We could do more

You have to be the dumbest person.
Ahh yess, and now it comes down to the usual name calling.
I beg of you to explain why you think I am the "dumbest" person when I have cited an example of people stating queue times were at least 15 minutes long before 6.0. You are up to this challenge, aren't you? Or, is all you can do is just spew personal insults to justify your stance in a debate?

Ever back on topic. For Wargames, it may be best to start out trying 5v5 arenas and perfecting those first. After all, you must crawl before you can walk, correct?

[MENTION=4781]Samhain[/MENTION] one of the few very kind players on AP. Thank you for contributing to the community!
Ahh yess, and now it comes down to the usual name calling.
I beg of you to explain why you think I am the "dumbest" person when I have cited an example of people stating queue times were at least 15 minutes long before 6.0. You are up to this challenge, aren't you? Or, is all you can do is just spew personal insults to justify your stance in a debate?

Ever back on topic. For Wargames, it may be best to start out trying 5v5 arenas and perfecting those first. After all, you must crawl before you can walk, correct?


The person you mentioned qs at off hours, and he was alliance, that is why his qs were long.
so back on topic to the thread here Lankypuss if u can prove to me that f2ps can 10v10 wargame premade ill start up The Goon Squad again.
I'm not sure if you mean ingame if it's actually possible to wargame, incase it's yes as long as it's H vs A because of the GY issues currently at play. However if you are looking for proof that F2P's can be bothered to 10v10 and organize events such as these, also yes. We've done 10v10s all through out the summer because [MENTION=11761]Hunnybuns19[/MENTION] decided to step up and make them happen. I'm also certain that [MENTION=18878]AlbinoCow[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] helped out with the event and also participated.
Since we're trying to make the community more united it might be better to bring the Goon Squad back but then make threads like HB did to let any other f2ps on TI sign up for the event. Cheers :)
Sez u

So you just invited everyone to come along, without having any standards at all...

And handed out candy to all those kids without them having to do anything to earn it...

And you think somehow you're not at least partly responsible for this mess.

No, that bunch of awful players and low lives that only seek to serve themselves shit on Felix because he's more than happy to use the banhammer in response to acts of stupid, and restricts his help to those who deserve it.

Yeah, well Felix doesn't always have channel mod, and those who do have it don't always make use of it, same as can happen on any other realm.

No, it's defended because it has far more potential than any other realm, due to the fact it has more players, regardless of their quality (they just need to be taught to behave), and also has a lot of unplayed characters that people could come back to, if only the existing community there would put the work in to clean things up, unlike all those too apathetic to say anything when people started acting up, and instead just fucked off to other realms

We don't need any 'good players'. At least by my definition we haven't lost any, just those too self centered to build a community, either being too apathetic to call people out on their bullshit, or too elitist to help less skilled players improve. All the people who do want to build a good solid community are still here.

Aerie Peak may not have the best players of the game, but it's always had more players who are motivated to build something from the ground up, instead of just cherry picking the 'all-stars' from an existing community, and fucking off to play somewhere else.

Yeah, okay, except when we did try to do that we all got banned for "being mean." Remember how much you used to get tagged in posts and messaged because we were "abusing" our powers?

But to answer your questions one by one because I actually respect you -

1. Yes, I didn't have any standards. I was one of the first ten or so people on AP. I wasn't spamming people to come because we had hundreds, I was spamming people because there was literally no other option to get people to come try this new thing. We didn't even have an addon. We had to add each other individually in Goldshire and then talk in Gurubashi.

2. You're confusing time periods here. Think about when chest farming happened. I farmed chests for the people in AP because they were good and I liked them. I can say there were 20 people on EVERY DAY that I would have no problems farming chests for because they deserved them. There's a reason so many good people like [MENTION=8158]Shft[/MENTION] [MENTION=11493]Decem[/MENTION] [MENTION=5871]Mialo[/MENTION] etc all quit AP.

3. Maybe I'm partially responsible. I don't know. I took a 4 month break from AP after Goldendays and Cotus quit and then when I came back AP was as it was. And it's gotten worse. I tried, with Felix, with Shft, etc to try to fix it but was continually called an elitist, an asshole and told I was a dick for banning dumb people from chat etc. After I personally got banned 3-4 times I stopped trying. It's interesting because a lot of those same people who called me an elitist are the ones bemoaning how shitty AP became.

