49 Warlock Guide

Taitaih's Guide to Twinking your 40-49 Warlock

This Guide is Property and Copyright of TwinkInfo.com

If you feel that I've missed something important that you feel needs to be included, please post or send me a PM.

Special Thanks to:

Wowhead: The one thing on which Ninjas and Pirates agree.

49 Twinks.com - Wow twinking guides for lvl 49s

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft Guides and Raid Strategies

World of Warcraft Community Site



- Table of Contents:

I. Introduction

II. Why Warlocks at 49?

III. Choosing your race

IV. Talent Builds/Chardev profiles

V. Gear Guide

VI. Warlock Pets

VII. Glyphs

VIII. Professions

IX. Consumables

X. BG and Arena Responsibilities as a Warlock

XI. Class Specific Strategies (SL/SL & SL/Destro)

XII. Valuable Addons & Macros

XIII. Summary

XIV. Changelog

- I. Introduction

Welcome to my 40-49 Warlock Guide. My name is Taitaih, and I primarialy play a warlock in the 40-49 bracket. This guide will get you started on gearing and playing your warlock, and provide tips and tricks to playing your warlock.

My primary spec (currently) is SL/SL (Soul Link/Siphon Life). This is a spec that is built around survivability and slowly burning your opponents down.

Armory ----> [char=Medivh]Taitaih[/char]

- II. Why Warlocks at 49?

The 40-49 bracket is one of the most bursty brackets. This is a fact that has stood for a long time. However, geared and specced correctly, a warlock can counter and mitigate a lot of incoming damage. A warlock can spread his damage across many targets, keep a target CCed for a long time, and survive while doing all of this.

Each warlock tree is different, and each spec requires a different style of play. This is a class that you will not be bored with if played properly.

Why SL/SL?

My gear guide covers pretty much all specs, however I primarily play SL/SL. There are five general specs that I see warlocks play as. Full Affliction, SL/SL, SL/Ruin (shadow destro), Demo, and Fire Destruction. Since the 49 bracket is so bursty, I feel that Soul Link is a requirement and not an optional talent. Reducing 20-25% of all incoming damage takes a lot of heat off of your healers and also gives you room to do more on the field. A dead warlock is a useless warlock, even if your dots do kill the target in the end. I personally like watching my targets die.

Common Misconceptions and some Truths

There is a fine line between a bad warlock, a good warlock, and a warlock who will make your opponent cry when they see you coming across the field. The last one is obviously what you should aspire to be.

Affliction and SL/SL warlocks are pinned as "dot and run" classes who stand behind the line of teammates, dot up everyone, and run when things go bad, letting their dots do the work. Yes, most locks do tend to stand behind the line of fire and dot people up (I tend to be the one jumping straight into an entire group of enemies leaving my teammates behind to /facepalm at me), and locks rely on their dots to do damage. This makes us a "noob" class and a "two button" class. That's ok. Let them think that.

You have a huge arsenal of toys to play with that your enemy sometimes won't expect you to pull out. Your Felhunter is your ideal pet and should be your pet of choice for almost all specs (I will cover glyphs and pets later). You have healthstones that you should liberally use at every 2minute CD when you think you're going to die (as well as lifeblood for herbalists). You have Fear, one of the most hated CCs in the game as well as Death Coil, which is a great CC mechanism as well as a great heal at the same time. Use these! Don't save them, you'll smack yourself in the head if you die because you didn't use them. Use all of these flawlessly and you will be on your way to being a great warlock.

*** Pros: ***

- Soul Link mitiagates 20-25%(glyphed) of all incoming damage (split to your pet)

- Geared for survival, can have 3500+ health (3200 at least recommended)

- Can use dots to damage multiple targets

- SL/SL and Affliction are both highly mobile

- A huge arsenal of CC

- Great burst as Destro

- Large advantage against hybrid classes as SL/SL

*** Cons: ***

- Low armor (cloth woo)

- When CDs are down, minimal escape routes

- When your pet dies as Soul Link, you become extremely vulnerable

- Weaker to most physical DPS classes

Enjoy the rest of the guide below!

***Along the way, you will see small footnotes that will be denoted as ***Tai's Opinion***. Yes these are my opinions on the subject and not always what everyone else agrees on. Hopefully it will help guide people in the right direction and answer questions that they might have.
- III. Choosing your Race

Note: I rate all races, both Alliance and Horde, great races for warlocks. Each one has it's own perk, but all of them are useful in some way to the warlock class. Therefore it's up to you to pick and choose.

*** Alliance:

- Human: [Every Man for Himself]

* Perception - Increases your Stealth detection.

* The Human Spirit - Spirit increased by 3%.

* Diplomacy - Reputation gains increased by 10%.

* Sword/Mace Specialization - Expertise with Swords/Maces and Two-Handed Swords/Maces increased by 3.

***Tai's Opinion*** - Very strong racial [Every Man for Himself], however I don't believe that humans are the best warlock race, although they are a great choice. I prefer having both Escape Artist and my Trinket for fights rather than just having one way out every two minutes. However, having a 2 minute trinket that gets you out of everything is pretty sexy as well. Many people live and die by the human racial for warlocks and especially other melee classes; this is just my opinion.

- Gnome: [Escape Artist]

* Expansive Mind - Intellect increased by 5%.

* Arcane Resistance - Reduces the chance you will be hit by Arcane spells by 2%.

* Engineering Specialization - Engineering skill increased by 15..

***Tai's Opinion*** - Obviously I have a slight favoritism towards Gnomes because I personally play one, however they are my favorite race for Alliance warlocks. Having both [Escape Artist] and your PvP Trinket is very useful for escaping pesky melees in a fight, or getting out of a tight situation while you are carrying the flag.

*** Horde:

- Blood Elf: [Arcane Torrent]

* Magic Resistance: Reduces the chance you will be hit by spells by 2%.

* Enchanting skill increased by 10.

