now with the +15% haste boost, well, that just means hunter's get more chances to hit hard.

Now with Blizzard taking out Leg Patches (-400 ~ 300 HP) everyone is now more easily killed by hunters, since they can still kite, and hit hard. Then they take out the Bind on Account Item+enchants which is another 300 hp gone. Then they take away 9 stamina to bracers and 100 hp to chest. all that gone. Blizzard is also making it so that librams have no affect, well say bye to 100HP, or 8 Stamina.

May not seem like much, but in total that's about 990HP. Well after all that you'd think that everything is balanced. But hunters are still out there hitting 60-250. So by nerfing all these your just making it more unfair.

All due respect,

Twinkytoes - 19 - Perenolde."

Actually, most players at 19 don't use +100 HP libram, 9 stam (not nerfed anyway), 100 hp, or nethercleft. You forgot fishing boots nerf btw.

My priest uses 8 int to head (for the crit and mana regen...yes i know you can get 150 mana), inferno robe w/ 6mp5, 15 spell pwr to bracer and Golden Spellthread. I also have 375 mining (but no shoulder enchant, so its basically even.)

My priest loses 300 hp from mining (count this as shoulder enchant since that is more common), 200 Hp from legs and 170 hp from fishing boots w/ boar's speed (replaced with spidersilk boots). Health loss is more like 670 for most players.

The average priest at the start of Wrath didn't (because it didn't exist) have shoulder enchants and most likely didn't have boots (they are fairly rare). They also most likely used inferno robe w/ 6mp5 or 6 stats (both still work) and probably had (in equal distribution) 8 int/150 mana/100 hp to head. The point is: Subtract 200 hp from your "average" pre-wrath priest and you have a post 3.1 priest.

I admit that hunters are OP, and the new "no ammo" thing that allows permanent use of Desolace arrows won't help, but I'd trade 200 hp to make the average BoA hunter lose 700.

People are so spoiled with their twinks now...between mining and leg patches and shoulder enchants, a healer could have 2k and still heal fine...people used to do perfectly fine with 1000 hp and i'm sure that will continue to be the case.

Note: I used priest as an example because that is my class...this "model" works for all classes, for instance rogue....most rogues use 8 agi to head, 4 stats to chest and nethercobra...they wont lose any hp at all.
Rip said:
As a caster I'm not at all worried about 3.1

Me neither.

Infact. Just remaking my mage as we speak :)

So all this QQ about "OMG 3.1 GONNA FAIL" I disagree religiously. This will be the best patch for twinking. Okay; we get a nerf; but who see's it as a nerf? I don't. I see it as we've been fixed and balanced out. All of the enchants; such as shoulders, librams, leg enchants, were NEVER intended in the first place. Only thing I don't understand is the 100hp to chest, but that could be fixed or a bug on the PTR. Who knows? Who agrees with me or has similar thoughts as I do? I would interested to see people's response.
While this won't be the end of twinking by any measure, I won't kid myself by thinking things won't change. I think it's natural for people to be hesitant for change, especially twinks because people that are attracted to twinking are typically those that don't like the constant change(see: endless grind) at end-game. And while many think this is using a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel, I really think this is for the better.

Like others said, I am still confused on the +100 HP enchant and I'm not happy with librams being nerfed, but I"ll deal with it. And there is a bit of a give-and-take situation here too since AGM is getting buffed to 12 sta which will offset some of the HP lost.

I am worried about the burst damage relative to our new HP caps, but I'll just have to see how it shakes out.

Tetox said:
People are so spoiled with their twinks now...between mining and leg patches and shoulder enchants, a healer could have 2k and still heal fine...people used to do perfectly fine with 1000 hp and i'm sure that will continue to be the case.

Excellent point.
the worst part about all the BoA and profession crap is that a twink that has near-perfect or perfect gear is mentioned as one of the best of their class even if it keyboard turns and is easily jukable.

thank god those days are almost over.
I agree with MOST of what you guys have said, but my only thing is burst damage outside of 19 bracket.

19 twinks dont hit very hard but have lots of HP. When playing 39s and 49s at the moment though, ret pallys can already take you down to about 30% of your HP in a single stun. It seems with all the HP loss and no damage loss (I hear ret pallys are even getting a new damage move for 39s?) things will be retardedly one sided.
Well, really, how does one prove "best in class" anyway- there's no real rating system in place, so the people who play with skill tend to get known on their battlegroups quickly. Anyone that claims a "best in class" better be able to prove it.

As for the nerf; call ma a QQer if you want, but I remain firm that if you earned it, you should be able to keep it. That said, I'm not the head dev over at Blizzard, so, at the end of the day, what we all think we know as "right" is about a valuable as ice cubes to an Eskimo in winter.

I morn the passing of my librams, leg patches, selected enchants and shoulder enchants, but I, like most of you, will continue to twink in the 19’s bracket and look to new ways to get that competitive advantage. The 29’s, on the other hand, I’m leaving all together, mostly because I’m not as connected to my Druid as I am my Rogue, and as much as I get killed now in AB as a support healer, I shudder to think what the BG will look like when everyone is down 1000 +/- hp, with the same or greater damage numbers.
Rayekk said:
Well, really, how does one prove "best in class" anyway- there's no real rating system in place, so the people who play with skill tend to get known on their battlegroups quickly. Anyone that claims a "best in class" better be able to prove it.

it's just on our battlegroup there are mediocre players that have perfect gear. but since their impact on the game is huge due to their gear, they get recognized.
I don't know, my 19 and 29 rogue were rocking all the items that are getting nurfed other than fishing boots and high gathering skills, so when hearing about 3.1 changes I decided to finish my 19 druid and 29 priest in 3.1 ready gear (granted I got the BoA shoulders enchanted... so sue me lol) and it really hasn't been that bad. Now I admit the priest does better than my HP based druid, so I am looking forward to games where I don't have to deal with 2-4k HP super twinks. Of course time will tell.

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