Where Are all the Oceanic's? Aussies, Kiwis and so on


I play 19 shaman on Frostmourne in the , Bloodlust Battlegroup which is an Oceanic Server.

The oceanic Server is mainly , Australian / New Zealand Players,

What I am looking for Is an active server/group of people who are from this part of the world.

Being from australia I find it hard to play on Battlegroups where the majority of the population are from America where the Time difference is crazy, like Fishing comp lunchtime on your servers are like 3 am for me haha, making fishing hat on those servers a very low chance for me. Or When I get home and decide to play, e.g like 7pm onwards, its too early in the morning for you guys and you are all asleep after your nights of 19 ownage.


If you are like me, and from this part of the world and have an active twinking population on the server I would really like to know, so I can come check it out and add to the competition on your server.
I believe they are playing LOTRO.
i'm also looking for something like this.

bloodlust is best for aussies, but someone should try and set up a server on ruin for aussies to go to
yeah kusakari, thats what I am looking for, Seeing as Obviously Ruin seems to really , be the life force behind 19 twinking at the moment, If there is a server with a decent 10 man premading guild already established with a few Oceanic i.e Aussie / NZ players already in their guild who would like to have some more to play with.

Any guilds post your expression of interest if this sounds like a good idea to you.
Im sad to say that my guild <Preteen Dream Team> is a US guild. . . Your SOL, I appologise.
I think that it would be a good idea to get the Oceanic Localized players, Australians , New Zealanders and So on to Discuss on this thread on a server where we could group and form some active 19 twinking.

I Find myself struggling to find active Battles because those who are on on the High Twinking population servers are primarily American and are asleep or at work while I am online to play.

I know there has to be a lot of Oceanic twinkers and it would be good to group up and work on getting some 10 man premades going on. Alliance or Horde, I dont mind Both would be great as we would be able to premade against each other and so on.

thats just my thoughts though.

What do you guys think?.
While I don't know any twinks from that part of the world, it surprised me how many Aussie and NZ players are on the Silver Hand (bloodlust) server, even though the server is on California time. Perhaps you might drum up some interest there.

Cptheals said:
As a joke because you sure don't sound Australian Painaid?

i just think Australians are cool. cant have a guild without an aussie. and a guild full of them would just be...
Yep I'm in the same situation. Currently on bloodlust both horde and alliance twinks, would love to move at least one to ruin.

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