4. Sure. That's fine. I wish the people with mod would always use it, but it is what it is. I get channel mod before just about anyone so anytime I'm on, I assure you I use it to it's full extent.

5. There's no potential in F2P anymore like that. This is a global community now. Most of us have P2Ps and cross-realm group. The sheer truth of it is that a 5 man AP team is WORSE more often than not than a 5 man PUG. Until that changes, and that changes by having quality players, not "nice" people, that's just not going to change.

6. Honestly Yasueh, I love you, but how often do you play your F2Ps? I see you once in a while, but do you play on AP that often? The community is not what you think it is and the way your posts reads make it sound like it's from Cata.

I think it's important that people should distinguish, when saying the above, whether they're talking about the larger F2P community, including all the jajas, in which case I would say this is an accurate statement, or whether they're talking about the TwinkInfo F2P community, in which case I would say that it is not. We can't do anything about the vast majority of F2P players. But what we're doing here, is trying to organize the TI F2P players, so statements that only apply to the larger F2P community aren't really relevant.

Excuse me. But have we been reading the same thread?

Man, you really don't like AP. But what Bend did for the BWL community, someone could just as easily do for the AP community. The problem is that people (who are not Bend) take such a passive stance towards their communities. Someone else has to fix this problem for me! No, we are all responsible for maintaining our own spaces. Saying nothing to those people you mentioned above, who say stupid things or whatever, is tacit approval of that behavior. You yourself are stating the solution right here. If someone want a community like BWL's, then someone MUST take the kinds of actions that Bend took on BWL.

Look at this thread. See how many old school Aerie Peak veterans are saying they want to take the old realm back. What Bend alone did for one realm, a team of dedicated people can certainly do for any other realm. Why Aerie Peak in particular? A lot of us have a love for that server. If I were motivated strictly by which server I had the most BIS characters on, I would be inviting people to come to Vashj. But for many of us, Aerie Peak is "home" even if we haven't played there in a while. Saying that it will continue to suck is just a passive, defeatist attitude. Eventually everyone learns that anything worth having in the world is worth working for.

And if someone doesn't want to work for it, that's fine... just don't stand in the way, and don't hurl rocks at the people who are actually trying to accomplish something.

No, I meant TI players. As anyone who has tried to organize anything competitive is this bracket can tell you, everyone talks a lot of shit when it's random PuGs cuz anyone can win but once you bring out wargames, skirms and premades the community becomes very scarce.

Yeah? Lots of old school veterans want to take AP back? Where are y'all then? Where have y'all been? Felix and I have been trying for a year or two to fix this shit. I've banned a solid 50 people. Felix probably has banned even more. Shft tried for a bit, and he's literally the nicest guy ever, and even he ended up leaving to play 90s on a different realm.

All I see on this thread is a bunch of people who say a bunch of shit on this forum and NEVER back it up in game. Activate used to bitch at me for banning people back when he was fishing for a hat in STV. Now he's talking about "fixing the community." Yeah? Well go do something. I want to see all you veterans posting a screenshot where you've done ANYTHING for AP in game. Not blowharding on TI.

PPS: @Kinkaide - Interesting that you play on Misha with all those other people who ran from AP huh? How come you and Rhae aren't playing your paladin / warrior on AP? They are just as geared. Why not fix the community? Oh right...

TLDR: Revisionist History is always hilarious. #AP H
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Once upon a time I was noob to AP just like the "awful low lives" you're talking about. I wasn't known, my gear was in bad shape and that made me nobody. Now how realistic would it have been to expect me to respect the "established" members? Elitism is negative reinforcement, whereas positive reinforcement would have accelerated my progression tenfold. This pattern plays out week after week month after month. This phenomenon, where a player attains "All Star" status and is suddenly too good for everyone else KILLS the progress of the community as a whole. AP is our foundation. Jumping ship and blaming AP is akin to pasteurizing orange juice and expecting it to remain as nutritious.

