39 warriors, talents plox? T.T

I read the patch notes for 3.1... and there is alot of stuff to do with overpower, which may be good, or bad, depending on where on the tiers it sits, anyone got any talent calculators that i can use? cheers :p
Not sure : /
i know it used back in BC days... i havnt logged on yet how far down is the new Juggarnaut talent and is it worth it?>
I'll go check thott or wowhead. cheers anyways ;)
I usually just use the talent calc on wowhead, its usually the most up to date.
MMO Champions updates more than Wowheads, and you can configure your glyphs, I prefer it. Taste for Blood looks sexy imo. :]
aye, fury is probably the best 39 war spec atm. http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LZGx0soVubL

if youre still stuck on arms, go with the old spec, but take up the disarm talent (which is quite good) where imp intercept used to be

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