Wait a damned second!

it's not in the patchnotes but they do require levels on the PTR.

Bliz has been sneaky with these nerfs is all.
Some enchants now have level restrictions. Note: the enchant is never removed from the item to which it's applied, however, the player no longer receives its benefit until they reach the required level. Any enchants modified in this way have had their tooltips updated.

and other things are stealth
No Problem.

Blizzard really is testing alot of new things out....3.1 IMO will either break or make WoW.

If Ulduar sucks..alot of raiders will quit, if twinks suck alot of twinks will quit, and alot of pvpers have already quit.

Im afriad WoW is slowly dieing IMO.

o and 1,000 posts woot ^.^
3.1 IMO will either break or make WoW

no, it won't.

WoW is slowly dieing

no, it's not.

Blizzard just set new records for subscription holders and xpacs sold.

3.2 will come out in a couple months and after that 3.3, after that the new expac with which Blizzard will set newer and bigger records for sales and all this will be forgotten.

You can roll with all the changes, hit up a private server and be happy about not paying 15$/month anymore (Hai Zuty =D), or pout and go play warhammer or something equally ridiculous.

Nerfs are going to happen. It's even necessary.

Maybe some of you don't remember vanilla WoW EnhShamans one-shotting damn near everyone, but I do...

1,000 posts woot ^.^

Congrats ^_^
How is going to go play Warhammer, which is a better game for PVP and if that's what you're interested in (ehrm, most twinks are interested in pvp).... how is that rediculous?

Just asking is all. Other than that I agree, one patch won't make or break WoW, but it could start the avalanche that leads to it.
/target Mother Goose


This could be one step closer to dooms day, but its not the catalyst that will bring WoW to its knee's. I know a lot of people are upset with the changes, but people will still find their niche in the game and whether that means still twinking or saying "F this!" and raiding/PVPing at 80 or even leaving the game all together, thats on you. But I can't see to many leaving over this. Sure you will all pout and groan, (even if its on the inside) but you will still survive and fight on.

Thats what I liked about the twinking community, no matter what punches came your way you kept on fighting even when you were down on your luck and not even a recognized play style. (which really pisses me off that Blizz and a large portion of the WoW community don't see twinks as real players) This community is the come back kid, you keep going and if that means mindlessly grinding for weeks or camping in front of an NPC for a white chest piece that you can slap a WotLK psudo-chant on, you'll do it to keep the community alive.

Best wishes to those that have left us, but to those who have stayed you will continue to thrive in 3.1. Sure your boots are gone and your enchants have lost their luster, but you'll find a way .... you always do ...

(Twink Server INC. DO NOT FEAR, THE SAWS ARE ON THE WAY! *shamless plug*)


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