I defend AP for the sake of logistics. The community is not big enough to split by server AND sustain anything more than pugmades. If we're going to see consistent Wargame Arenas, Wargame Premades and large scale PvP, we're going to have to come to terms with that dose of reality. How many times have people complained about P2P imbalance? Wargames are the answer. If we sit back and expect to be spoon fed we're all going to stay hungry.

AP is the largest community receiving a constant influx of new members. The majority of them need guidance. If we provide an efficient environment, proper tools and proper resources I have no doubt we will receieve a tremendous return. This community benefits from a wellspring of potential every single day. Regarding this strength as a weakness is an enormous mistake.

Time efficiency is the backbone of the solution I've worked out. You want to log in and get straight to the fun right? Help me lay the groundwork, lend your support and we will take this to a level never seen before.

Nigga you're one of the people that drove me off AP because you told me I was an asshole so many times because I'd remove the idiots. Go fuck yourself. I laid the groundwork 3 years ago and you and your kind ruined it. Yeah I'm fucking bitter.

Moreover, All-Stars doesn't mean just good. Cotus was a good mage. Cotus was a dick, and he knows it. As far as community building goes, you don't want Cotus. I'm talking about community builders, Cer, Shft, Mialo, etc. I'm going to do wargames/skirms etc as I always have done it. I'll get on my P2P and group the players I know are good no matter what realm they are on and then we're going to play fun games. I have no interest in spamming chat for 30 minutes to find a 1100 HP mage because everyone else on AP is too scared to lose.
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It seems to me that there is enough potential here to rebuild AP.

There are enough original AP'ers to consistently take hold of the mod privilege, and apply temporary bans to those who deserve it.

I agree with both sides, actually - it seems that bans are necessary but not for a permanent amount of time. We don't have the player-base on /any/ server to remove a player entirely.

There is a pyramid of progression in terms of in-game maturity and skill - the skill element is far less important than the maturity, as has been stated above.

From an outsider's perspective on AP, there is easily enough maturity to form and hold a designed community on AP - and also enough skill to cause people to respect AP again.

Of course, all of this comes from my Ivory Tower on Mok'Nathal. Maybe the grass is always greener.
PPS: @Kinkaide - Interesting that you play on Misha with all those other people who ran from AP huh? How come you and Rhae aren't playing your paladin / warrior on AP? They are just as geared. Why not fix the community? Oh right...

I didn't play WoW at all from February til about September of this year because my graphics card had died. When I decided to come back it was only because I happened to see that [MENTION=8769]Rhaellia[/MENTION] was playing, and, being my BFF and all, I simply went to play where Rhae was. More recently I have discussed with her about moving back to AP, but we have made other friends who are frankly scared of playing on AP because of the horrible reputation that -some- people keep perpetuating.

It's an uphill battle to convince people that AP can be a great place again, when folks like you (no offense) are saying how awful and un-redeemable it is out of one side of your mouth, and then berating everyone else for not fixing it out of the other. I'm asking you gently as a fellow interested party; please choose a side. If your fundamental interest is in seeing change happen, be a positive force for that change. Continuing to go on about how pointless or impossible change is, is not serving anyone's interests including your own. Be a buddy, buddy!
I didn't play WoW at all from February til about September of this year because my graphics card had died. When I decided to come back it was only because I happened to see that [MENTION=8769]Rhaellia[/MENTION] was playing, and, being my BFF and all, I simply went to play where Rhae was. More recently I have discussed with her about moving back to AP, but we have made other friends who are frankly scared of playing on AP because of the horrible reputation that -some- people keep perpetuating.

It's an uphill battle to convince people that AP can be a great place again, when folks like you (no offense) are saying how awful and un-redeemable it is out of one side of your mouth, and then berating everyone else for not fixing it out of the other. I'm asking you gently as a fellow interested party; please choose a side. If your fundamental interest is in seeing change happen, be a positive force for that change. Continuing to go on about how pointless or impossible change is, is not serving anyone's interests including your own. Be a buddy, buddy!

