Search results

  1. Best of 24's

    ​So yourself and the people you bg with are the best? That's not unacceptable or anything but surely you see how this would make your opinion a biased one. Just throwing that out there. Been on my f2ps and seen these night time 24 premades that have been run and I've been in multiple bgs with...
  2. Shirty's 24 Arms Warrior Guide

    cool guide. I wish I could bring myself to use eng on my warr. Just too stuck in my ways I guess.
  3. New to the Bracket

    ah, I see you rolled a rogue. Oh, and you've got a nice agi stack going on there. Well then. Enjoy 2 shotting the majority of us. Have fun.
  4. gearing f2p rogue. spec question.

    I was thinking about stacking crit as well until I remembered how insanely agi scales into AP and dodge. thanks for the armory though. nice rogue.
  5. gearing f2p rogue. spec question.

    got everything except those serra kis bands. Randoms never seem to want to go out of the way. How does combat fair? would like to try it out once I've garnered enough points for the boa sword but wondering if I should bother. Or if there are any sufficient non BoA 1hs that would work well for a...
  6. Torn between class of choice

    Warrior. Go fury. Have fun.
  7. Rogues

    24 rogues are currently dealing the most melee damage by a long shot. Yeah, they lost mobility. Crippling poison does wonders though. Not a thing wrong with rogues still a very powerful low level twinking class. They benefit so greatly from agi it's crazy. I'd say roll a warrior or mage though...
  8. Warriors

    we're both lucky. that game would have lasted another 8 minutes and ended in a tie because no one was attempting to return. QQ
  9. Warriors

    Yep that does sound effective. but I don't walk around with crusader up all the time. Still liking my 2 min trinket. That stun is awfully tempting but if given the choice to have a free race change I would stay human. a whole 3 minutes off of a CD like that is ridiculous. If humans didn't have...
  10. Warriors

    This char was made pre MoP, I'd actually prefer the 2min trink and extra trinket space over quaking palm anyway. Juggernaut vs double time or Warbringer is just a preference. Rage regen is 12 sec reset regardless of the talent. I like to shave that 8 seconds off my CD time. Just more useful to...
  11. Warriors

    are fun. word.
  12. Best melee class now?

    rogues, feral druids..............................pallies/warriors
  13. Want to play?

    at the rate 24 community is going 24s may soon become the majority in the bracket... but with all these 24s and so little level 20s to kill... idk it's mind boggling isn't it. Personally though I hope that does become the case of 24s and p2p 20s growing significantly. I play rarely and in small...
  14. 19 Fury War

    fury huh? do you actually manage to kill anything?
  15. Wtf.

  16. Ret Pally

    Ret is fine. be sure to use that parachute cloak with 16 pvp power :S find it more useful on my pally than my warr
  17. what happened to this bracket?!

    you mention it is arguably wider because of priests... what does one class have to do with it? Yes priests are ridiculous atm as is healing in general but that is more a class balance issue. Added resilience and health increases have done away with the insane burst. Class comps are more...
  18. engineering

    are the items available at 225 eng skill not usable? Havent seen anyone with engineering in the bracket
  19. what happened to this bracket?!

    I've been the only 24 in many groups verses 3-4 24s and we've still won. It seems class comp is a lot more important now than it was in cata. I'd still venture to say that the 20-24 gap has been breached if only slightly. But hell, I don't know much other than it's just a game and I'm playing it...
  20. Patch fixes

    what are reasonable fixes to expect in the next patch that will affect lower level pvp? Healing fixes? Penance? I'm really just hoping they buff fury damage a bit and make attacks rely more on AP and let arms keep the wep damage % mechanics. Possibly more burst for feral druids. Seems like the...