What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Mochabad said:
Rogues need a nerf. Send Shadowstep to level 60, remove the stealth speed boost, make rogues actually useful OUT of combat instead of only really used for the Ambush crit. This same idea has been applied to many classes involving combat duration, mobility, and range on target.

-Classes now are played either at a distance or behind too much burst to create actual face to face Combat.

-Imo reduce damage done by about 87% (if not a bit more)

-Priests need to have their heals reduced by a good percent.

-Most "Talent specific moves" (Arcane Barrage, Shadowstep, etc.) are too powerful for a level 10 to handle, even too powerful for a level 40 to handle. All of these make the problems all way worse.

-Warriors are SUPPOSED to have shields, make shields on a warrior actually playable.

-Remove blink, travel, ghost wolf, etc., <-- This fuqd the bracket pretty hard....

This would prevent many cases of class fotm and crutching on class mechanics vs another class as opposed to skill...

Back in the day of backstraffing, fakeheals, fakejumps, strategic saps, bandaging between ticks, eluding combat, priest dispells from frost nova, r1 frostbolt kiting etc, skill played a huge part... ask Salt, Vegan, Anarcan, Deathsstone, Cirran, Dray, carrot, sheep (rip) Chuck, Arnao, Patton, etc,

(way more skill was NEEDED back then, way more than what is "rarely used today" which includes shadowstep ambush repeat, autoshot/auto bat stun repeat, druid kitty burst repeat etc)

What am I saying? Back in the day, Skill actually played a part, today any idiot UD rogue with a defias bandana can shadowstep-ambush his boa dagger, and can still add up to 8-0 streak, even though we all know the most important stat is returns, not damage, and certainly not kbs.

Today no skill is required, and no bis gear is required (very little is actually acquired in most cases). If you have BOAS that's all you need to be on your way to a noob-crushing kill streak, and a mid-farming team of hunters and rogues.

you arent very good at 19 twinking
"What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?"

1. Blizzard

2. Blizzard

3. Blizzard

4. Blizzard

5. Blizzard

It's not a class or a specc, if you say something like that you are pretty retarded, it's just god dam blizzard and their stupid changes they make all the time without taking the current players in considderation and their play style and balance it in some way. They god dam it messed up all brackets and the meaning of pvp and mmorpg!
pioneerCharzard said:
me n saxx are destroyin tha haters, that's what is killin tha bracket

stay small nerds

-legit ass 12 year old #1 warrior US

its a lifestyle u cant just be born 12 years old
Mochabad said:
Rogues need a nerf. Send Shadowstep to level 60, remove the stealth speed boost, make rogues actually useful OUT of combat instead of only really used for the Ambush crit.

Complaining about rogues? Really? For 1, the spec tree has a combat and sub spec and both are built or their own purpose, combat for more out of stealth dps and sub for mostly PvP with its insane burst because they cant dps hard out of stealth. Guess you could say assassination is the same as combat. And 2nd is that you probably have never been against a geared hunter have you...
You're post has no real meaning to do it, all you're saying is that you have specs for different situations.

What we're saying is that rogues do an insane ammount of damage with a lot of maneuverability and it is imbalanced compared with other classes.

They need a nerf just as bad as hunters do.
TLDR, just noticed the title and thought i'd add my 2 cents..

IMO it's the DMG to HP ratio. Except for certain classes, anyone can easily be burst down.

no skill required anymore
Utamar said:
You're post has no real meaning to do it, all you're saying is that you have specs for different situations.

What we're saying is that rogues do an insane ammount of damage with a lot of maneuverability and it is imbalanced compared with other classes.

They need a nerf just as bad as hunters do.

No, rogues do not do an insane amount of damage, they simply do a lot of burst with their opener and finisher. They don't need a nerf, they need their damage to be more balanced between stealth and "out of stealth" moves.
stickymitten said:
Way way way way way way way too much burst healing and damage in this bracket, and no arenas killed it for now adleast.

My reasons are more realistic.

Btw sticky, wrath endgame was garbage.
Lol this kiddo, wrath endgame was unbalanced as hell but it was faster paced and more interesting then a lot of cata arena. Also the game was less homogenized, which is cool. whereas nowadays there is such aids as; endless healer dps 2s with competent players, retarded melee cleave 3s etc.
stickymitten said:
Lol this kiddo, wrath endgame was unbalanced as hell but it was faster paced and more interesting then a lot of cata arena. Also the game was less homogenized, which is cool. whereas nowadays there is such aids as; endless healer dps 2s with competent players, retarded melee cleave 3s etc.

Dk holy pally was gr8 and fast paced in 2 seconds u died. Ur trash
Punkinyou said:
I have to honestly say that I do not feel hunters or burst killed the 19 bracket. With the increase of burst has come a drastic increase in heals. Hunters are strong and a very tough class but that only depends on the person controlling them. Im not saying that a bad hunter cant make a difference, but they just changed the way that you have to approach the way you cross and attack and play the game. Hunters are still a soloable class depending on situation and when you decide to engage them. It takes a smarter player now to deal with them but they are defiantly killable. With all that being said I feel the largest problem with the 19 bracket is the lack of quality alliance players. I have recently converted to the alliance side and the PuGs are very different then when I was queing up as a horde player. I have also noticed that due to this problem many of the strong alliance players have faction

changed over to the Horde side of the game. I can not say that I blame them after dealing with the hardships they have. This only makes the bracket continue to deplete. I have noticed that many several quality horde have began to switch to the alliance side of the game to try to balance this out a bit. This would be a much more even bracket if the high quantity of original alliance tinks would have remained loyal. If more people are willing to leave their comfort zone and try to play on the blue side the games will become competitive again.

You took the words out of my mouth. As others have said Im not sure if this bracket will ever be what it once was. But good allis switching to horde has really hurt, people need to suck it up and in my opinion it is way more satisfying winning with an Alli pug than a horde one. Thanks to the quality horde players switching to alliance you guys really are helping the bracket.
S8 wasnt that bad. Just some gay ass annoying wiz cleaves. This season is fucking retarded though. Even though I play a DK, melee cleaves are fucking gay as shit. And with all the MMR explioting and Glad selling it was stupid. But thank god blizz is resetting some teams
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