***Tai's Opinion*** - The extra silence from [Arcane Torrent] is actually very underestimated at times. Being able to Fear -> Death Coil -> Spell Lock -> Arcane Torrent -> Fear a healer shuts them down for a LONG time.

- Undead: [Will of the Forsaken]

* Cannibalize: When activated, regenerates 7% of total health every 2 sec for 10 sec. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect.

* Underwater Breathing - Underwater breath lasts 233% longer than normal

* Shadow Resistance - Reduces the chance you will be hit by Shadow spells by 2%.

***Tai's Opinion*** - If this was a warlock v warlock duel, I would select Undead hands down. Undead racials are strongest against other warlocks that use primarily shadow spells. Being able to break fear on command with [Will of the Forsaken] should never be underestimated. Cannibalize gets you quickly recovered after a fight (Lifetap -> Cannibalize).

- Orc: [Blood Fury]

* Blood Fury (in detail) - Increases your spell power by (Level*2)+3. Lasts 15 sec (for 49s that equals 101 spell power) .

* Hardiness: Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 15%.

* Command - Damage dealt by Death Knight, Hunter and Warlock pets increased by 5%.

***Tai's Opinion*** - If you want the biggest dots possible and/or the biggest Soulfire possible, look no further. Orc locks, with [Blood Fury] up, do the most damage for 15 seconds, then again in 2 minutes. Hardiness gives you a slight advantage against stunlock rogues, ret paladins, and prot warriors (and any other class that uses stuns in general).
- IV. Talent Builds/Chardev Profiles

The bulk of my work is contained in this section. For each possible spec, I will be posting a Chardev with Best in Slot gear (in my opinion). If you are looking for references to gear for a particular spec, here's where to look. A couple notes:

1.) I am assuming that you are choosing Mining/Herbalism as your two professions.

2.) Yes I am using [ITEM]Spellshock Leggings[/ITEM] in each Chardev build. If you need alternatives, they will be posted in the gear section below.

3.) I assume that you will be using a MH weapon that can take [ITEM]Brilliant Wizard Oil[/ITEM] for BGs, and using [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Grand Staff of Jordan[/ITEM]for Arenas.

4.) The Talent Calculators that I've posted are quite generic. Generic as in they are fairly flexible. You may alter them as you wish, but I think that I generally did a good job choosing the proper talent points. Some points are fillers, so move them around at your desire.

***Siphon Life/Soul Link (SL/SL)***

Chardev Balanced ->Survival - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222671

Chardev Balanced ->Damage - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222673

Chardev Balanced ->Flag Carrying - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222676

Talent Calculator (29/11/0) - 29/11/0 (1 point Suppression, 3 point Fel Concentration)

Talent Calculator (29/11/0) - 29/11/0 (3 point Suppression, 1 point Improved Fear)


Chardev Balanced ->Damage - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222679

Talent Calculator (40/0/0) - 40/0/0 (3 point Suppression, 1 point Eradication)

Talent Calculator (37/3/0) - 37/3/0 (3 point Demonic Embrace)

***Fire Destruction***

Chardev Fire Damage - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222684

Chardev Spellpower Balanced - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222685

Chardev Spellpower Crit - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222688

Talent Calculator (0/1/39) - 0/1/39


Chardev - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222676

Talent Calculator (0/40/0) - 0/40/0 (This spec can vary depending on your choice of pet)

***Shadow Destruction***

Chardev Balanced/Crit ->Survival - http://www.chardev.org/?template=223775

Chardev Spellpower Crit - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222688

Talent Calculator (0/0/40) - 0/0/40 (3 point Immolate, 1 point Conflag)

Talent Calculator (0/0/40) - 0/0/40 (5 point Shadow and Flame)

Talent Calculator (0/11/29) - 0/11/29 (SL/Ruin)
- V. Gear Guide

Guide Legend:

Binds -

BOP - Bind on Pickup

BOE - Bind on Equip

BOA - Bind on Account

Locations - For Quests and Quest Chains, I link the first quest.

AH - Auction House

ENG - Engineering

ST - Sunken Temple

MARA - Maraudon

BRD - Blackrock Depths

ZF - Zul'Farrak

RFD - Razorfen Downs

ULDA - Uldaman

SM - Scarlet Monastery

Rating System -

A+ = Optimal/Best in Slot

A(+) = Optimal for certain specs/situation, such as flag carrying

A = Recommend Replacement

A- = Satisfactory Replacement

Gear Recommendation -

ALL - Good for everything and SL/SL

ALL/DMG - Good for 90% of the damage specs

FC - Flag Carrying

AFF - Affliction

SDESTRO - Soul Link/Ruin or Shadow Destro

FDESTRO - Fire Destro

DEMO - Demonology


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="200">[ITEM]Soulcatcher Halo[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">ST - Trash</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="200">[ITEM]Eye of Flame[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">World/AH</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG/CRIT</td></tr><tr><td width="200">[ITEM]Green Lens[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">ENG/AH</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">AFF/FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Pulsating Crystalline Shard[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Lifeblood Amulet[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ZF - Antu'sul</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Fire Opal Necklace[/ITEM]+13 stam</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Coffers</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Fire Opal Necklace[/ITEM]+8 int/+9 stam</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Coffers</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Gemshard Heart[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">MARA - Princess Theradras</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Glowing Eye of Mordresh[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">RFD - Mordresh Fire Eye</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="200">[ITEM]Tattered Dreadmist Mantle[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="200">[ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Kentic Amice[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">BRD - High Interrogator Grestahn </td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Mantle of Lost Hope[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">BRD - Lord Roccor </td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

Back: Enchants: +20 Spell Penetration, +120 Armor

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Featherskin Cape[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Avatar of Hakkar</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Deep Woodlands Cloak[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest (Horde Only)</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Battle Healer's Cloak[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Caretaker's Cape[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Spritecaster Cape[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Houndmaster Grebmar</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

