Search results

  1. Best 39?

    Warlocks are pretty OP at 39. I do tons of dmg & heal myself 1/3 with dmg done. To be it less boring, go spd, not hp/balanced.
  2. making a 39twink warlock.

    I wouldnt say better
  3. Enhancement Shaman PvP at 59

    I didnt even look inside. You will fail in ripping 50-59 just because of DK. I`ve had perfect geared enh shaman & i leveled him. He is 61 now.
  4. 39 SL Lock

    You`re soo wrong..
  5. Ambassador atlast!

    +1. I really feel sorry for you. If i were you, i`d fail miserably in doing chen`s empty keg 8475394857 times.
  6. Bloodsail Admiral Nullify - 69 DK

    Why 4 , when its 30?
  7. For anyone else who's insane... (59 mage)

    Req. lvl 60
  8. Knight-Captain 59 Rogue

    I remember the time when they invented BG.. I was lvl 25 or so, in front of WSG entrance (there were no AB, nor AV) there was like 1 million ppl, trying to get in. I also remember, that there were epic bracers on 28, 38, 48 & 58 levels. It was reward for WSG exalted. I wish i could see...
  9. New gear @ 29

    I believe it was 260 engineering in 3.1 Besides, to level it to 260 (300) u have (had) to be lvl 35.
  10. Sokolnikii

    Sokolniki is a place in Moscow, Russia :>
  11. Rate my 29 rogue, Mafavrel

    Looks perfect for me. The only thing - rogue should wear mantle of thieves! :)
  12. Give tips for 59 Warlock?

    Maybe ranged is ok, but i gave up on my enh shammy 59 long time ago. I ended up flying across a battlefield due to DKs - from one DK to another. Maybe warlock will be different thing. As for spec, personally me enjoy full affliction. I`m playing at 39 though.
  13. Heard you cant backstrafe in PTR

    No alt-tab:> just get peggle addon from curse Clearing 100% levels now >.<
  14. 49 Warlock Guide

    Very nice work, thank you so much! I would also add defender of timbermaw trinket, just for fun :)
  15. Hai guys

    hello, hello :>
  16. First Thread-Tanks

    i wish i could play on some server with enough twinks to begin thinking of 5-manning some instances :( Got myself 49 twinked warrior, never tanked in WoW though.
  17. 29 Orc Rogue weapons choice

    go dagger imo. its more fun. for me atleast :>
  18. New Rogue Question

    I suggest you to try 29 :) more fun + few BC-enchantable items + mount at 3.2 patch. BG queues at 29 > 19 imo though.
  19. I need -YOUR- 39 armory.

    signature v
  20. ZG enchants, are they possible?

    i myself got this enchant on my 59 shaman. You need to be level 50+ or 51+ afaik.