>(O_O)> WRATH!!! ===O <(*_*)> Noo! Jimmy nooo!


Would like to hear some opinions, tactics & trick of how you would or fight against a resto druid (as a rogue.)

thanks in advance.
What are you fighting a resto druid as?

I dont play 39s actively too much anymore but resto druids are pretty much the easiest class to beat 1v1...
iaccidentallytwink said:
That title's a bit spam-worthy...

I did my best!

To the rest of you guys, it's a rogue *blush [sorry for not adding it in the fist post] blush*
Very easy battle, open with conventional stunlock, he will trinket out and roots, trinket/vanish out of roots/bash, keep sprint up, should be running crippling main, wound poison offhand. The druid has zero survivability in caster form, but should this druid be keen on bear form, which he should be, then a 5 point EA is advisable on the opener, on frenzied regen keep s&d up as you will have excess points - it will take a while to bring down.

Any time he switches to caster, kidney shot him, hit sprint, make sure you have not blown any of your vanishes. As soon as you see a switch to cheetah, hit blind and sprint. In my experience, this is a very easy battle.
that easy?

elesian said:
Very easy battle, open with conventional stunlock, he will trinket out and roots, trinket/vanish out of roots/bash, keep sprint up, should be running crippling main, wound poison offhand. The druid has zero survivability in caster form, but should this druid be keen on bear form, which he should be, then a 5 point EA is advisable on the opener, on frenzied regen keep s&d up as you will have excess points - it will take a while to bring down.

Any time he switches to caster, kidney shot him, hit sprint, make sure you have not blown any of your vanishes. As soon as you see a switch to cheetah, hit blind and sprint. In my experience, this is a very easy battle.

There is some few abilities that ruins this plan: Faerie Fire (can't stealth and decrease the enemys armor.) Also the druid can open the battle in catform. He can also use Demoralizing to prevent me from getting the opening. All I'm saying is that I don't this think fight is so easy as everyone claims it to be, epecially considering FF will keep me from stealthing (and vanish), which give the druid prefect opertunities to kite me while he keeps himself alive with hots.
stealthing is not an issue after the initial lock - infact you should not be wasting energy on continuing a second lock, should be pure dps. Any good rogue should be sporting catseye goggles on a druid, he will stand out like a sore thumb. The chances of a druid getting demoralizing roar should be very low - infact, my rogue is undetectable until it is too late.
Vs. a good druid, the only way to beat one is by OOMing him, and thats if he decides to DPS you after he has escaped. Yea his survival will be cut in 2 if the initial bash/root misses (even with hit cap i've noticed misses occuring so), but they still are tough nontheless.

A druid wont be able to kill you 1v1 ultimately, a few bandages here and there really do bend over his mana pool if he tries to burst you.

No Druid will start in cat rofl, bear form, eat the CS, eat the kidney (3k hp with 2k armor, not gonna die in that lock, fearie, natures grasp, you have to trink that or he's already away. Abolish poison and rejuv @ him, from there on he can bear, bash and get the second root (Evasion might screw that but plenty of times i've gotten behind a rogue and got it off), get distance and heal to full. Disincluded: Gnomes, NS, Net-O-Matic, stomp

And ofc the games different if its in 2v2 where partners come into play :)

Hope that helped
Also forgot the rogues double vanish - possible treble vanish, double sprint, double evasion, blind and ioa.
elesian said:
Also forgot the rogues double vanish - possible treble vanish, double sprint, double evasion, blind and ioa.

Like I said, a Druid cannot beat a decent rogue. You play to outlast them for as long as possible, anything else is just foolish.

Moving onto what you said, Fearie fire. Blind will be trinketed. Double sprint hurts idd, depends on the situation, if the rogue sprints at the start it will go to waste whilst he sits CCd, and furthermore the Druid will have escaped, whilst keeping fearie up, goal completed.

So yeah dueling resto druids as a rogue is pretty pointless, you may learn how to tackle them with prep etc, but that wont exactly help you in arena will it? Open on a bear druid with a rogue in 2v2 like you would 1v1, and well, say bye to winning ;)
Not exactly true, a 5 point EA bear can be put down pretty fast, even with 4-5k hp. At some point they are going to hit the panic button, switch to caster and heal - game over. The problem is, is a lack of decent hitting rogues. Rogues with double mongoose, and no hit rating. Rogues with 2k hp and 550ap and no hit. I sit at 3.2k right now, 515AP, 21% crit and 35 hit rating, everything goes down fast. No, i would not open on a 'bear', who would? I think everyone in here thinks every rogue who plays is a noob. Aside from 2 retadins, rogue + one other is the top combination in 39 arena.
I'm guessing the rogue duo saps to get an EA off? Forgot if they can get a full 5 pointer followed by a CS, but yep that would hurt, still I think you could survive it long enough to get control. Not going to make assumptions based on panicing or bad rogues, after I've swept Ishh on my mage I wanna see how long I can last vs him in arena as my druid.
If you beat Ishh, with both of you having full cd's, you must have used a grenade? It's imposs for a top skilled rogue to lose too a mage with all cds. How did this happen?

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