Chest: Enchants: +150 Health, +6 All Stats

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Chan's Imperial Robes[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/Mith'rethis the Enchanter</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/SLSL/FC</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Tattered Dreadmist Robe[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Abjurer's Robe[/ITEM]+33 shadow</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">WORLD/AH</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">DMG/AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Abjurer's Tunic[/ITEM]+33 shadow</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">WORLD/AH</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">DMG/AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Robes of the Lich[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">RFD - Amnennar the Coldbringer</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Grimlok's Tribal Vestments[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">UDLA - Grimlok</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Antiquated Nobleman's Tunic[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain (Horde Only)</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

Bracers:Enchants: +15 Spell Power, +12 Stamina

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Dryad's Wrist Bindings[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

Gloves: Enchants: +20 Spell Power, +15 Hit Rating, +10 Critical Strike

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Atal'ai Gloves[/ITEM]+13 int/+13 stam</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Troll Bosses</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/FC</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Atal'ai Gloves[/ITEM]+29 fire</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Troll Bosses</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Atal'ai Gloves[/ITEM]+23 spell</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Troll Bosses</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL/AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Gloves of the Dune[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain (Alliance Only)</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Revelosh's Gloves[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">ULDA - Revelosh</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Ban'thok Sash[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Ok'thor the Breaker</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Satyrmane Sash[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">MARA - Lord Vyletongue</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Chloromesh Girdle[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">MARA -Razorlash</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">AFF/FDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Highlander's Cloth Girdle[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Arathi Basin Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Defiler's Cloth Girdle[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Arathi Basin Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr>

<tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Swashbuckler Sash[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">QUEST</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Spellshock Leggings[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/ZF - ????</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Necromancer Leggings[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Blighted Leggings[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">SM - Azshir the Sleepless</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Imperial Red Pants[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">AFF/ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Opulent Leggings[/ITEM]+15 stam/+15 int</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Shadoweave Pants[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">AFF/ALL</td></tr></table>

Feet: Enchants: +12 stam, +9 stam/minorspeed(Boar's Speed), +10hit/+10crit(Surefooted)

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Highlander's Cloth Boots[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Arathi Basin Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Defiler's Cloth Boots[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Arathi Basin Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Vinerot Sandals[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">MARA - Razorlash</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">AFF</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Underworld Band[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/FC</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Cyclopean Band[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Ok'thor the Breaker</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Gem Studded Band[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">Jewelcrafting</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Deadman's Hand[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">SM - Arcanist Doan</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Ring of Saviors[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">AH/WORLD</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Lorekeeper's Ring[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Gurubushi Arena</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/FC</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">PVP HONOR</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">PVP HONOR</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">DESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM] </td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Tidal Charm[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Prince Nazjak</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Rune of Perfection[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL/FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Rune of Duty[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Arathi Basin Mark of Honor[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL/FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Defender of the Timbermaw[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Timbermaw Rep. - Exalted</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

1H Weapon:Enchants: Soulfrost, Sunfire, +40 Spellpower

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Arbiter's Blade[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Warder Stigless</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></td></table>

1H Weapon (WotLK Enchantable - HORDE ONLY):Enchants: +63 Spellpower, Black Magic

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL/AFF/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Sword[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL/AFF/DMG</td></tr></table>

Off Hand:

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Drakestone[/ITEM]+9-10 int/+9-10 stam</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Drakes</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Drakestone[/ITEM]+21 Fire Damage</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Drakes</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">FDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Drakestone[/ITEM]+21 Shadow Damage</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Drakes</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Drakestone[/ITEM]+16 Spellpower</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ST - Drakes</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">AFF</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Enthralled Sphere[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - High Interrogator Gerstahn</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Umbral Crystal[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">WORLD/AH</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">ALL</td></tr></table>

2H Weapon:Enchants: Soulfrost, Sunfire, +40 Spellpower

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Kindling Stave[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Pyromancer Loregrain</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG/FDESTRO/SDESTRO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOA</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL/ARENA</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Grand Staff of Jordan[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">[ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]</td><td width="50">A(+)</td><td width="80">ALL/ARENA</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Glowing Brightwood Staff[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOE</td><td width="160">WORLD/AH</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">FC/DEMO</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Zum'rah's Vexing Cane[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">ZF - Witch Doctor Zum'rah</td><td width="50">A-</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr></table>

2H Weapon (WotLK Enchantable - HORDE ONLY):Enchants: +81 Spellpower, Black Magic

<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Staff[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain</td><td width="50">A</td><td width="80">ALL/AFF/DMG</td></tr></table>

***Tai's Opinion on Enchanted Azsharite and Black Magic*** - Ok, this has been brought up to me perhaps a million times, and I give the same answer almost every time. Black Magic is NOT superior to a pure damage weapon/enchant even if you switch it out after the proc. The only case where Black Magic might even be remotely better is when you are in a 1v1 situation. In a group situation, you are gimping ALL of your dots just to wait for one proc to switch your weapons out for 45 seconds. If you're seriously spending the time to watch for the proc, you're probably not watching for other important things going on in the battlefield. Black Magic is seriously a no-no.


<table><tr><td width="250"><u>Item Name</u></td><td width="125"><u>BOP/BOE/BOA</u></td><td width="200"><u>Obtained From</u></td></td><td width="50"><u>Rating</u></td><td width="500"><u>Recommended Specs</u></td><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Pyric Caduceus[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">BRD - Pyromancer Loregrain</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Scrying Wand[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">Quest Chain</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/DMG</td></tr><tr><td width="250">[ITEM]Noxious Shooter[/ITEM]</td><td width="125">BOP</td><td width="160">MARA - Noxxion</td><td width="50">A+</td><td width="80">ALL/FC/DEMO</td></tr></table>
- VI. Warlock Pets

Felhunter -

Notable Abilities: Devour Magic, Spell Lock

Learn to use, cherish, and love this pet as an SL/SL warlock. There are few instances besides 1v1s where you will need to have any other pet. This pet + Glyph of Felhunter make you an absolute nightmare on the field. You should be using Devour Magic at every opportune instance and learning when to use spell lock. This is the one pet that is particulary difficult to master, but absolutely brutal when you finally figure out exactly how to use it. Keep it close to you (IE passive), and bind "Pet Attack" to something and "Stop Attack" to something else. This way you can call and recall your pet at your leisure, and hope that it doesn't get killed on it's way back home to you.

