What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Bit late to the party on this one (a few years late) but for me it's just the fact that they put us in our own bracket, queues went to shit for someone like me who only played twinks whenever they felt like it. I know i am a minority even in the twink community but im just saying what personally stopped me twinking ;)
Opinion said:
So many variables per game, including pocket healing and the play styles they themselves perform. Some games are just easier for classes like the warlock to just blend in the background and just dot everything up. My feeling is that, regardless of the situation or outcome, the hunter will still make a dramatic effect on the game through damage and killing blows.

The only thing I can come up with but has been said for years is:

other classes...just have to try that much harder to even get to the level hunters are on.

on a bad day? they'll still outperform 50% of the battleground.

hunterz 4 lyfe and anyone else who likes winning mindlessly
R Prime said:
Infighting. Either side starting to lose and then turning on eachother like jackals instead of teaming up and making it happen.

Playstyle preference differences. I see alot of players entering a brawlfest in mid rather than being goal oriented. Goal oriented players get frustrated at the lack of teamwork/effort and it often devolves into playground insults.

Elitism/douchebaggery. Crapping on new and often undergeared xp off players rather then helping them learn and make better gear choices. Those "scrubs" may come to be great players and bolster the bracket.

Hunter advantage. I think WSG needs more LOS features (like making the various tree stumps LOS points). I believe that would negate a reasonable portion of hunter's OP-ness.

All things considered I'm still having fun.

THIS^ The bracket isn't broken. People just need to stfu and play.

/re-open thread

Was going to post something useful, but I figured that people already know to make a new class other than a hunter.

In case you plan on calling me hypocritical, Forked@Vek'nilash. He's definitely a work-in-progress, hardly enchanted and whatnot, but it is a start.

By the way, don't bother telling me what I need for my rogue; I already know. BiS rogues are a dime a dozen now. Thanks for contributing though potential future posters.
IF ONLY there was some way of playing on patch 3.3.5 again, which was also allowed on this website

if only
Didn't read all 10 pages of comments (in fact only read one), but for me, the biggest change is that a lot of the strategy for lack of a better word is gone. What i mean by this is that if you are going to get burst down in 3 cycles, then there isn't much point in trying to fake cast. Using terrain as a FC isn't as much to your advantage if a hunter can kill you without support, the flag shows up on the map now so you can't hide anymore. List goes on and on.

There used to be a lot of things that were beyond just the button presses of the game that made for good teams and players and a lot of those have been taken out of the game (not just at 19)
I think it's the closing of all the entertaining threads on the 19s forums. Why can't they close all the useless spam threads instead :(
Drayner said:
I've read several threads lately that seem to be trying to "revive" the 19 bracket. I hear what people are saying, but I also see people saying that there is nothing wrong and the bracket is strong as ever. What gives?

I can't, with any authority, personally answer this question. I haven't given 19s enough change to know. I do know that I have more than 10 friends that played 19s exclusively that now play their mains only (or higher level twink brackets).


Imbalanced amount of true twinks on each side?

Slow Queues?

Pizza AFking?

Hard to organize premades now?


What is your take?

Drayner I'm confused. How would the garbage taking itself out affect the 19 twink community?
Way to much damage is going on, backed up with way too strong of heals! There's only two classes that have actually interrupts, mages and rogues. And we all know that about only 10% of them kick and about 1% would even think about using a mouseoverkick/focuskick.
Kazuki said:
Way to much damage is going on, backed up with way too strong of heals! There's only two classes that have actually interrupts, mages and rogues. And we all know that about only 10% of them kick and about 1% would even think about using a mouseoverkick/focuskick.

Windshear, bat stun, scatter shot, charge (coupled with shadowmeld for added sexiness), and HoJ just to name a few more interrupts.

Edit: Just remembered chastise and psychic scream, overall though I don't disagree with you, damage and healing is off the charts and most classes utility has been neutered.
Rivfader said:
Windshear, bat stun, scatter shot, charge (coupled with shadowmeld for added sexiness), and HoJ just to name a few more interrupts.

Edit: Just remembered chastise and psychic scream, overall though I don't disagree with you, damage and healing is off the charts and most classes utility has been neutered.

polymorph, engineering bombs with stun, beast mastery stun.. but yeah, i agree.. dmg and healing is too much.
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