Funding Experienced WW Vet on AP Horde


As title says, funding an experienced Vet F2P WW on AP Horde. Will pay for your enchantments, BoEs and help with Dungeon items. Offer only lasts until 03/19/2015. Will also receive a guild invite to Vet guild.

Not funding the following:

Blackened Defias Set
Gloomshroud Armor

Not funding IRL Cash to upgrade a pure f2p to Vet or server transfer/faction change.

Must have working Skype, experienced PvPer etc etc. Plan on doing mostly AV and 3v3 Skirmishes and will you be playing with a 2400 Arms Warrior. Will mostly be playing on Saturday/Sunday/Monday.

Add me mrcer#1372 if interested. And Yes we will be streaming (just installed my new SSD).
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I know you said you weren't xfering people, but thought I'd try anyway. I have a 19 WW I'm considering bringing up. Needs an xfer to AP and Gift enchants. Already has GSA and 2x Fang. Can provide armory if you wish.

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