Succubus -

Notable Abilities: Seduction

The succubus is particularly good for destruction specs, especially those who want their target to hold still long enough for a cast. You can get some nice combos off before your opponent even realize what happened (Seduce-> Soul Fire-> Immolate-> Shadowbolt/Searing Pain-> Conflag). However, your succubus is slightly difficult to control, and Seduction is not an instant cast. Your target can easily move out of seduction's range, and if you happen to accidentally place a dot on your target, you can forget about seducing your target. If you can master this pet, you'll have a 2nd on demand CC available and another tool to irritate your opponents.

Voidwalker -

Notable Abilities: Sacrifice

The Voidwalker's Sacrifice looks fantastic on paper, but the 1 minute cooldown on it makes it inferior to Devour Magic by a long shot. Besides the fact that Sacrifice can be dispelled since it's a magic effect, as long as you have something you devour, you can easily do plenty of healing to yourself. However, Sacrifice can be a great ability 1v1 against rogues and warriors IF they don't have an AGM or other buffs that you can dispel off of them. Beware against prot warriors, they can dispel that shield right off of you.

Imp -

Notable Abilities: Blood Pact

Your Imp has little to no pvp usage unless your idiot of a BG leader demands that your flag carrier have the Blood Pact buff. In that case, tell him to shove it.

- VII. Glyphs

This section contains valuable glyphs for warlocks.

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Felhunter - This glyph should be the bread and butter of any SL/SL spec and any spec that involves using the Felhunter as your major pet. The devour heal is incredibly valuable and really adds up over time. Recommended Specs: SL/SL, Demo, SL/Ruin, Affliction.

Glyph of Soul Link - This glyph ranks 2nd on my important glyphs for SL/SL, and any spec running Soul Link. An additional 5% damage that gets pushed on your pet is substantial and is further reduction on incoming burst. Recommended Specs: SL/SL, Demo, SL/Ruin.

Glyph of Siphon Life - I would choose this glyph as well for SL/SL or any spec running Siphon Life, however I feel that you get a greater benefit from Glyph of Soul Link because you can reduce more damage which makes it much easier on your healers. This is still a fine glyph choice, but not my pick for the 2nd major glyph for SL/SL. Recommended Specs: Affliction

Glyph of Corruption - This major glyph is fantastic for full affliction locks, allowing them to add some extra burst damage by being able to proc Nightfall. Also good for full shadow destro locks looking to just pump out those shadowbolts. Recommended Specs: Shadow Destro, Affliction.

Glyph of Life Tap - I added this one in just for those locks looking to hit their highest soulfires ever. This glyph makes up for a lot of the loss we endured when we lost the leg patches. If you're looking to crank out 5k+ Soulfires, you need this one. Recommended Specs: Fire Destro.

Glyph of Conflagrate - Pretty much a must for Conflag specced warlocks. Keeps your Immolate spell ticking, and if used properly, you can get two Conflags out of a single Immolate. That's not always the case however. Recommended Specs: Destro w/ Conflagrate.

Glyph of Immolate - A nice partner glyph for Glyph of Conflagrate, boosts the damage of Immolate and will also boost the damage of Conflagrate slightly. Recommended Specs: Destro.

Minor Glyphs

Glyph of Drain Soul - Fairly standard minor glyph for warlocks, however with 3.2 and the ability to turn off XP, this glyph may not be as needed.
- VIII. Professions

1.) Mining - Highest skill (currently) attainable 375. Notable Buffs: Toughness

- Mining should be in every 49 warlock's professions. Demonic Embrace + Fel Vitality boost the benefits of Toughness even further. Being cloth, we are perhaps one of the squishiest classes, and we need the extra health as a padding. I highly recommend this profession.

2.) Herbalism - Highest skill (currently) attainable 375. Notable Buffs: Lifeblood

- Herbalism is my 2nd recommended profession. It has great sync with Demon Skin which allows this one HoT to heal you for 30-50% of your health. This is like a free healing potion you should be using every 3 minutes, and syncing it with a healthstone, you can heal nearly your entire health bar in one GCD. Do not underestimate this profession.

3.) Jewelcrafting - Highest skill (currently) attainable 300. Notable Trinkets: [ITEM]Figurine - Ruby Serpent[/ITEM]

- Although there are many jewelcrafting trinkets out there, Ruby Serpent is the most notable of them for a warlock. Jewelcrafting is popular for orcs especially because of Blood Fury and Ruby Serpent adding an instant 200+ spell damage to your arsenal. I don't think that Jewelcrafting is ideal for every warlock, especially with the survivability bonuses of Herbalism and Mining, but it is the profession to go with if you want sick damage.

4.) Engineering - Highest skill (currently) attainable 300. Notables: [ITEM]Arcane Bomb[/ITEM], [ITEM]Thorium Grenade[/ITEM], [ITEM]Fel Iron Bomb[/ITEM]

- Some people live and die by engineering for the 49s, but I still never see people use it consistently. Arcane Bombs are fantastic, but expensive to make and sometimes even harder to find someone with the pattern. Thorium Grenades can easily be made and can be great in a pinch. Fel Iron Bombs pack a heavy punch, although you have to be sitting still to throw them.

5.) Tailoring - Highest skill (currently) attainable 300. Notables: [ITEM]Netherweave Net[/ITEM]

- Not too much to say about tailoring. Nets are fine and dandy, but don't provide too much for warlocks unless you want to net those trying to escape you.

