Anger Issues

So today kinda opened my eyes that I might have a problem. It was my 3rd week now trying to get that lucky fishing hat and I play on a PvP server. So i was in STV with no escort like usual and i kept getting killed by these 2 horde twinks..over and over. its like cmon, im just trying to get my hat too. So it got to the point where i took my keyboard broke it in half over my knee and threw it at the wall. Putting a keyboard size hole in it. So i filled it with putty the best i could and painted it white. I think i might just transfer my twink to a PvE server till i get this hat and xfer back when i do but idk what to do. Im tired of getting pissed from horde camping my twink in STV. UGHHHHHHH! lol. My gf saw it all and just laughed at me. "lol cmon its just a game" that maybe true but its REAL dbags causing me this stress in the game. What should i do, xfer till i get my hat, try and find an escort, seek therapy lol. Bring on the suggestions
KeepinItJuicy said:
So today kinda opened my eyes that I might have a problem. It was my 3rd week now trying to get that lucky fishing hat and I play on a PvP server. So i was in STV with no escort like usual and i kept getting killed by these 2 horde twinks..over and over. its like cmon, im just trying to get my hat too. So it got to the point where i took my keyboard broke it in half over my knee and threw it at the wall. Putting a keyboard size hole in it. So i filled it with putty the best i could and painted it white. I think i might just transfer my twink to a PvE server till i get this hat and xfer back when i do but idk what to do. Im tired of getting pissed from horde camping my twink in STV. UGHHHHHHH! lol. My gf saw it all and just laughed at me. "lol cmon its just a game" that maybe true but its REAL dbags causing me this stress in the game. What should i do, xfer till i get my hat, try and find an escort, seek therapy lol. Bring on the suggestions

LOL, nerd rage!!!
Good read, a classic example of nerd rage and the 'I have a gf but just going to tell it indirectly so it looks like I really do' really adds to it.
Atleast your not one of those people who runs around midfield or the opposite faction graveyard then starts screaming when no one is taking down the EFC which results in somthing along the lines of "OOMMFFGG YOU SCRUBS LEARN TO PLAY YOUR ALL NOOBS!" they then leave 2-5min before the end :p

Thats a nerd-rager :p
the guild NerdRage is always camping Gurubashi Arena on our server, a bunch of 80s achievement farming and slaughtering all 19s in the process

just sayin'
haaahaha, gf, of course, of course ;)

I hear girls love the ole Snap the keyboard over the knee and wall slam it technique,

works like a charm.

Btw your hypothetical " Girlfriend" is 100% correct, its just a game.

Getting pwned? try going outside and doing something. yay!
lol no no, i really have a gf. It is possible that some ppl that play WoW do get laid once in awhile...well tuesdays since its server maintence. I mean what else is there to do :p But I mean im almost thinking of giving up on this hat. I have a 19 twink on another server thats PvE maybe ill just focus on gettin it on him and maybe xfer him to my mains server idk.
To be honest, you're all pricks for mocking himfor something that isn't even the topic.

My excperiences from PvP server, is that if you get camped. You ress at the nearest GY, go to another place to fish. Keep calm, even thoug you want to cut your wrist. (I KNOW I WANT TO!)

Anyway, don't fight back. They keep trying to kill you. Don't fight back just keep running if they chase you, they are just stupid. They ruin for themself too. Keep that in mind.

Not worth the irl money to transfer for some extra stam. Keep your patience, keep it. Patience.. I kept fishing for over a year on a PvP server. With 70's loving to gank. So I've excperienced it. Just ignore them players and soon they will ignore you.
I love the fact Draenor is a PvE server... always been fishing on PvP (gankers), but the 80s useually got bored after some time and left me alone. You could always go to a different place if they don't stop though.
Bragh said:
To be honest, you're all pricks for mocking himfor something that isn't even the topic.

My excperiences from PvP server, is that if you get camped. You ress at the nearest GY, go to another place to fish. Keep calm, even thoug you want to cut your wrist. (I KNOW I WANT TO!)

Anyway, don't fight back. They keep trying to kill you. Don't fight back just keep running if they chase you, they are just stupid. They ruin for themself too. Keep that in mind.

Not worth the irl money to transfer for some extra stam. Keep your patience, keep it. Patience.. I kept fishing for over a year on a PvP server. With 70's loving to gank. So I've excperienced it. Just ignore them players and soon they will ignore you.

Wow never seen you around on twinkinfo,

assuming you are AYGATs' Bragh? =).

And ontopic, it might be a hassle logging back and forth

but if you got a character slot open just get a DK stationed

in STV 24/7 to get those assholes.

If they log their mains to get you back then at least you are pissing

those guys off / stealing their fishing time too..
I dont remember Bragh talking like that when I used to participate in =/
KeepinItJuicy said:
So today kinda opened my eyes that I might have a problem. It was my 3rd week now trying to get that lucky fishing hat and I play on a PvP server. So i was in STV with no escort like usual and i kept getting killed by these 2 horde twinks..over and over. its like cmon, im just trying to get my hat too. So it got to the point where i took my keyboard broke it in half over my knee and threw it at the wall. Putting a keyboard size hole in it. So i filled it with putty the best i could and painted it white. I think i might just transfer my twink to a PvE server till i get this hat and xfer back when i do but idk what to do. Im tired of getting pissed from horde camping my twink in STV. UGHHHHHHH! lol. My gf saw it all and just laughed at me. "lol cmon its just a game" that maybe true but its REAL dbags causing me this stress in the game. What should i do, xfer till i get my hat, try and find an escort, seek therapy lol. Bring on the suggestions

if i were them i'd camp you too.

fucking 19 hunter twink grow a pair >_>
@jailbot - rofldouche

Remember if you have nothing positive to say STFU.
TheUD said:
@jailbot - rofldouche

Remember if you have nothing positive to say STFU.

he has a point though, that 19 hunters are despised

if there was a video that sucked balls and there was nothing good about it, would you say anything positive about it?

the key here is respect and honesty, if you want to give constructive criticizm. and while jailbot doesn't really show a lot of respect, he is at least honest
58 dk. OR in the time you spend getting ganked, get on yo main and level your butt to 80. Then, even if they get on their mains, you'll have a fighting chance. Either way you've turned the tables. Their missing fishing time too. I say w/e let the allys fish, as long as they let me (all 0 ally twinks that fish on gurubashi). Its mostly 80s i have to deal with, and i always leave my main (80 pally :D) near by.

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