What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Åöë @ Skullcrusher - Game - World of Warcraft

my 2 cents.

1. Some twinks stayed active via the ruin migration, but alot of skill disappeared whn blizz broke bracket.

2. WSG timer ruined wsg for me, even though i roll with it i hate it and miss real games.

3. arena. some of us played arena so much more than pugging. it can really improve skill. few new good twinks will come up through pugs.

4. a few classes/specs are broken, i.e. resto shammy. this is not an overall imballance.

5. the prevalence of half geared boa toons coming into xp off puts us really back to having half noobs, with the resultant mid and gy farming.

6. elitism. this is a misnomer really, the assholes who sit and complain that everyone sucks are essentially fail themselves. also, afkers go die.

7. overall lack of relability whn it comes to skill, used to be you could inspect a toon and judge probable behavior based on gear, not anymore.

8. "premade" guild groups vs crap pugs. cant be avoided but are a pain, plz solo Q always to pug.

9. faction imbalance. especially certain times of the day alliance just doesn't put up any challenge.

10. rude behavior gives this bracket a bad name. think long term and build the 19 addicts of the future so we can retire.
Drayner said:
I've read several threads lately that seem to be trying to "revive" the 19 bracket. I hear what people are saying, but I also see people saying that there is nothing wrong and the bracket is strong as ever. What gives?

I can't, with any authority, personally answer this question. I haven't given 19s enough change to know. I do know that I have more than 10 friends that played 19s exclusively that now play their mains only (or higher level twink brackets).


Imbalanced amount of true twinks on each side?

Slow Queues?

Pizza AFking?

Hard to organize premades now?


What is your take?

I see it this way. Queue times are the single biggest impact either way. Each point you bring up also contributes to the general condition of the bracket as well. Currently 19's do not pop 24/7 and they have in the past. I think the bracket is stirring as I see more people coming back asking questions and gearing up. The potential is there for it to be a 24/7 active bracket. AFK'ing hurts but in the end they are only highly visible because the bracket is slow. Should things get busy again the increased activity and numbers of players will dilute the impact of individual players and the antics of the less mature. OP classes are always around and those that gravitate to them exclusively are known. Same goes for the antics. Some need attention and will do virtually anything to get it but that is no different than offline. Blow them off and focus on the fun and building and avoid the ones that steal fun from others like the AFK'ers. If the bracket has enough players with that mentality things will go well, if not it will continue to be a cesspool of broken little egos bouncing off each other. I hope for the best and am gearing for it but currently prefer to play my mains.
Mochabad said:
Increasing damage done out of stealth would make the problem worse....................................................

Decreasing damage done in stealth would be a nerf there brah.

90ish Sinister Strikes are to OP for you? Compared to 500-600 warrior or paladin styles?
_Arkant_ said:
90ish Sinister Strikes are to OP for you? Compared to 500-600 warrior or paladin styles?

The size of a warrior's bloodthirst or a paladin's TV directly correlates to how skilled they are. Obviously they are balanced.
Rivfader said:
The size of a warrior's bloodthirst or a paladin's TV directly correlates to how skilled they are. Obviously they are balanced.

I never said they were balanced. I simply wanted to point out that Rogues' styles do significantly less damage than those two classes' (I could also add mages and hunters).
Hunters. No doubt. This is coming from someone who started in the 19 bracket as a rogue in 2006. Literally over night it was suddenly flooded with hunters in 2009. And in order to keep your head above water in that type of environment, you have to play like you're at MLG (like your life depends on it) if you're anything but a hunter/healer.

I really do hope that some day the bracket is as balanced as it once was. BUt until then I have to stay out of the bracket as anything but a hunter/healer. Which is very sad for me.
Hunters hunters hunters, so many bad tink hunters

Everyone can lend a helping hand against this disgusting plague simply by spamming any and all hunters in your BG's as AFK, and verbal harassment never hurts either
1. XP off

2. Completely broken queues immediately after battlegroup merge

3. Burst

4. Class imbalance

5. WSG time limit

6. BoA clones
Today spreads light on the future of the bracket with patch 4.2.
Sort of, but they just removed Bat Stun making hunters a little less over powered.

As of now, priests and paladins are just stupid because of the healing buff brought upon us. I mean really, 1.3k flash of light crits?
tryiapriest3 said:
Sort of, but they just removed Bat Stun making hunters a little less over powered.

As of now, priests and paladins are just stupid because of the healing buff brought upon us. I mean really, 1.3k flash of light crits?

High healing is needed right now to balance out the damage. The healing change is an amazing change.

Also, the battleground queues are fixed. We'll be getting pops 24/7 now.

How can a bracket be dead if it gets pops 24/7?

Also, Hunters actually got nerfed this patch.

Pizza said:
High healing is needed right now to balance out the damage. The healing change is an amazing change.

Also, the battleground queues are fixed. We'll be getting pops 24/7 now.

How can a bracket be dead if it gets pops 24/7?

Also, Hunters actually got nerfed this patch.


I guess if you look at it that way...

And I've been hearing from some friends that hunter damage got nerfed, but I don't think I saw anything on the patch notes regarding anything. Maybe I just missed a few things.
games with retarded class makeup, blizz really needs to sort that shit out, a 2class max or something, 3 priests and 3 pallys in a game is just stupid same with the 5-6hunter games,
livinadream said:
games with retarded class makeup, blizz really needs to sort that shit out, a 2class max or something, 3 priests and 3 pallys in a game is just stupid same with the 5-6hunter games,

That be in a perfect world. In-game, that would simply raise Q time, do you want that?
prefer a little longer wait than getting same game over n over, switched faction to an ali char after winning became boring all day, and its just dumb 1 healer vs 6 lol,
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