6.) Skinning - Highest skill (currently) attainable 375. Noteable Buffs: Master of Anatomy

- If you really want a high crit rating for your destro lock, go with skinning. Still, there are better ways to go in my opinion then just getting a high crit rating.
- X. BG and Arena Responsibilities as a Warlock

Damage/Crowd Control/Flag Carrying

This section will actually be fairly short and sweet. Warlocks do two primary things, Damage and Crowd Control (CC) and as a third can carry flags on the side.

- Damage

Your damage spread across many targets is impossible for any other class to emulate. It is however, very vulnerable to dispels and decurses. That's perfectly okay, you want healers to be focused on dispelling your dots and not healing through burst. This is your goal playing in a group. You set the distraction to force enemy healers to have to choose between dispelling your painful dots and healing through your team's burst.

My goal in games is normally to be the first person into an enemy group. This forces the enemy to decide whether to kill me first, my healers, or my team's other burst DPS. I want healers to be focused on dispelling my dots so my burst can focus fire their weakest target or land a crucial CC. It's okay if you get dispelled, that normally means their healer is not focused on healing and is focused on dispelling your next target.

Once the opposing healer is forced to heal, that's when you go nuts and start reapplying dispelled dots and start doing large amounts of group damage.

Also don't forget that if you start feeling the burst, you should have Lifeblood and Healthstones and maybe an AGM to help you live a little longer.

Death Coil - After 3.1, Death Coil got a fantastic buff allowing it to heal you for 300% of the damage done. This causes it to become both a great offensive an defensive spell at the same time. Choose your moments when you use it carefully because it could easily save your life twofold. Certain classes such as rogues, warriors, and hard hitting MM hunters, you may want to choose to use it early for a quick peel or late (when there's no MS effect on you) for a 1000+ heal. Either way Death Coil is one of our best spells to use. Never, ever ever open with it. It is a waste if you do.

- Crowd Control (CC)

The other primary duty for a warlock is crowd control. We have perhaps the most irritating crowd control in the game. Fear. Learn to use it, learn to love it, learn how to manage its Diminishing Return.

If you're up against someone that knows how to dispel and does it very well, Fear is the best time to reapply your dots and allow them to tick. Often, they won't dispel after a fear because they're concerned about other things.

SHADOWBOLT WILL BREAK FEAR 90% OF THE TIME. Have another method of CC prepared or be ready for it to break after you cast 1 Shadowbolt (don't follow a fear with a Nightfall if at all possible, it will break that fear).

Healers should be your first obvious Fear priority as well as people beating on your healers. Your goal as a warlock is to find a balance between your damage and your CC. If I have two targets to CC, I will open with a fear on one of them, plant two dots on them, and then fear my other target and dot him as well. Then I Fear my original target again followed by a shadowbolt/searing pain and then alternate to my 2nd target.

CC Chain to kill a healer - This is very situational, but it can catch even the best healers off guard if they're not expecting it. This should kill any healer that is sitting around the 50% mark (probably around 1500-2000 health), sans pally bubble of course.

1.) Fear and immediately reapply your dots if they have been dispelled. If he/she trinkets immediately go for another fear and reapply dots.

2.) If they have any HoTs/Sheilds/Buffs, use your felhunter to devour.

3.) During your fear wind up a Shadowbolt, immediately start hitting your Death Coil as Shadowbolt leaves.

4.) Your Shadowbolt/Deathcoil combo locks the healer into another CC chain.

Option1.) If the healer didn't trinket the first fear, he/she is almost certain to trinket this one. If you know that is coming, immediately unleash a fear after your Death Coil.

- During the 2nd fear, wind up a shadowbolt followed by a spell lock. This healer should be dead.

Option2.) If the healer did trinket the first fear, wind up another Shadowbolt.

- Follow this Shadowbolt by a spell lock. This healer should be dead.

Option3.) If your healer is a Paladin, he/she is probably going to bubble. Use your spell lock as your Death Coil hits and quickly wind up another Shadow Bolt/Searing Pain.

- If the Paladin doesn't die at this point, he's definitely going to bubble. Recharge your health if possible by bandaging and return by draining his mana followed by small Fear chains to irritate him.

Your other responsibilities for CC are to CC high DPSers and the Flag Carrier is necessary.

Warriors - Fear him once, and then leave him be. Berserker Rage should and will be popped.

Rogues - Get them off your healers and keep them off. Fear is often quickly broken by Undead rogues, so be prepared to reapply it. Follow it with a Corruption and Curse of Exhaustion.

Hunters - They will most likely Feign Death your first Fear, so prepare to retarget and refear. Fear the pet if necessary off you or your healer and I tend to dot both the hunter and pet for minor health regeneration (Also if I go LoS from the hunter, it's nice to have a fully dotted pet to Drain Life off of).

Shaman - Pet Stomp their Tremor Totem/Grounding Totem, then fear them into oblivion.

Paladins - Keep HoJ/Repentance off of your Healers with your Felhunter Devour and Fear him away.

Druids - Nothing too hard here, just Keep him feared.

Mages - Keep Sheep off of your Healers and make sure to Silence him when he sets up for a shatter combo.

Warlocks - Counter them before they counter you. I will silence their first fear midcast, dot them up, then recast my own fear (keep shadow ward up here).

Priests - Priests can be really annoying to keep under control for a warlock. In a group, keep Curse of Tongues on them and mana drain the crap out of them. Keep an eye out for fear ward and fear him when it's down or attempt to devour it/fear him to get it off.

- Flag Carrying

SL/SL is very durable, and is a fine choice for flag carrying in pugs and partials. Unbuffed you should be able to reach 4000 health, FULLY buffed you should be around 5.5k - 6.0k. With Wizard Oil, I can also pump out 270 Shadow Damage while maintaining that health. Your benefit to your team is that you don't have to keep an extra DPS with you. A healer or two will suffice because you should be able to take out incoming offense unless they send a dedicated healer along as well.

