Yeah that's not what I'm talking about either so....
I'm guessing the later then?
Yeah that's not what I'm talking about either so....
I'm guessing the later then?
No..? I was the fourth person on AP so I've had some pretty nice accounts.
To put it bluntly, I've only sold 4 accounts.
#3 diff GF'd stuff. I outgear Kale on a priest
Another one bites the dust thanks to lil Better think twice before making a 2nd account.
this is what you do when you can not counter argument?
No that is what I do when someone makes an account to circumnavigate a ban. If someone gets banned there was a reason and if they stay around long enough on another account it will just happen again. I kinda like leot and some of the stuff he's done but rules are rules. He had no argument tbh and it was obvious who he was atleast to me
My gfed gear:
Lil, can you please give a link to your character here please! i never heard of you( im from EU ) but give me a link to your hunter please ! :=)
My gfed gear:
My gfed gear:
-Horn Sounder's Bracers
-Jessera's Fungus Lined Hauberk
-Stormwind Tabard
-Belt of the Sons
-Troteman's Bracers
-Grove Keeper's Branch
-Fiery Bracers
-Bravo Company Pauldrons
-Earth-Crusted Mail
-Sword of the Falling Sky
-Robes of Antiquity
-Bailiff's Gloves
-Drunkard's Belt
-Captain Sander's Sash
-Danforth's Breastplate
-Addled Blotter Bracers
-Blackrock Shield
-Kessel's Sturdy Riding Handle
-Legguard sof Invasion
-Shalewind Belt
-Cloak of Insomnia
-Darkshore Warder's Shield
-Brightscale Girdle
-Everstill Breastplate
-Massive Firearm of Death
-Portal Closer's Hammer
-Stabilized Incendicite Legguards
-Venomous Silk Cover
-Tunic of the Dragon Slayer
-Flarecrazed Cloak
-Bravo Company Signet
-Keeshan's Bandana
-Captain Snaders' Shirt
Well I may have forgotten a few, but thats about it.
Think this all belongs under the panda bug description. Kinda like the dk bug which allowed us to get plenty of GF'd things but it should all be grouped up into just the DK bug. Idk everyone of those pieces but are any of them actually close to being BiS or just random quest greens? Not sure how random greens would add value but I can understand if you got some ally BiS things
Please link in PM or whatever, it's not that I'm doubting you, I just think it's fascinating to see GF'd f2ps
Given I no longer own these accounts, I don't think it would be acceptable for me to link them as that would ruin the account for the person who actually bought it (sort of like the person who bought Biggie ended up getting laughed out of the community).
I can do that masked armory link once I figure out how to work it haha.
Level 20 Troll Priest | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
There's a Jutebraid, Talbar Mantle on the character as well - no idea why the person who bought it is not showing it... It used to be a twink I wanted to make at 19 but decided against making, hence the random gf'd gear.
I also know I had a 19 mage on a trial account named Flareblitz on Shattered Hand that I made the Summer of 2008. Why is that important? Because I think I might have got the tabard/pet by asking a GM to pull it out of the mail for me. Unfortunately, I don't remember and most GMS have been less than helpful in my trying to get said character. I'll let you guys know if I ever pull it out =/