Sez u
So you just invited everyone to come along, without having any standards at all...
And handed out candy to all those kids without them having to do anything to earn it...
And you think somehow you're not at least partly responsible for this mess.
No, that bunch of awful players and low lives that only seek to serve themselves shit on Felix because he's more than happy to use the banhammer in response to acts of stupid, and restricts his help to those who deserve it.
Yeah, well Felix doesn't always have channel mod, and those who do have it don't always make use of it, same as can happen on any other realm.
No, it's defended because it has far more potential than any other realm, due to the fact it has more players, regardless of their quality (they just need to be taught to behave), and also has a lot of unplayed characters that people could come back to, if only the existing community there would put the work in to clean things up, unlike all those too apathetic to say anything when people started acting up, and instead just fucked off to other realms
We don't need any 'good players'. At least by my definition we haven't lost any, just those too self centered to build a community, either being too apathetic to call people out on their bullshit, or too elitist to help less skilled players improve. All the people who do want to build a good solid community are still here.
Aerie Peak may not have the best players of the game, but it's always had more players who are motivated to build something from the ground up, instead of just cherry picking the 'all-stars' from an existing community, and fucking off to play somewhere else.
Yeah, okay, except when we did try to do that we all got banned for "being mean." Remember how much you used to get tagged in posts and messaged because we were "abusing" our powers?
But to answer your questions one by one because I actually respect you -
1. Yes, I didn't have any standards. I was one of the first ten or so people on AP. I wasn't spamming people to come because we had hundreds, I was spamming people because there was literally no other option to get people to come try this new thing. We didn't even have an addon. We had to add each other individually in Goldshire and then talk in Gurubashi.
2. You're confusing time periods here. Think about when chest farming happened. I farmed chests for the people in AP because they were good and I liked them. I can say there were 20 people on EVERY DAY that I would have no problems farming chests for because they deserved them. There's a reason so many good people like [MENTION=8158]Shft[/MENTION] [MENTION=11493]Decem[/MENTION] [MENTION=5871]Mialo[/MENTION] etc all quit AP.
3. Maybe I'm partially responsible. I don't know. I took a 4 month break from AP after Goldendays and Cotus quit and then when I came back AP was as it was. And it's gotten worse. I tried, with Felix, with Shft, etc to try to fix it but was continually called an elitist, an asshole and told I was a dick for banning dumb people from chat etc. After I personally got banned 3-4 times I stopped trying. It's interesting because a lot of those same people who called me an elitist are the ones bemoaning how shitty AP became.
4. Sure. That's fine. I wish the people with mod would always use it, but it is what it is. I get channel mod before just about anyone so anytime I'm on, I assure you I use it to it's full extent.
5. There's no potential in F2P anymore like that. This is a global community now. Most of us have P2Ps and cross-realm group. The sheer truth of it is that a 5 man AP team is WORSE more often than not than a 5 man PUG. Until that changes, and that changes by having quality players, not "nice" people, that's just not going to change.
6. Honestly Yasueh, I love you, but how often do you play your F2Ps? I see you once in a while, but do you play on AP that often? The community is not what you think it is and the way your posts reads make it sound like it's from Cata.
I think it's important that people should distinguish, when saying the above, whether they're talking about the larger F2P community, including all the jajas, in which case I would say this is an accurate statement, or whether they're talking about the TwinkInfo F2P community, in which case I would say that it is not. We can't do anything about the vast majority of F2P players. But what we're doing here, is trying to organize the TI F2P players, so statements that only apply to the larger F2P community aren't really relevant.
Excuse me. But have we been reading the same thread?
Man, you really don't like AP. But what Bend did for the BWL community, someone could just as easily do for the AP community. The problem is that people (who are not Bend) take such a passive stance towards their communities. Someone else has to fix this problem for me! No, we are all responsible for maintaining our own spaces. Saying nothing to those people you mentioned above, who say stupid things or whatever, is tacit approval of that behavior. You yourself are stating the solution right here. If someone want a community like BWL's, then someone MUST take the kinds of actions that Bend took on BWL.
Look at this thread. See how many old school Aerie Peak veterans are saying they want to take the old realm back. What Bend alone did for one realm, a team of dedicated people can certainly do for any other realm. Why Aerie Peak in particular? A lot of us have a love for that server. If I were motivated strictly by which server I had the most BIS characters on, I would be inviting people to come to Vashj. But for many of us, Aerie Peak is "home" even if we haven't played there in a while. Saying that it will continue to suck is just a passive, defeatist attitude. Eventually everyone learns that anything worth having in the world is worth working for.
And if someone doesn't want to work for it, that's fine... just don't stand in the way, and don't hurl rocks at the people who are actually trying to accomplish something.
No, I meant TI players. As anyone who has tried to organize anything competitive is this bracket can tell you, everyone talks a lot of shit when it's random PuGs cuz anyone can win but once you bring out wargames, skirms and premades the community becomes
very scarce.
Yeah? Lots of old school veterans want to take AP back? Where are y'all then? Where have y'all been? Felix and I have been trying for a year or two to fix this shit. I've banned a solid 50 people. Felix probably has banned even more. Shft tried for a bit, and he's literally the nicest guy ever, and even he ended up leaving to play 90s on a different realm.
All I see on this thread is a bunch of people who say a bunch of shit on this forum and NEVER back it up in game. Activate used to bitch at me for banning people back when he was fishing for a hat in STV. Now he's talking about "fixing the community." Yeah? Well go do something. I want to see all you veterans posting a screenshot where you've done ANYTHING for AP in game. Not blowharding on TI.
PPS: @Kinkaide - Interesting that you play on Misha with all those other people who ran from AP huh? How come you and Rhae aren't playing your paladin / warrior on AP? They are just as geared. Why not fix the community? Oh right...
TLDR: Revisionist History is always hilarious. #AP H