You have many resources to keep yourself alive. AGM is a must, Lifeblood (herbalism), Healthstone, and Bandages. Use them.

KEEP YOUR PET ALIVE (or tell your healers to)! Your 20-25% damage split between you and your pet is substantial and key to being a successful flag carrier. At some points, my pet and I have taken enough damage crossing midfield that my pet dies before even getting to our tunnel (keep in mind that your felhunter will have more health than you as well).

Remember, you aren't invincible. If you trust your healers enough to go barging through a crowd of 7 Horde, then by all means. But if you're by your lonesome or you know your healers won't be able to keep you up, then be smart, go around them or delay the fight as much as possible. You are a cloth tank with your healers, but alone, especially without your pet, you are as vulnerable as a 7k health prot paladin.
- XI. Class Specific Strategies 1v1 (SL/SL & SL/Destro)

Disclaimer - This section is taken from my experiences and certain aspects from Theorycrafting. There are many things in theorycraft that work and don't work, and I'll make sure to mention those. This section was also one of the hardest for me to write. Not everybody agrees with what I'm going to say. I will take in consideration what others say, however it may not appear here. I do my best at this class, I'm obviously not 100%, especially since everyone plays differently, and each dual can go a different way. I'm doing my best to generalize and be specific at the same time, which is very difficult. If anything, I hope you learn something.

Remember: You have Healthstones, you (might) have Lifeblood, you (might) have AGM, you (should) have bandages. If you don't use all of them and you lose a dual/arena, smack yourself upside the head.

Certain differences between SL/SL and SL/Destro -- These specs are both very similar. SL/SL can lean slightly towards having less stamina (3500 recommended), but SL/Destro(Ruin) will put out more damage, however without the benefit of Siphon Life, so you'll actually want more health (4000 recommended). With SL/SL you should have Curse of Exhaustion and Siphon Life (obviously). SL/Destro you will primarily gain Shadowburn. You will be pumping out a lot more shadowbolts as SL/Destro, and with SL/SL you should be draining more.

SL/SL - http://www.chardev.org/?template=222671

SL/Destro Build - http://www.chardev.org/?template=234766

Levels of Difficulty -

Difficult: This class/spec has distinct advantages against you and will make for a hard duel.

Balanced/RNG: This class/spec is fairly balanced against you, and this duel will come down to RNG.

Moderate: You have certain advantages against this class/spec, however you should also keep a close eye on what's going on.

Easy: You have many distinct advantages against this class/spec and you should win this fight.


- Restoration: Moderate

Resto druids are more annoying than anything else. They shouldn't have the DPS to kill you, nor should they have the mana to outlast you forever. This is the case in 1v1, however in something like a BG, they will run from you, they will heal, they will do anything to keep you from getting to them.

In a 1v1 situation, it's slightly different. They have to (for the most part), stay and fight you. This leads to less running and more of you being able to work on them. First off. Your Felhunter should be out and should be hugging that druid like white on rice. You can choose to dispel moonfire off yourself if the druid moonfires, otherwise you need to start dispelling the druid's buffs (IE Mark of the Wild and Thorns). Basically you are preparing to dispel innervate.

For this duel, start by dotting them up, use Immolate if you'd like for some extra kick, they can't dispel it (for SL/Ruin I'd highly recommend it). I normally feel confident enough to start with a shadowbolt just to start putting pressure. Fear them, and begin mana draining them if they stay in caster or travel form. Otherwise Shadowbolt, Drain Life, or Searing Pain. The more they shift, the better you're making them waste lots of mana shifting. The more they stay in caster, the more mana you're draining. Keep dispelling their buffs and HoTs.

If you happen to catch the druid at 50%, it's not a bad time to use a killing combo on him (IE Deathcoil, shadow bolt, spell lock, fear, shadowbolt). It may or may not work, but at the very least, you're going to get a trinket blown.

This duel can last for a long time. That's ok, you will be able to wear them down in the long run if you play this properly. If they every try to go out of line of sight to heal, silence them with the felpuppy. If they start getting low on mana, begin paying attention because they will innervate. A good druid will bury his innervate under a Rejuv and Regrowth hots, but if you have their mana low enough, they might not even be able to bury it.

- Balance: Moderate -> Balanced/RNG

You have to be slightly careful here in this duel. Boomkins can pump out some great burst damage, and if you get caught in the middle of it, you will go down before you even know it. Your felpuppy also needs to be close to them at all times here. However, you also want to keep close to your pet in order to dispel moonfire and insect swarm for your heals and prevent them from doing further damage.

Boomkins tend to lead with a Moonfire and Insect Swarm. They will then begin casting either Starfire and Wrath. If you feel confident that you can land a fear before Starfire hits, do it. If not, use your felhunter to silence because you'll be in a world of hurt if it crits. The more aggressive you are with your silences in this one, the higher the chance that they'll be up again when you need them most. If you happen to get hit by a Starfire and it hurts, use one of your larger style heals (IE Healthstone + Lifeblood, AGM, Death Coil). If you manage to get that fear off, throw up your dots and either drain or shadowbolt to put pressure on them.

If you manage to get a boomkin down to around 50% and they are still trying to do damage to you, you've won this one. Begin by CCing them either with fear or death coil, spell lock them, and continue putting pressure on them. If they are healing themselves instead of doing damage to you, begin draining their mana during their heals. Unless a Boomkin has bursted you down, you should be able to continue putting pressure on them and keep them from being able to deal too much damage. They will waste a lot of mana healing either themselves and therefore they will not be able to keep pressure on you.

TLDR -- CC is very important in this one if you want the upper hand. Whether they Wrath spam or attempt to hit the Starfire, get CC off and keep it on them. Attempt to keep them from casting as long as you possibly can, and then they should be behind.

