What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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maybe you got better in the past week , though all I saw from you was spam flash heal on yourself while you were at 100% life in 2v3 while Rance was at 50% life and I was casting flash heal on him .. 0 chatise or he would have died ... instead all you 3 ended up dieing ... then you guys got the flag 2v5 ... all you did is focus me and did 0 healing and got a chatise off. Not so impressive.

Sad but true
hmmm ???

' what hurt the 19 bracket the most '

his answer ' priest '

my reply ' no pally / hunter '

his reply ' wtbdispel is my priest so I know they are OP cuz I am OP '

my reply ' lol you can't even use your spell properly '
Seleyzor said:
maybe you got better in the past week , though all I saw from you was spam flash heal on yourself while you were at 100% life in 2v3 while Rance was at 50% life and I was casting flash heal on him .. 0 chatise or he would have died ... instead all you 3 ended up dieing ... then you guys got the flag 2v5 ... all you did is focus me and did 0 healing and got a chatise off. Not so impressive.

Sad but true

Sounds like my play style. Tbh I don't ever recall playing against you guys but I guess I'll have to keep my eye out next time.
Seleyzor said:
hmmm ???

' what hurt the 19 bracket the most '

his answer ' priest '

my reply ' no pally / hunter '

his reply ' wtbdispel is my priest so I know they are OP cuz I am OP '

my reply ' lol you can't even use your spell properly '

Actually what I said was that priests were on the same level as pallies not that you care though since you seem to just try to piss people off I'm just here to set the record straight. The reason I sighted myself as playing a priest was to apply first hand knowledge of the class.
This really isn't discussion...The bottom line?

1.Damage to hp ratio(The burst is too much, that's just a fact)

2.Garbage(Too many awful players)

3.Xpacs(Every xpac blizz has been doing something that affects 19s in a negative way. It's just losing its appeal to a lot of people

4.Not enough trash talk, I think it's no coincidence that 19s were at its most active time when people were willing to trash talk each other on bg forums. Made people want to q, premade, and q 2s/3s.

Honestly though, it's pretty sad what this bracket has come to...DROP

Reflexes said:
This really isn't discussion...The bottom line?

1.Damage to hp ratio(The burst is too much, that's just a fact)

2.Garbage(Too many awful players)

3.Xpacs(Every xpac blizz has been doing something that affects 19s in a negative way. It's just losing its appeal to a lot of people

4.Not enough trash talk, I think it's no coincidence that 19s were at its most active time when people were willing to trash talk each other on bg forums. Made people want to q, premade, and q 2s/3s.

Honestly though, it's pretty sad what this bracket has come to...DROP


You forgot loss of skirms.
Pissing people off isn't really what I am aiming for. More like calling out the disgusting play that I see from some twink like this Hotbot druid from Waw tawent who obviously click his 5 minutes trinket and waste it on nothing ( cuz chatise only last 3 second and it took him 3.5 second to click it )

That's what hurt the 19s bracket , you decided to play a easy mode 19s pvp , you only have about 5 buttons ... please learn to use them

the rest is fine , yes some game are stupid if its like 2 priest 4 pally 4 hunter but overall the games are pretty fun.
Seleyzor said:
Pissing people off isn't really what I am aiming for. More like calling out the disgusting play that I see from some twink like this Hotbot druid from Waw tawent who obviously click his 5 minutes trinket and waste it on nothing ( cuz chatise only last 3 second and it took him 3.5 second to click it )

That's what hurt the 19s bracket , you decided to play a easy mode 19s pvp , you only have about 5 buttons ... please learn to use them

the rest is fine , yes some game are stupid if its like 2 priest 4 pally 4 hunter but overall the games are pretty fun.

