First Thread-Tanks

As you all know 3.2 is right over the bridge, with this new patch twinks will be able to turn XP gains off which opens the road to something we call PVE twinking. With this being said I want to begin getting some brains creating different theories about tanks:what gear, stats, spec, etc.

Let the theory crafting BEGIN!
i wish i could play on some server with enough twinks to begin thinking of 5-manning some instances :(

Got myself 49 twinked warrior, never tanked in WoW though.

I have prepared for this for a year

my gear is made for PVE

and my TLA will pwn

also my protection skill :) and that I have the highest white damage
Hamcake said:
hooray for bads being able to feel good about themselves

Give a trophy to all the kids, even the losers for being good sports.

That way they don't feel like they really lost. :D

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