what happened to this bracket?!

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before i cancelled my subscription like 5 months ago, my win ratio in AB was around 33%.

after i came back post-5.0, i won pretty much 90% of my BG's and most of the time I queue solo...

this morning i solo queued 9 games and i won every single one of them...








To see horde premade teams in AB and WSG is as common as breathing.

well do you see any horde premade in my SS above? cuz i don't see any...
okay i guess then...
I'm not sure about the NA bracket since I quit playing there because of the Brazillian infestation, but its been like this for months on the EU servers. I use BGspy before every match and horde has more healers and 24s the majority of the time. Since healers and 24s win games, horde wins the majority of the time.
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seems as if with the new 5.0.4 patch the currently nerfs made pvp require more skill than the cata talents. so the actually "good" players, win more.
lololol you obviously are blind to the real truth or will forever have a hatred towards nelf hunts. those "good" players are those bad nelf hunts from cata. Horde has twice as many 24s now then they did late cata and have double the healers also. If you think horde got anymore good ppl by taking our (allies) bad FotM hunts then there is no hope for you.

Horde has more rerolls to the FotM class and has way more 24s. period thats why horde will now be (nerfs not included) the cata ally and win 80% of the bgs
I've been the only 24 in many groups verses 3-4 24s and we've still won. It seems class comp is a lot more important now than it was in cata. I'd still venture to say that the 20-24 gap has been breached if only slightly. But hell, I don't know much other than it's just a game and I'm playing it however I like.
lololol you obviously are blind to the real truth or will forever have a hatred towards nelf hunts. those "good" players are those bad nelf hunts from cata. Horde has twice as many 24s now then they did late cata and have double the healers also. If you think horde got anymore good ppl by taking our (allies) bad FotM hunts then there is no hope for you.

Horde has more rerolls to the FotM class and has way more 24s. period thats why horde will now be (nerfs not included) the cata ally and win 80% of the bgs

well from my PoV all those alli hunters have turned into priests and druids, and they're horde because they have the better caster gear, like alli had the eye patch.
I've been the only 24 in many groups verses 3-4 24s and we've still won. It seems class comp is a lot more important now than it was in cata. I'd still venture to say that the 20-24 gap has been breached if only slightly. But hell, I don't know much other than it's just a game and I'm playing it however I like.
The gap is arguably wider with all of the 24 spriests running around. They're far worse than Cata hunters because they have defense to match their offense.
Because all the backpeddling huntards went Horde to be healers. They are pathetic and don't earn my respect.
you mention it is arguably wider because of priests... what does one class have to do with it? Yes priests are ridiculous atm as is healing in general but that is more a class balance issue. Added resilience and health increases have done away with the insane burst. Class comps are more important now because coordinated efforts on focusing healers and CC are more vital to actually killing anything the influx of healers just adds to it. Since you cant go around one shotting everything anymore winning games has (hopefully) taken precedence over grabbing KBs and objectives are being followed more closely. Of course there are people who are still trying to get the most kills but probably aren't succeeding due to the fact that killing anything with healers everywhere and resilience becoming a base stat takes team work. Beautiful beautiful team work. Any other issue (farming) is player related and will exist even if a magical, complete "Balance" was achieved.
you mention it is arguably wider because of priests... what does one class have to do with it? Yes priests are ridiculous atm as is healing in general but that is more a class balance issue. Added resilience and health increases have done away with the insane burst. Class comps are more important now because coordinated efforts on focusing healers and CC are more vital to actually killing anything the influx of healers just adds to it. Since you cant go around one shotting everything anymore winning games has (hopefully) taken precedence over grabbing KBs and objectives are being followed more closely. Of course there are people who are still trying to get the most kills but probably aren't succeeding due to the fact that killing anything with healers everywhere and resilience becoming a base stat takes team work. Beautiful beautiful team work. Any other issue (farming) is player related and will exist even if a magical, complete "Balance" was achieved.

Going into a BG where there are 7 healers on each side isn't fun.
Hordes were used to fight +7 1600hp huntards, and had to roll healers, so having to fight some 24s wasnt much different to fight a shitload of huntards.Due to that , horde queues were instant while ally ones were +15min, making horde more interesting for a 24 twink, since they dont have gear problems.

Alliance fotm huntards were used to fight people with 500 les hp than them, so having to fight people with actually better gear , was a pain for them, hence the QQ

Now that the bracket is somewhat balanced (all healers are op, but there isnt one that is incredible superior to the rest) horde does better than alliance.Add to that the more 24s on horde side, and you got your asnwer.
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