The problem with bad players is that most of them don't know they are bad so stop wasting your breath calling them out and maybe make a keybind guide since you seem so hot on that? People aren't likely to respond well to being called garbage and making them better means better games for you.
Seleyzor said:
Pissing people off isn't really what I am aiming for. More like calling out the disgusting play that I see from some twink like this Hotbot druid from Waw tawent who obviously click his 5 minutes trinket and waste it on nothing ( cuz chatise only last 3 second and it took him 3.5 second to click it )

That's what hurt the 19s bracket , you decided to play a easy mode 19s pvp , you only have about 5 buttons ... please learn to use them

the rest is fine , yes some game are stupid if its like 2 priest 4 pally 4 hunter but overall the games are pretty fun.

19s was always full of mediocre players, nothing new there
Reflexes said:
I just gave you the actually reasons the bracket is being hurt, you can end thread now. Foolish ones!

I think the real problem is that your not active enough to teach everyone wats up.
This has probably been said already but the lack of gear on people is a big thing for me. Then you can say you should help them but 1/2 of the people w/o gear dont say a word in BG and/or respond when I do say something. Whats worse is when those same undergeared skillless people claim greatness and it just ruins the game when you are getting destroyed because of lack of organization/know-how and it just makes it less fun
Nyquil-cheap said:
This has probably been said already but the lack of gear on people is a big thing for me. Then you can say you should help them but 1/2 of the people w/o gear dont say a word in BG and/or respond when I do say something. Whats worse is when those same undergeared skillless people claim greatness and it just ruins the game when you are getting destroyed because of lack of organization/know-how and it just makes it less fun
You play a hunter nuff said
devotadin said:
You play a hunter nuff said
Yea well I understand how OP I am but sadly I xfered my hunter and dont wont to pay another 25$ just so im not called OP. Personally Id love a hunter nerf itd bring balance and more ques
Nohealsforju said:
Simple what is killing this Bracket.

1. To many hunters.

2. Imbalance of Geared and Non-Geared People during BGs.

3. People who believe they are the best at 19. 19s is not really something to brag about because there is nothing to brag about it.

That is about all i can think of.

/agree all the way
no one knows how to interupt a f***ing heal
Rogues need a nerf. Send Shadowstep to level 60, remove the stealth speed boost, make rogues actually useful OUT of combat instead of only really used for the Ambush crit. This same idea has been applied to many classes involving combat duration, mobility, and range on target.

-Classes now are played either at a distance or behind too much burst to create actual face to face Combat.

-Imo reduce damage done by about 87% (if not a bit more)

-Priests need to have their heals reduced by a good percent.

-Most "Talent specific moves" (Arcane Barrage, Shadowstep, etc.) are too powerful for a level 10 to handle, even too powerful for a level 40 to handle. All of these make the problems all way worse.

-Warriors are SUPPOSED to have shields, make shields on a warrior actually playable.

-Remove blink, travel, ghost wolf, etc., <-- This fuqd the bracket pretty hard....

This would prevent many cases of class fotm and crutching on class mechanics vs another class as opposed to skill...

Back in the day of backstraffing, fakeheals, fakejumps, strategic saps, bandaging between ticks, eluding combat, priest dispells from frost nova, r1 frostbolt kiting etc, skill played a huge part... ask Salt, Vegan, Anarcan, Deathsstone, Cirran, Dray, carrot, sheep (rip) Chuck, Arnao, Patton, etc,

(way more skill was NEEDED back then, way more than what is "rarely used today" which includes shadowstep ambush repeat, autoshot/auto bat stun repeat, druid kitty burst repeat etc)

What am I saying? Back in the day, Skill actually played a part, today any idiot UD rogue with a defias bandana can shadowstep-ambush his boa dagger, and can still add up to 8-0 streak, even though we all know the most important stat is returns, not damage, and certainly not kbs.

Today no skill is required, and no bis gear is required (very little is actually acquired in most cases). If you have BOAS that's all you need to be on your way to a noob-crushing kill streak, and a mid-farming team of hunters and rogues.
meh back then wasn't so much more balanced , rogue rocking 90% dodge , warrior rocking 65% dodge + parry and block. The gear wasn't really much harder to get either honestly, it was a lil bit more painful to do it from instance since you couldn't turn your xp off so you had limited attemp or you needed someone to rush you and die so you don't get any XP.

But it didn't really take more skill , as its already require close to 0 skill
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