- Feral: Easy

If you lose this one, either the Feral Druid is really really good, or you're not used to playing a lock. This duel should be cake for us hands down.

Balance druids put out more burst than feral druids. They also have more spellpower for healing and a larger mana pool. This should give you a general idea of how this duel is probably going to play out.

Ferals are pretty much rogues without the poisons and without the hard hitting eviscerates. They will jump you from stealth generally with pounce, if they ravage, laugh at them and proceed to kick them while they're down. As either SL/SL or SL/Destro, you will have enough health to outlast their initial burst and then begin CCing them. If they immune your fear and you desperately need a CC, throw death coil at them. Don't bother silencing them until they try to heal. When they do, immediately CC chain them with spell lock, fear, and death coil. If you get low on health, use one of your high healing spells and just keep throwing dots and draining them. Normally you shouldn't have any problems just sitting and drain tanking them until they die.


- Marksman:

- Beast Mastery:

- Survival:



- Arcane:

- Frost:

- Fire:


- Holy:

- Protection:

- Retribution:


- Holy/Discipline: Difficult

Good Disc and Holy priests are probably one of the most difficult fights you will encounter as a warlock. Unless you play a lot of your cards absolutely perfectly, you will lose this one.

Priests can dispel Corruption and Immolate. Disc priests especially, can put out a good amount of DPS in a short amount of time while barely affecting their mana. Out of all the healers in the bracket, Priests have the most mana for you to burn through, and the most offensive power of all healing classes. Well played Disc and Holy priests will make your life extremely difficult.

Priest playstyle can vary from priest to priest, whether they decide to mana burn you, DPS you, heal themselves... keep in mind, they can do any of those and still be dangerous to you.

You must play aggressively. Almost as aggressive as you can possibly be. This is one duel that I open with Spell Lock just so they cannot gain the upper hand and put me on the defensive. You need to play very aggressive to put the priest on the defensive. Keep your felhunter a slight distance away so you both don't get feared by Psychic Scream (if possible). If the priest runs directly towards you, it's a good indication that their AoE fear is coming. Do the smart thing and run away or prepare to trinket it.

In this duel, the priest should be dispelling Corruption on a consistent basis so it will be hard to keep its damage ticking. The best times to put up Corruption is when the priest is CCed and not able to dispel it. You will be able to maximize your damage during that time, and when the priest is CCed is when you should be pumping out drains and shadowbolts. You need to be devouring with your felhunter every 8 seconds. You need to be Draining Mana when you have health, and Draining Life when you need to. You need to either keep Curse of Agony on him for damage or Curse of Tongues to keep him from pumping out too much damage on you. After your first initial silence, you should silence Heals unless the priest is under Power Infusion, then you need to be preventing him from casting damaging spells. Save your Death Coil for the killing blow if possible. If not, use it when you need a desperate heal. Make sure the priest does not LoS your felhunter and get a heal off. You'll probably have to fear him twice, once to get fear ward off.

TLDR -- This is a hard fight. Both of you are made to outlast, and you will be tested to see how well you can use all of your abilities.

- Shadow: Difficult

A fight against a shadowpriest can go downhill quickly if you're not careful. Just like against Disc/Holy, you need to be aggressive. Your spell lock will be key to keeping him silenced and down for a few seconds. A shadowpriest will have Silence, and that alone can keep you from gaining the upper hand immediately. If you silences you without any other dots on, YOU CAN DISPEL IT. I recommend you do so (obviously). You can choose to devour shadow word: pain off yourself or dispel his buffs. Either way this is a pressure packed fight. Spell Lock him at the beginning and immediately put a lot of pressure on him. Once again, Corruption will be dispelled, but in this case, if he's dispelling Corruption, he's not DPSing you.

Although this fight is faster, you will want to be wary of his health and yours as well. Shadow Priests don't have quite as much Mana as Disc/Holy priests, so make sure that you keep his mana pool as a concern. Your goal is to get him out of shadowform and get him to start healing himself. Once you have reached this point, you should have won this fight. Also as with Disc/Holy priests, if he comes towards you, he's probably going to fear.


- Ambush/Evis:

- CS/Evis:

- Subtlety:


- Enhancement:

- Restoration:

- Elemental:


- SL/SL:

- Affliction:

- Destruction:


- Arms/Fury:

- Protection:
- XII. Valuable Addons and Macros

I use Damia's UI, custom configured to my resolution. The original UI can be found here.

A screenshot and short video of my UI in action:



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/BLVh8Te20e0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/BLVh8Te20e0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

- Addons:

Dottimers: It's important to see how long your dots have left, especially when they're spread out over so many targets.

ForteXorcist: My personal favorite warlock dottimer and warlock addon overall. It includes a small cooldown bar so that you can see how long your cooldowns have left as well as a very intensive dottimer that keeps track of all dot durations and your fear duration as well. I highly recommend this addon.

Classtimer: Classtimer is simpler than ForteXorcist and is very easy to set up. However, it only keeps track of the dots that are sitting on your current target.

DoTimer: Your classic DoTimer.

Ellipsis: I personally haven't used Ellipsis, but it has quite a few downloads from wowinterface so it's included here.

Actionbars: I like actionbars that I can put anywhere and customize to my own liking.

Bartender4: Fairly standard and customizable for everyone to use. Simple and lightweight.

Trinket Menu: A great little mod to organize and manage your trinkets.

Unitframes: There are a lot of Unitframe mods out there, I personally use PitBull for it's flexibility, but there are many simpler mods out there that you can use.

Pitbull: Great UI mod, can adopt external graphics and can be flexible enough to do almost anything.

X-Perl UnitFrames: Another great UI mod that's very simple to set up and use.

Perl Classic Unit Frames: Another simple Unitframe mod that's simple looking and simple to set up.

ag_Unitframes: ag_Unitframes was one of the original unitframe mods that I used initially when I started playing with unitframe mods. It's a very nice learning mod to start with, and great to configure.

