What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Since twinks had to fight each other, I always felt that took away a lot of the fun. Like not knowing that each side was going to be fully geared, the occasional noob smashing, and fast queues. Oh and no timer.
Me leaving

wellingtons said:
well i mean obviously private servers

I agree they were very wrong and anti-Blizzard, tsk, they destroyed the bracket.
I hate my priest now.... I want something that is somewhat of a challenge to play. I'll roll a hunter or pally I guess.
Why is this discussion still rollin' - I thought it was very clear... Skirmish gone, the entire Burst/Survival ratio have changed, and not in favour of a style that breeds balance or long matches... So unless them things changes, don't expect 19 to be "unhurt" any time soon.
lindenkron said:
Why is this discussion still rollin' - I thought it was very clear... Skirmish gone, the entire Burst/Survival ratio have changed, and not in favour of a style that breeds balance or long matches... So unless them things changes, don't expect 19 to be "unhurt" any time soon.

actually it was just private servers. also i heard that besides ruining the bracket, they took our jobs and our women too.
lindenkron said:
Why is this discussion still rollin' - I thought it was very clear... Skirmish gone, the entire Burst/Survival ratio have changed, and not in favour of a style that breeds balance or long matches... So unless them things changes, don't expect 19 to be "unhurt" any time soon.

Shut it down pl0x
its the prophetic prophecy of huntarded huntards hunting down the hunted with guns and shit

duckhunt predicted this in BiS report 3

Alliance needing to step their game up, with the ptl guild starting it should improve game quality but people really need to L2P no lies.

Also, hunters are pretty lame esp when less then 1% know something strategic about their class, but for the most part 4 terrible hunters don't really turn the tide of any games.

we have went 25-1 the last 2 days, so its the horde that need to step up imo
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