@ 39 druids (iso help)

im making a 39 druid, i hope to be a resto/feral druid viable in arenas and wsg.

http://pwndepot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17900 is what im going to be following

anything wrong/missing in there? im not really sure what gear i should get for feral...

also, anything i should know about 39s in general or w/e.. im moving up from 19 twinking
From what ive seen druids are kind of hard to master at 39

The bad ones get weeded out within a month and the good ones shine. Just take your time learning the massive amounts of utility they have and you should be fine.

As far as that guide goes (from what I glanced at) it looks pretty solid. Unfortunately the spirit nerf will kill the regen set. Sucks too, the regen resto druids were always the best in my opinion.

Conka on Perenolde isnt active anymore but was probably one of the best resto druids around.
FC set (stam/int build)


stam > int > sp > armor > spirit > agil > str

head - 19 stam helm (leather) OR 12/12 of the eagle helm (leather)

neck - gazlowe's charm is good. horde can get 12 stam/5 spirit neck, and the 8sta/8spi +11 sp neck is good too, but you can't get those.

shoulder - revelosh's spaulders of the eagle/stamina

chest - 12/12 of the eagle (leather) OR 19 stam (leather)

back - silky spider cape is good. WSG cape is a good alternate.

bracer - 7/6 of the eagle (leather) OR 10 stam (leather)

gloves - revelosh's gloves of the eagle

belt - belt of corruption [horde only?] or 9/9 of the eagle (leather)

legs - 12/12 of the eagle (leather)

boots - 14 stam (leather) for debuff, AB for non-debuff.

rings - DMH OR underworld OR WSG ring OR 11 stam aquamarine signet of stam OR 8/7 aquamarine signet of the eagle

weapon - Khoo's point OR mallet of ZF + book of survival. khoo's point recommended.

agility isn't that great of a stat, especially for pug games. it's OK if you have that one feral talent that increases healing, but it seems like you're going to be balance or resto for the most part. as a 39 FC druid you need stamina, and intellect is better than agility.

if you want you can mix more sp in there, and seeing as how most of your gear has sp i'm sure you can figure a good balance if you do get all the gear i listed.
mirage said:
i have a vast amount of experience at 19 druid so i help that will help

i have had a vast amount of experience as a 29 druid. i just started playing a 39 FC and it is surprizingly very different. good luck adjusting.
what are some key pieces for a feral set (dmg/survivability) as apposed to a FC set like the one you suggested
mirage said:
what are some key pieces for a feral set (dmg/survivability) as apposed to a FC set like the one you suggested

switch eagle gear i listed to monkey, mainly.

here's the most skilled feral druid i've seen, he's got a pretty good template:


some good non-monkey gear:

-ogron's sash OR AB belt

-AB boots

-WSG neck OR medal of courage

-scorpashi cape

-scorpashi wrists

-WSG ring

no idea which weapons are best. pretty sure a cat form's speed is 1.00 no matter what, so you should probably get the weapon with the most DPS.

list of weapons over 38.0 DPS:


SoJ seems to have the most DPS, while mograine's might has hit and stamina. WSG staff looks balanaced too. those are probably the best 3 options.

no idea how the BoA weapons pan out at 39.
Regarding the flag runner set you put together...the monkey gear only benefits when you are facing the opponent (you can't dodge hits to the back). That would be best for flag room stands with support. It might work for arena, but even there you will mostly have rogues chewing on your back.

In flag runs trying to get across the field quickly with limited support, you want big health and mana pools so that you can continually shift forms to escape movement impairing effects.

I did try Feral for a good long while at 39 before finally switching to Balance. Feral just runs out of mana way to quickly, and it hurts more when you have to switch forms constantly. To be honest, my Balance druid handles most Ferals easily...I can just Hibernate to keep them controlled when others are on me, then outdps and heal because of my greater spell power, crit rating, and mana pool. When Ferals need to heal, they lose any advantage they may have had. I've really only known one Feral druid who was a threat because he played the druid at a high skill level.

Herbalism is a must also for Lifeblood.
sorry if it was confusing or something, but i didnt make that post i just found that

good info so far, i guess ill go a balance/resto spec? im sure these are noob questions but that doesnt mean ill be playing little to no in my feral forms does it?

becuase that doesnt seem all that fun

i will probably be running 10 mans in the future on this druid as a healer/support
Not contributing much here, but i'm a decked out Ret pally and druids has caused some problems for me. I never died to one, but they put up a very decent fight, makes me want one too they seem fun :D
I'm not sure why someone is recommending higher dps weapons to you - unless you have a weapon that has dps over 55 I believe, you get 0 feral attack power off it and weapon damage range has ZERO effect on your kitty's damage. The stats on the weapon is a different matter though - get stam/strength/agility weapon with 35 agility and a stam/int/sp weapon with 30 int on it.

Use the intellect weapon till you've used up the mana then switch to your damage weapon. [item]Ironshod Bludgeon[/item] highly recommended as your damage weapon, [item]Staff of Jordan[/item] and/or WSG Staff for Spell Damage and Intellect sets respectively.

Xailter said:
I'm not sure why someone is recommending higher dps weapons to you - unless you have a weapon that has dps over 55 I believe, you get 0 feral attack power off it and weapon damage range has ZERO effect on your kitty's damage.

ugg that's my bad then.

Ironshod Bludgeon definately looks much more solid than what i posted :eek:
Xailter said:
I'm not sure why someone is recommending higher dps weapons to you - unless you have a weapon that has dps over 55 I believe, you get 0 feral attack power off it and weapon damage range has ZERO effect on your kitty's damage. The stats on the weapon is a different matter though - get stam/strength/agility weapon with 35 agility and a stam/int/sp weapon with 30 int on it.

Use the intellect weapon till you've used up the mana then switch to your damage weapon. [item]Ironshod Bludgeon[/item] highly recommended as your damage weapon, [item]Staff of Jordan[/item] and/or WSG Staff for Spell Damage and Intellect sets respectively.


yes i wondered about that, i thought i would just ignore it though.. lmao

anyways, cna i have 2 wsg staffs? 1 with int, the other with a spirit enchant?

or are they unique
mirage said:
yes i wondered about that, i thought i would just ignore it though.. lmao

anyways, cna i have 2 wsg staffs? 1 with int, the other with a spirit enchant?

or are they unique

They aren't unique so you can have two if you wish. I use WSG Staff with 30 intellect for opening (good stam/int combo) then switch to my Ironshod with 35 Agi when that mana has run out which boosts my damage up.

If I need to heal quite badly, I'll switch in my SoJ with 40 spell power to boost my heals up and help me get back on the offensive quicker - Regrowth + Rejuv and into Cat Form nets me +20% healing from these spells and thus enhances the SoJ's spell power effects as well.


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