NurfedUI: Nurfed UI was the first UI I ever used. Updates to it can be rough, but it is very configurable.

HealBot: I am a Grid user for healing, but I've heard many great things about HealBot as well for healing.

Grid: A standard for raid healing, can be configured to take up very little room on your screen. Takes some time to setup.

BG/Arena mods::

Capping: GREAT little BG mod. Has timers to show how long nodes have to cap in AB, allows you to target and shows flag carriers (and their health percentage) in WSG, and also keeps track of your queues.

Gladius: Gladius is the current (imo best) arena mod available.

Scrolling Combat Text (sct): Some people like it, some don't, I prefer having it for the details it provides on a whim.

Parrot: Great sct mod, very customizable and very lightweight.

SCT: Your classic scrolling combat text.

MikScrollingBattleText: Also a fantastic scrolling text mod.

Buffs and Debuffs: There are plenty of these out there, and they should be used to help you keep track of your opponents buffs, gains, and your debuffs on them.

SatrinaBuffFrames3: Perhaps THE most customizable buffs frames useable. Can filter and divide particular buffs and debuffs so you can keep track of them on yourself and on others.

Power Auras Classic: You can set this up so when something you feel important procs (for example Nightfall/Backlash), it will show a very visible aura that will let you know that it has procced.

Elkano's BuffBars: If you're confused with how to use Satrina's Buff Frames, I'd recommend using this one instead. Very simple to use and set up.

SmartDebuff: This addon helps you cleanse off of your teammates if you can't keep your eye directly on them. I don't personally use it on my warlock, but it may be useful to healers.

Witchhunt: Great spell alert addon that shows when spells gain and are lost.

Ghost Pulse: Pulses when your CDs come up or when your opponent casts a spell and can be configured to show a lot more.

Castbars:: You will need to see your casts, your opponent's/target's casts, and generally your Focus' casts.

Quartz: Best casting bar in my opinion. Many options that can be configured and used including a GCD timer and Swing timer.

eCastingBar: Great little casting bar set, very simple to setup and use.

AzCastBar: Heard some good reviews on this one, never used it myself.

Other General Mods:: A section for some general mods that are not particularly useful but might make your life easier.

Prat: Great chat mod.

SLDataText: Mod that shows a lot of different tidbits of data such as Bag Space, Clock, Durability, Gold, Friends, etc. Definitely check it out!

kgPanels: If you want pretty boxes around your screen, you need this addon to make that happen.

- Macros:

Felhunter Devour Macro: This macro is a must. It will devour off of you, and use the "alt" modifier to devour off of your target.

/cast [modifier:alt, pet:Felhunter] Devour Magic; [pet:Felhunter, target=player] Devour Magic

Dismounted/Devour: Dismounts you and devours off your target

#showtooltip Devour Magic

/dismount [mounted]

/cast Devour Magic

Mouseover Devour: Devours your Mouseover target if it exists

#showtooltip Devour Magic

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Devour Magic; Devour Magic

Mouseover Fear: Fears your Mouseover target if it exists

#Showtooltip Fear

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Fear; Fear

No-channel Drain Life/Drain Soul: This macro allows you to button mash your Drain Life/Drain Soul without worrying that you will overwrite your existing Drain Life/Drain Soul

/cast [nochanneling: Drain Life] Drain Life

/cast [nochanneling: Drain Soul] Drain Soul

Focus Macros: Cast a spell and immediately make that target your focus target.

/cast curse of tongues


/Cast Fear


Spammable Rogue Finder Macro: Like the Rogue's Sap Macro, you can use this macro to find rogues in stealth (I use CoEX personally, you can use some sort of dot if you'd like)

#showtooltip Curse of Exhaustion

/console targetNearestDistance 15.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/cast [harm,nodead] Curse of Exhaustion

/dismount [target=target,exists]
- XIII. Summary

- XIV. Changelog

*BETA 7/19/09:12:07AM* - Macros done and in Beta

*BETA 7/18/09:1:37PM* - BG/Arena Responsibilities completed and in Beta

*BETA 7/15/09:6:31PM* - Addons complete and in Beta

*BETA 7/11/09:1:46PM* - Began Valueable Addons/Macros

*BETA 7/11/09:1:46PM* - Gear Guide 100% completed, in full beta mode now

*BETA 7/10/09:3:18AM* - Gear Guide 50%+ completed

*BETA 7/9/09:3:43PM* - Gear Guide started

*BETA 7/9/09:3:00PM* - Chardev/Talents finished *BETA*

*BETA 7/7/09:3:05AM* - Races finished, began Chardev/Talents

*BETA 7/6/09:3:38PM* - Finished Alliance Races and BE

*BETA 7/3/09:5:33PM* - Day 1 Beta, more to come tonight
This is excellent, particularly the additional detail on chardev, macros and addons, these add a lot of additional value. I don't play a Warlock but it actually helped me get a better understanding of what it is that they're doing to me the BGs! lol. This is probably the most thorough guide that I've ever seen. Nice work.
Very nice work, thank you so much!

I would also add defender of timbermaw trinket, just for fun :)
Great guide. Could you please explain how to obtain the wrath-enchantable dagger? It says you need to complete 3 quest chains beforehand and one of those quests require level 51. I am horde BTW.
I think I figured it out, basically if you can start the chain you can finish it even if wowhead says a quest in the middle requires a higher level.

Also, would you recommend getting a Black Magic on the wrath dagger, applying it to the enemy, then switching back to a soulfrost dagger? I think this would be deadly, but the dots applied probably won't benefit from the soulfrost either since they were applied with the other dagger.
It's not ideal to do that unless you're in a 1v1 situation and can reapply your previously placed DoTs, they don't benefit off your soulfrost until you put the weapon on and reapply the dots.

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