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  1. Anger Issues

    I do understand that hunters are hated, TBH i deleted my hunter a bit back. My issue is not his honesty, it is the tone of a lot of the posts here as of late, so many people who feel they have the right to be a bunch of tools because the intarwebs provide a level of anonymity. that is all.
  2. Anger Issues

    @jailbot - rofldouche Remember if you have nothing positive to say STFU.
  3. Level 1 Raiding in 3.2

    LOL, thais is teh leetz. hehe. Srsly this looks crazy fun. I am gonna get crackin' on mines right now.
  4. Wand Nerf?

    From what i can tell on my priest it seems as if there is a CD on the use of the wand. When i use it there is the CD timer..... 1.2 sec. and crap.
  5. Where Are all the Oceanic's? Aussies, Kiwis and so on

    I believe they are playing LOTRO.
  6. Hardcore Gaming Granny

    KEY-RIHST! Granny roflstomp.
  7. Inferno Robe No More :(

    @Hamcakes All i can say is "wow" you really are a douche. Is there any real reason to be SUCH an ass all the time. Opinions are important but only when they are asked for otherwise you just come across like someone who is bitter and angry at the fact that no one give a crap as to what you have...
  8. Level 1 twinking now

    You guys a teh roolerzez, i have always prefered to twink @ the odd lvls. I do appreciate that there are others out there who share similar interests. *smiles* /hugs. Some day i may get a chance to play again.
  9. If you could?

    UD Hunter, you could have a plague hound for a pet. That would be hella tight.
  10. SFK Down - Pavilion Project Website up

    Seems like you guys had a lot of fun. That is pretty cool.
  11. Statistics

    Sorry, I have been so damn busy i don't have time for crap. I am going to try to get back on as soon as i get these projects at work done.
  12. Statistics

    Yeah me either, i work like 50 hrs a week, kids, mortgage, wife, RL lameness.
  13. Statistics

    From AskBobRankin According to some demographic surveys of WoW Players, the average player age is 28. Not too surprisingly, 84 percent of players are male and 16 percent are female. But female players tend to be older, with an average age of 32. On average, both males and females spend...
  14. Support merging non-exp battleground to a single battlegroup.

    All your bg's are belong to blizzard!
  15. Inferno Robe No More :(

    Looks to me like you are in Ratchet, the quests you are looking for are available in Tarren Mill. You also need to be 19 for the Baron Vardis quest. 18 will work for the other.
  16. I need a new way to make gold...

  17. BFD solo help

    Not a bad consolation prize.
  18. How to Twink In Xp enabled BGs and not gain XP..

    I have used my lvl 10 hunter and pally in the xp bg's. I am ok with that being as i am still kind of the underdog.
  19. What 3.2 Gave 19s

    ^ Is that even possible?
  20. BFD solo help

    I thought the respawn rate was like 20 min or so, but i have been known to be on crack.