You gave me the opportunity? How sweet. Keep dodging my challenge hiding behind the apologies you'll never get from me since i don't consider myself guilty of anything else than having a strong personality and standing up for my believes. Talking about pride, ofc i do, i'm a man. You want to prove me wrong big boy? Prove it on the ground, not on the forums twisting my words, insulting and quoting only what it suits you from every post that i make.
Rogues>Locks anytime, anyday. Accept the challenge, beat me with your "pro" lock and then you can have my apologies for being wrong on this subject. But, we all know this won't happen cuz you've chickened out hidind behind these forums, like i've previously stated.
And to clear some things up, yeah, i talk from my perspective, from my experience, from my gamestyle and from my knowledge on the rogue class. You can cry more about "crutching" Swiftpots cuz it's all you and your other buddy do, you know why? Because this is not cheating at all, it's not "unfair advantage", it's a thing every F2P can have. You need sitting ducks so you can kill with ease? Sorry kiddos, i teach people to be extremely useful and mobile on the battlefield, to be the exact thing expected from the rogue class, "most dangerous enemy from the shadows that you'll never seen him coming and when you see him, it's too late, you're doomed". Just cry more, it gives me great pleasure seeing you doing it.
And please for the love of God, don't start with reverse psichology and IRL stuff with me. Just don't.. kiddo
Over and out