What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Utamar said:
I'd say mostly hunters... but there are a lot of aspects of the game that are effecting the 19 twink bracket hard right now and blizzard obviously could care less.

Its the 19s bracket, obviously blizzard doesn't care they've said it multiple time since vanilla. Its alright , just let the kids roll hunter / pally and let them think they are amazing at playing an OP class in a imbalanced bracket.

inc QQ ( since 75% of the twinks seems to play a hunter or a pally obvious QQ inc )
Seleyzor said:
Its the 19s bracket, obviously blizzard doesn't care they've said it multiple time since vanilla. Its alright , just let the kids roll hunter / pally and let them think they are amazing at playing an OP class in a imbalanced bracket.

inc QQ ( since 75% of the twinks seems to play a hunter or a pally obvious QQ inc )

It's funny because priest is just as op as pally if not more. I should know I play one.
Utamar said:
Priests don't effect the game in the same way hunters and paladins do

Yea and how exactly is that? More cc then a pally, a hot and instant cast 500+ bubble can do quite a bit of burst.
I guess all the pally must be extremely RNG lucky and all the priest must be RNG unlucky considering we 2 shot priest every game and pally can stay alive for a while unless we get 2 crusader proc ,

As far as the CC , nothing beats a 6 second stun where you can take dmg and it doesn't break , a AoE range silence that does dmg as prot , BoP , lay of hand , infinite mana as prot , 2 instant heal as holy , mail armor with sheild , not to mention all their shit are holy so minor magic resistance potion and 5 all resist to cloak doesn't affect them for any resist.

While priest are extremely strong too they are sadly the only other viable healer beside paladin. I would have gladly rolled a shaman or a druid but that just doesn't workout in a imbalanced bracket that won't get fixed any soon. While psychic scream , chatise and desesperate prayer are extremely useful spell if used properly they don't put priest at the same level of pally.

Obviously priest are OP but still not at the same level of hunter and paladin. '' You play a preist , you would know '' not rly , I had like to see your UI before I make any comment.

EDIT - I have yet seen a priest been able to do anything unless he is playing in a zerg with other healer and he is free to just run in melee range of people to fear or just focus 1 target while not healing and then cast chatise. But at this point you could say any class is OP in zerg.

Though I could be wrong, you guys are free to prove me wrong but that will need to be done in BGs, not while writting on the forum. My comments are made based on what I see happening in BGs, I am not just trolling or trying to be rude.

P.S. I still want to see a screenshot of your UI on your priest
The problem is that there's not a lot of good priests, the class has a higher skillcap than pallys and hunters that can derp around mashing buttons and win.
You could say that about many class though, rogue can be EXTREMELLY strong if played properly. Though beside Saxxon in his youtube video I've yet seen a rogue able to use focus kick macro ... focus kick shadow step macro , focus gouge , focus shadowstep gouge macro .... HELL even just a rogue able to kick is rare , I end up barely using my 10% less silence duration necklace since I barely ever get kick even with 2 rogue / 2 mage focusing me

Those are not hard things to do but require you to have 5-6 more keybinding and macro which 95% of the people don't do in this bracket ( its pretty noticable ). Hence why paladin and hunter are more OP in my opinion because anyone can really just hop on them and pew pew almost just as good as a rogue who would play at his / her skillcap
Since when does kicking even require keybinds?

even keyboard turning clicking rogues should be able to do it.
focus kick macro and focus shadowstep macro is not the samething than just a regular kick. I bet you don't even have that with wind shear on your shaman
Seleyzor said:
I guess all the pally must be extremely RNG lucky and all the priest must be RNG unlucky considering we 2 shot priest every game and pally can stay alive for a while unless we get 2 crusader proc ,

As far as the CC , nothing beats a 6 second stun where you can take dmg and it doesn't break , a AoE range silence that does dmg as prot , BoP , lay of hand , infinite mana as prot , 2 instant heal as holy , mail armor with sheild , not to mention all their shit are holy so minor magic resistance potion and 5 all resist to cloak doesn't affect them for any resist.

While priest are extremely strong too they are sadly the only other viable healer beside paladin. I would have gladly rolled a shaman or a druid but that just doesn't workout in a imbalanced bracket that won't get fixed any soon. While psychic scream , chatise and desesperate prayer are extremely useful spell if used properly they don't put priest at the same level of pally.

Obviously priest are OP but still not at the same level of hunter and paladin. '' You play a preist , you would know '' not rly , I had like to see your UI before I make any comment.

EDIT - I have yet seen a priest been able to do anything unless he is playing in a zerg with other healer and he is free to just run in melee range of people to fear or just focus 1 target while not healing and then cast chatise. But at this point you could say any class is OP in zerg.

Though I could be wrong, you guys are free to prove me wrong but that will need to be done in BGs, not while writting on the forum. My comments are made based on what I see happening in BGs, I am not just trolling or trying to be rude.

P.S. I still want to see a screenshot of your UI on your priest

you obviously haven't seen a good priest before. As far as ui goes it kinda makes me laugh that you think seeing all my macros and keybinds will show skill but I'll post you a ss tonight if you really need it. O and you also use to specs to show how op pallies are which can be very misleading. If you feel he need to ask anyone about my priest his name is wtbdispel.
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