calling it.

i hit 80 maybe 5 weeks ago. got my first ever epic flier (and i've been playing off and on since vanilla) 2 days ago.

whitekush was why i played wow...

then when i heard about all the changes i thought twinking was ruined.

then i leveled my main and got to 80.. enjoyed raiding..

but WoW is a huge time consumer.. and i think its time to give it up (for good). i mean if i ever change my mind my account will be there.. but its just not the same as it was.

to everyone that's leaving wow - good luck in anything you do.

to everyone that's staying - good luck in anything you do :p

love you all.

and will miss you all very much.

-whitekush #1 19 mage twink on rampage.
Druiddroid said:
i love how only 19s say they are '#1'

He is really good.

Him and Searee were always my worst nightmare in WSG =[

I'm gonna miss getting owned by you.

Good luck with everything.
Why is it that barely anyone is in my BG. =[

'cept for Whitekush ofc.
Wendyyy said:
As a horde 39? ^_^

Sure. Did you reserve teh namez I asked you to?
Twinkytoes said:
19 bracket Cyclone? I got new bait ^.^

Not sure if I'll be 19. I think I'm done with 19's.

However, if I do go back it'll be as a Druid or Shaman.
Rip said:
Well if you're transferring to Cyclone,


Jeez. Alright.

19 Druid

39 Shaman

On Cyclone. Someone register the names Thirk, Bralmi, and Ferene on Uldum and Crushridge, then PM me on this forum. I don't have access to WoW atm and need TOEZ NAMEZ

Oh and if I do make sum twinkz on Cyclone I'm def. gonna need some help, never been in that BG and have no assets there.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Jeez. Alright.

19 Druid

39 Shaman

On Cyclone. Someone register the names Thirk, Bralmi, and Ferene on Uldum and Crushridge, then PM me on this forum. I don't have access to WoW atm and need TOEZ NAMEZ

Oh and if I do make sum twinkz on Cyclone I'm def. gonna need some help, never been in that BG and have no assets there.


Thirk on Uldum was already taken

Ferene on Uldum+Crushridge was already taken

But everything else is saved.
Rip said:

Thirk on Uldum was already taken

Ferene on Uldum+Crushridge was already taken

But everything else is saved.

I'm pissed about Thirk being taken -_-

I think it might've been Wendy that took it though. (I hope)

Anyways ty, I'll start once I get home and back on WoW =]
hmm, this sounds interesting. i've been playing a few 19 cyclone games lately and would love to run into you guys :)

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