Give tips for 59 Warlock?

I am working on a 'lock right now. He's at 52. I am maxing engineering and tailoring. I have nearly all the Starfire pieces. Any other advice/thoughts? I heard that a set of 'locks running around are what really give DKs a run for their money (yes I have a friend leveling a lock with me).
Maybe ranged is ok, but i gave up on my enh shammy 59 long time ago.

I ended up flying across a battlefield due to DKs - from one DK to another. Maybe warlock will be different thing.

As for spec, personally me enjoy full affliction. I`m playing at 39 though.
not sure your still reading or even in the bracket but..

a decent spec is Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft With this spec your reducing your dmg taken by 25% and transfering it to your voidwalker. You also take 6% physical dmg which is your main concern with dks and palys running around in droves.

You have SL/SL for increased survival and CoE for kiting purposes. Keep in mind that you don't have a way to take off their DoTs so thats a problem cause it lets them hit harders, but for the most part Throw up CoE and Corruption and try and kite as much as possible, have ur pet taunt theirs if they have one and use Torment to reduce their melee even further.

Keep up demonic armor and 1v1 with fear and DC you should be okay.
59 Warlocks are great fun


I have a 59 twinked warlock that is great fun.

I find that 1 on 1, or even 1 on 2 DK's, I tend to mostly beat them. 3 DK's usually always beat you though due to being hurled all over the place before your damage sinks in .. we hurt them on the way down though.

As for what to spec I have tried a few variations but the 59 bracket is a very responsive type playstyle..You can't just DoT and forget like the lower levels , you need direct DPS and stuns etc to be effective.

My warlock tends to top most BG damage meters and is really great fun to play.

Just for a reference heres the armory page.

The World of Warcraft Armory

I still have a few item upgrades i'm working on which will increase the + spell damage. Demonolgy is the way to go IMO. with the felguard out she has +430ish Spell power before additional buffs

Demonology gives you a bunch of nice PvP tools like Demonic Knowledge which lets you double dip for extra spellpower (around 100 more Sp). You also have the felguard intercept stun which is an awesome tool. Not to mention I love sicking him on a gnome and chuckle to myself.

As you can see though just a little work on Quests in Outlands a few handy enchants she has 6166 health and 5477 mana unbuffed.

I highly recommend spell penetration to cloak .. I had a while there where i got frustrated by DK's until I added this enchant.:)

Affliction warlocks have had a bit of a name as cowards that run and dot .. Demonology lets you go face to face with melee toons (so to speak). IMO Destro locks are painful to BG with unless you mainly attack from range to assist other players

Oh also you'll notice the professions are not geared to PvP so you could get additional benefits from that as listed above.

Destro is eewwwy

Yeah I saw all the "cool" vids of Destro's big critting etc but I went into the BG's with a Destro heavy build and spent most of the game GY running ....

looks good in vids and great if you get a premade to protect you while you stand next to the priest nuking everything that moves.

However as most BG's are pretty unorganised a little bit of survivability goes a long way :)

Honestly, once you get the hang of Demonology/affliction you will enjoy it.

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