What he is saying is that when the ship started leaking he and a few others started to toss out water but at this point when you guys are trying to do something it's already at the bottom of the ocean.
What he is saying is that when the ship started leaking he and a few others started to toss out water but at this point when you guys are trying to do something it's already at the bottom of the ocean.
Soooooooo........its too late?
I have no interest in spamming chat for 30 minutes to find a 1100 HP mage because everyone else on AP is too scared to lose.
I agree with most of what you've said, however that 1100 hp mage is how most of us used to be when we started, a lot of people would be scared of losing because they're new and if they do something wrong they will get torn apart by the elitists. I am sure that a lot of the new players want to arena and want to get better however how can they when this community has a tight knit elitists group who shut them out?

Don't get me wrong i think the fact that people want competitive games is a great thing, whoever they are- new or a vet. But if this community keeps shutting down new players by either not playing with them or against them, we will continue to grow apart as a community. Don't get me confused as I'm not promoting AP or want everyone to reroll on AP, but there is a large amount of faceless numbers there who are clearly not recognized. Until we allow and encourage them to play, we won't be doing our best to expand this bracket.

I understand that you have faced criticisms in the past but hope that you're not holding grudges against anyone, might be best for the future of F2P twinking if we move forward rather than complaining about the past :)
I agree with most of what you've said, however that 1100 hp mage is how most of us used to be when we started, a lot of people would be scared of losing because they're new and if they do something wrong they will get torn apart by the elitists. I am sure that a lot of the new players want to arena and want to get better however how can they when this community has a tight knit elitists group who shut them out?

I agree that in order to fix the problem--whether looking at it from an AP perspective or looking at it from the perspective of the whole TI community--there are things that need to be fixed and retaught on both ends of the spectrum. Reinforcing elitism and reinforcing maturity are not the same thing. We would probably need to come up with some sort of moderation community standard, and then give the ability to enforce it only to certain people who we all think can handle it appropriately. Food for thought, beyond my ability to expand on further as I'm out the door to head to class.
I agree with most of what you've said, however that 1100 hp mage is how most of us used to be when we started

Pre BoA BiS to join a premade imo. That's what it used to be, and it should still be. It shows you respect the group and you are willing to try before you enter a battleground.
A server to a F2P is almost like a guild, this is obvious. Guilds always have those members that everybody knows, or everybody looks up to. They are the big old guys, or the popular guys, or the people that talk about.

The people make up the atmosphere of the guild. The personalities, the way they act, the way they play, how they talk, how they treat other players sets the tone.

Aerie Peak is the typical "super guild" of hundreds of people that you often see. The thing about large guilds, you don't know everybody, there's no point in memorizing 100, to 200, to 300 different people. Cliques form, people start to flock to other people, and essentially those cliques break off from the server/guild and form their own on another server. Some people just break off to have a tightknit community without all the hype and activity. Some people break off to avoid a group of people. Some people break off because they have a different vision than what the majority has.

I play on Blackwing Lair because I don't like being in "super guilds". I want to play with a small/medium, but active group of players whom I all know and play with. When I get into a premade I want to know everybody. I want to rely on the people I'm playing with. When I look at my friends list, I want to see people I'm familiar with on. People mean much more in a community when the community isn't gigantic. I want to talk to people I'm familiar with.

Also the competition of server VS server in BGs is hilarious and fun.
u know y that 1100 hp mage doesn't give a shit when u tell him how to gear? HE HAS FUN WITHOUT IT.
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if u play to win ur an elitist and it's no wonder ur scaring away everyone else woh made ap fun
u know y that 1100 hp mage doesn't give a shit when u tell him how to gear? HE HAS FUN WITHOUT IT.
I play WoW to have fun, and losing isn't fun unless it's a really balanced, really close match. WoW is too time-consuming for losing to be considered fun most of the time.
if u play to win ur an elitist and it's no wonder ur scaring away everyone else woh made ap fun
u know y that 1100 hp mage doesn't give a shit when u tell him how to gear? HE HAS FUN WITHOUT IT.

Well that's fine, but that gets back to what I was saying "everyone wants different things and it's hard to have one realm/guild that covers all that." No guild does that and they shouldn't... If they do they tend pretty bad at both. It just becomes a catch all then. Which is maybe what everyone wants AP to be, idk....

It's the old saying "Jack of all trades, master of none"

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